Donald Trump is running for president

Since these elections and the current ******* of black celebrities...I'm gonna go ahead and not like Americans in general. 
This election shows how much qualifications and preference matter in work/social aspects. I always said Day One of presidency Hillary would've been more qualified. But I believe thinkers/innovators like Ben Carson and Donald Trump are what this country is after. The liberal ideas are too mundane, people shouldn't have to wait four years to vote in a different version of the last president. Hillary in many ways would've been Obama revised. Trump is a fresh face in politics. I think he has tremendous potential based on his drive and determination. Carson may have been the smartest of all the potential presidential candidates - that is a very high skill set. He is underestimating himself. Would've been a good opportunity to put a respected member of the black community in a high ranking position.
A lot of people definitely want fresh faces in there (i.e. non-career politicians, before somebody says another white face), and I can see why- there's been so much corruption, financial bias, cronyism, and overall just too much money in politics in general. In lieu of that, its baffling to see some of Trump's cabinet choices when he was supposedly against career politicians in the first place. If we want corruption out of politics, then lets avoid these same corrupt politicians that have been the face for lobbyists and big money. No question Carson is an intelligent man, but I do question his leadership and choices- the man has some odd beliefs IMO as well. He seems like a nice guy, and honestly I don't know enough about him (I heard and saw enough from him to know he wasn't in the running for my choice though). I certainly would've given him a chance to prove himself though, just as I would anybody else that hasn't already proven otherwise.
Granted, you started with a good point in that Asian / African immigrants that come to the states now are far more educated. Also, without them being allowed working visa / continual entry, the brain-drain Silcon Valley and Wall Street utilize effectively will be gone. If that happens, you will see a gradual decline in American quality work force..... Because Americans HATE (STEM).

I DO disagree though with the idea that people feel "less pressure to succeed" here than where they come from. In reality, the actual notion is America is the best place to maximize their opportunity (specially in tech and finance ). They do FEEL more pressure to succeed and they first hand (unlike most Americans) understand that the opportunities are abundant as long as they are able to do what Americans despises (STEM major, the pursuant of higher degrees, ability to work long hours...etc) and the ability to take the knowledge back to else where.

Maybe I worded it wrong. I'll use South Korea as an example. I have friends from Korea that moved here recently. Their story is completely different than my parents and my American born Asian friends that I grew up with. 30 years ago, South Korea didn't have as many opportunities for making it big as they do now, which is why so many Koreans moved to California at the time (you can replace Korea with pretty much any Asian country before the 90s). They came here to provide education and job opportunities for their children.

Now, the country is an economic giant despite being 1/50th the size of the U.S. They don't need to come to schools here, and many people over there work extremely hard and and long hours to make sure @#$@ gets done. My Korean friends came from that environment and only like living in the U.S. because the expectations are so much lower here at work and life is much more laid back as a result. Their hard working mentality also stands out in a country full of 9-5ers and Trump supporters that whine all day instead of getting educated and working harder to progress in life.

And when I'm talking about Americans, I'm not talking about those people that have been disadvantaged. I'm talking about the people who have no excuses and have every opportunity available to them, but instead are waiting for the coal, mining, and factory jobs to come back :rolleyes

My company is based out in California, but we have offices in the Midwest now. Do you know how hard it is to find competent accountants, financial analysts, and engineers out in South Dakota and Nebraska? It took us WEEKS to find an accountant from there (that we ended up firing anyway) and we had to resort to outsourcing for engineers since we couldn't find a good candidate (compared to here in the Bay Area where you can find HUNDREDS of potential hires in a couple of days). Meanwhile all of our warehouse stocking positions got filled within a day :rolleyes I have nothing against blue collar work and respect anyone trying to make a living, but don't complain about immigrants taking the higher paying jobs when you refuse to educate and train yourselves.
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In the not-too-distant past, President-elect Donald Trump vowed to fight lawsuits against Trump University, the now defunct eponymous real-estate seminar program that former students alleged used aggressive marketing techniques to bilk them out of tens of thousands of dollars but failed to make good on promises to make them rich.
In February, Trump tweeted, “Trump University has a 98% approval rating. I could have settled but won't out of principle!”

“I don’t settle lawsuits,” Trump later explained to an Arkansas crowd after his primary opponents began using Trump University as evidence that the real estate developer and reality television star was simply a con man. “Probably should have settled it, but I just can’t do that. Mentally I can’t do it. I’d rather spend a lot more money and fight it.”
He got the “spend a lot of money” part right, anyway.
Through his lawyers, Trump has negotiated a deal that will cost him $25 million to settle three separate lawsuits against Trump University, according to a statement released by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on Friday. The victims—some 6,000 people in New York, California, and Florida—will each receive restitution while up to $1 million will be paid to New York state as a penalty for violating education laws, according to Schneiderman’s statement. Requests for comment from Trump, his children, and his lawyer, were not returned.
In the not-too-distant past, President-elect Donald Trump vowed to fight lawsuits against Trump University, the now defunct eponymous real-estate seminar program that former students alleged used aggressive marketing techniques to bilk them out of tens of thousands of dollars but failed to make good on promises to make them rich.
In February, Trump tweeted, “Trump University has a 98% approval rating. I could have settled but won't out of principle!”

