Donald Trump is running for president

No one cares about the truth or reality anymore. We just want hot titles that fit our agenda

Yup. I mean how hard is it to research prior to actually BELIEVING an Alex Jones story? :lol: But then again what do you expect from the deplorable base?

Wilcox said he did vote for Trump on Tuesday, but no one in the crowd would have known that. He said the taunts appeared to come from people watching the beating, including one person at the bus stop who he heard say, "Yeah, it's one of them white boy Trump guys."
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Because Republicans show up to the polls more reliably than other political parties. If it suited them to abolish it (which I believe it should have been abolished a long time ago), I have no doubt they would have the voter base and financial backing to get rid of it

Bingo. There's a very deep problem with democrats and apathy.
Which is why I hope the joke that is electing a reality tv star as our nations leader is enough of a rude awakening to the people in this country that voting matters
i repped u by accident.

I don't want your rep bro
Because Republicans show up to the polls more reliably than other political parties. If it suited them to abolish it (which I believe it should have been abolished a long time ago), I have no doubt they would have the voter base and financial backing to get rid of it

I don't think this is true

I think Republican leaders are better at rallying their voters than Democratic leaders. I think Democratic leaders aren't the voice of most democrats and the people. Look at the extremes the people are willing to go to, the Trump protest, occupy wallstreet. That's young people. Republicans most vocal leaders are their most outspoken and conservative. The democratic leaders aren't progressive, they're ones who have been in power for decades who are influenced by big business and their donors just like Republicans. They don't want banks being taken to task like the people. They are out to do favors for those who help them get in power, not reflect the people or rock the boat.

Until Democrats start acting progressive and stop being ashamed of being labeled liberal, they're going to keep getting bullied and looked at as weak. I bet you being in the minority in the house and senate they won't do what the Republicans did. They'll bow down and let them get their way and say they tried. There's no way they should have allowed Republicans to get away with saying they weren't going to allow a Supreme Court seat the be filled for 10 months. Republicans don't even have to act on a threat, they just bluff.
When yall call Trump "reality tv star," I know its meant to be damming, but it doesn't make his election seem more of a reach when you look at other elected officials of the past. Wasnt Reagan a film actor? Jesse Ventura a wrestler (which is acting). Arnold Shwarz...... a box office action star.

America loves Hollywood
Ask the people of Minnesota and California how that worked out for them. And if you were a minority in the 80s Reagan as well? Those aren't great examples really. Reagan was at least a governor. 
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I love how everyone tries to gather context for the Trump supporter being attacked while the first video is accepted as gospel.

Both videos are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
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The video's already been posted and it's already been explained why it's title is need to be salty

And to be fair, the other video of dude getting shoved seems staged to me
California and New York are largely in part why she won the popular vote.
Yeap. and she didn't even win the popular vote by that much, like 1 million votes, when theres 39 million people living in California most of whom are liberals. 
When yall call Trump "reality tv star," I know its meant to be damming, but it doesn't make his election seem more of a reach when you look at other elected officials of the past. Wasnt Reagan a film actor? Jesse Ventura a wrestler (which is acting). Arnold Shwarz...... a box office action star.

America loves Hollywood
Ask the people of Minnesota and California how that worked out for them. And if you were a minority in the 80s Reagan as well? Those aren't great examples really. Reagan was at least a governor. 

This, those were terrible examples :lol: And just to add, Ventura served in the military, as did Arnold, even if it wasn't for more than a year.
Because Republicans show up to the polls more reliably than other political parties. If it suited them to abolish it (which I believe it should have been abolished a long time ago), I have no doubt they would have the voter base and financial backing to get rid of it

I don't think this is true

I think Republican leaders are better at rallying their voters than Democratic leaders. I think Democratic leaders aren't the voice of most democrats and the people. Look at the extremes the people are willing to go to, the Trump protest, occupy wallstreet. That's young people. Republicans most vocal leaders are their most outspoken and conservative. The democratic leaders aren't progressive, they're ones who have been in power for decades who are influenced by big business and their donors just like Republicans. They don't want banks being taken to task like the people. They are out to do favors for those who help them get in power, not reflect the people or rock the boat.