“I don’t settle lawsuits,” Trump later explained to an Arkansas crowd after his primary opponents began using Trump University as evidence that the real estate developer and reality television star was simply a con man. “Probably should have settled it, but I just can’t do that. Mentally I can’t do it. I’d rather spend a lot more money and fight it.”
He got the “spend a lot of money” part right, anyway.
Through his lawyers, Trump has negotiated a deal that will cost him $25 million to settle three separate lawsuits against Trump University, according to a statement released by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on Friday. The victims—some 6,000 people in New York, California, and Florida—will each receive restitution while up to $1 million will be paid to New York state as a penalty for violating education laws, according to Schneiderman’s statement. Requests for comment from Trump, his children, and his lawyer, were not returned.
That looks bad. The sum doesn't matter as much as the fact that it includes a penalty for violating education laws. This is different than an undisclosed settlement with no admission of guilt, unless I'm reading this wrong.

I guess Trump is a resume filler. This will go up there with his bankruptcies and other failures in life.
In the not-too-distant past, President-elect Donald Trump vowed to fight lawsuits against Trump University, the now defunct eponymous real-estate seminar program that former students alleged used aggressive marketing techniques to bilk them out of tens of thousands of dollars but failed to make good on promises to make them rich.
In February, Trump tweeted, “Trump University has a 98% approval rating. I could have settled but won't out of principle!”

“I don’t settle lawsuits,” Trump later explained to an Arkansas crowd after his primary opponents began using Trump University as evidence that the real estate developer and reality television star was simply a con man. “Probably should have settled it, but I just can’t do that. Mentally I can’t do it. I’d rather spend a lot more money and fight it.”
He got the “spend a lot of money” part right, anyway.
Through his lawyers, Trump has negotiated a deal that will cost him $25 million to settle three separate lawsuits against Trump University, according to a statement released by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on Friday. The victims—some 6,000 people in New York, California, and Florida—will each receive restitution while up to $1 million will be paid to New York state as a penalty for violating education laws, according to Schneiderman’s statement. Requests for comment from Trump, his children, and his lawyer, were not returned.
That looks bad. The sum doesn't matter as much as the fact that it includes a penalty for violating education laws. This is different than an undisclosed settlement with no admission of guilt, unless I'm reading this wrong.

I guess Trump is a resume filler. This will go up there with his bankruptcies and other failures in life.
And people have the nerve to say he's anti establishment :lol:
Guy is a fox guarding the hen house the next 4 years
Baseline - you don't even know me or where I'm from. You keep picking the bad apple instead of admiring the tree. Love me, please that is all I ask.

I dont clump all trump supporters as racists...

Although the ones that arent turned a blind eye to it.

You basically said..
"hey! I dont know anybody illegal, so **** em"
I dont clump all trump supporters as racists...

Although the ones that arent turned a blind eye to it.

You basically said..
"hey! I dont know anybody illegal, so **** em"

I live in the northeast where the only boarding country is Canada where unlike in the southwest there are not these striking issues with boarder control so I'm sure my idea of the concept is not as present as in other parts of the US. Please just save the bashing on any level - try to pose or frame questions that may lead to a more thought provoking convo. Racism is such an old topic. For example, yes telephones are still relevant but they are old - keep the conversation smart phone level (if you catch my drift).
We're definitely not going to stop talking about racism any time soon

But don't fret, there are plenty of other places online that you can use to insulate yourself from reality
I live in the northeast where the only boarding country is Canada where unlike in the southwest there are not these striking issues with boarder control so I'm sure my idea of the concept is not as present as in other parts of the US. Please just save the bashing on any level - try to pose or frame questions that may lead to a more thought provoking convo. Racism is such an old topic. For example, yes telephones are still relevant but they are old - keep the conversation smart phone level (if you catch my drift).

I get what your saying..but im gonna have to chalk that up to where your from.

Yes, racism is old. But that dosent mean its still not completly relevant today.

Lets not forget the department of justice did an investigation into the ferguson Missouri police department and found out that, yes theyre racist
I get what your saying..but im gonna have to chalk that up to where your from.

Yes, racism is old. But that dosent mean its still not completly relevant today.

Lets not forget the department of justice did an investigation into the ferguson Missouri police department and found out that, yes theyre racist

Racism when proven in a court of law has been penalized heavily and can be acted upon in regards to upholding the law. So if you are racist and have anything to lose proceed with caution. But we aren't talking about disliking people because of their skin color - OR ARE WE?!?! If so count me out. I think Trump isn't inherently racist - but I do believe he is not nieve to the fact that people are racist and it can have an affect on the way people perceive and do business. Which is more of a stereotype - like I would pick a Mexican to farm my land instead of a white man not because I'm racist but I may be influenced by negative stereotypes which I am ultimately trying to avoid in the forum altogether. Get it???
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Racism when proven in a court of law has been penalized heavily and can be acted upon in regards to upholding the law. So if you are racist and have anything to lose proceed with caution. But we aren't talking about disliking people because of their skin color - OR ARE WE?!?! If so count me out. I think Trump isn't inherently racist - but I do believe he is not nieve to the fact that people are racist and it can have an affect on the way people perceive and do business. Which is more of a stereotype - like I would pick a Mexican to farm my land instead of a white man not because I'm racist but I may be influenced by negative stereotypes which I am ultimately trying to avoid in the forum altogether. Get it???

Yes we are talking about not liking people because of their skin color...thats what racism is.....

I honeslty cannot tell if your tryna troll me.
You said you would pick a mexican first...but your trying to avoid stereotypes?

Why not just hire the more qualified person?
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