Until Democrats start acting progressive and stop being ashamed of being labeled liberal, they're going to keep getting bullied and looked at as weak. I bet you being in the minority in the house and senate they won't do what the Republicans did. They'll bow down and let them get their way and say they tried. There's no way they should have allowed Republicans to get away with saying they weren't going to allow a Supreme Court seat the be filled for 10 months. Republicans don't even have to act on a threat, they just bluff.

only codes she's getting is 1738, 420, and 69.

I see you playa potna
Thing is though that Dems had a chance to get a true liberal in Bernie in, and the ones that turned up for the primaries voted for Hillary
Crazy how fast people and the media have given President-ELECT(NOT President yet) Trump the respect of the office.
For a few weeks after Obama won in 2008 they were still calling him Mr. Obama, and even after the inauguration a lot of the analysts still called him Mr. Obama several times.
Even when it comes down to accepting election results. When Obama won in 2012, people and the media weren't trying to unite. And they proved that they weren't by pulling the same tactics for the entire 2nd term as they did the 1st term.

BUT NOW, all of the sudden its we should unite. And NOW the respect of the office has returned.
It really shows how much these racists didn't like PRESIDENT Obama

You and Van Jones really need to reevaluate your "whitelash" conspiracy theory. Even if a sliver of the population feels the way you describe, the fact is that a small group of trees does not represent the forest. Your choice to focus on the fringe is what caused you to miss the movement.

Obama ultimately represented the establishment. He started his campaign saying he would only take private donations, only to buckle to the banks and insurance companies (based on what we've seen from the bailouts and Obamacare). There's a reason he said that not getting votes for Hillary would mess up his legacy. Obama was a last-ditch attempt of the establishment to regain the collective trust of the American people.

It's ironic that I'm a truck driver that picks up trucks in Minnesota and drives them through the entire "rust belt" out to the east coast. ALL I saw was Trump signs. I also stopped at rest stops and diners and spoke with people. I found a lot common ground with people of all colors. I didn't understand at the time how important that area was, but i knew Trump had tapped into an organic groundswell movement.

Please make an attempt to let go of the media-driven "everything's racist" narrative and actually reach across the aisle and ask your fellow man why he voted opposite from you. Try to have a dialogue instead of walking up and telling people (falsely) why they did what they did. Everything isn't as black and white as you think.

Dude wtf are you talking about? Nothing in your response had anything to do with what I said.
I stated facts. People were still calling Obama "Mr Obama" AFTER he was inaugurated. That is a fact.
People are already calling Trump President instead of President-Elect. That is a fact.

What does that have to do with "a sliver of the population feeling the things I described"? People can feel however they want to but those things happened.
Just like when Obama was making an address and Rep Congressman Joe Wilson interrupted his speech by yelling out "You Lie!"

These are the types of things that HAPPENED, and were totally unprecedented concerning giving respect to the person who won the election fair and square.
You can feel however you want about it, but it happened. regardless of what race the president is he should still be respected as such.
Obama was never given that FULL respect, however Trump is getting that respect even before he is actually president.

Cut the BS. Nothing I said was a "media-driven" narrative. They are simply observations of the hypocritical nature of racists.
I was watching CNBC yesterday and this woman from West Virginia was thrilled about the Trump presidency and stated how excited she was about coal jobs returning. People get what they deserve. 
I was watching CNBC yesterday and this woman from West Virginia was thrilled about the Trump presidency and stated how excited she was about coal jobs returning. People get what they deserve. 
them backwoods ppl so dumb they really think the jobs that left long ago and basically don't exist in this country anymore are really coming back just cuz trump says so critical thinking at all with those folks, they been sitting around waiting on the return of their jobs for so long while not making any other moves...n just complain about everybody else :smh:
Yeap. and she didn't even win the popular vote by that much, like 1 million votes, when theres 39 million people living in California most of whom are liberals. 
Yeah, a "small loan of a million votes".

I guess a million is not as big of a number as

68K Pennsylvania votes

27K Wisconsin votes

12K Michigan votes

that decided the election in favor of The Bigot. But don't take it from me...
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