Donald Trump is running for president

Anyone see Trump's tweets on Twitter? :rofl:
Guy is literally wishing for safe spaces for his presidency :rofl:
You seem pretty decent so me making sense of your situation shouldn't be so difficult.
First off let me say I personally can sympathize with you. My grandparent had to wait years (close to two decades) before she was granted a visa to visit the US and she did not come until her latter years. So I get it. But the country she was migrating from does not have a natural land connection to the US so she didn't have a choice of "jumping the fence". My family did the process the right way - the legal way! And once she was here she nor my family had to look over our shoulders and my grandparent was able to absorb many of the benefits all Americans have access to which usually starts with proper documentation.

Secondly, to address the oppression and government, etc. I get it. China has 1B+ people and that is why human labor is so cheap and wages are relatively low. But if they are getting paid minimum wage (which I've read is ¢.55 per hour/16 hour shifts) then why work at all - you mean to tell me your family can not afford to send your relatives that same amount each month so they can enjoy their lives and not struggle, WHERE IS THE LOVE?!?! Trump has stated that the illegal immigrants come with costs that the country can not afford to burden much longer if we are trying to kill the deficit, improve the overall quality of current stateside residents and allocate resources efficiently. How can you when there are an X number of people absorbing those same benefits that are not being accounted for. IT. IS. A. PROCESS. If people followed the rules America as a whole would not be in the mess we are in today - that is what Trump (a fellow economics major might I add) is saying and you all cannot see. It is called E C O N O M I C S !!! Get ya degree people then come talk to me. illmatic34 illmatic34 Do you agree, care to add???

BTW I'm gonna start chargin' for the knowledge I'm dropping.

I'm not trusting anyone who lies 71 percent of the time. Immigrants are the backbone of our economy.

We can allocate the wasted money we spend on "national defense" to something that will benefit a great deal of our citizens like universal healthcare, pensions, etc.
Anyone see Trump's tweets on Twitter?

Guy is literally wishing for safe spaces for his presidency
Sounds like da Donald got "triggered"

It's really bizarre. The most sensitive people constantly claiming otherwise, like Ninja out here crying and running to meth.
This dude Trump thinks because he's president elect he can just demand people to Apologize :lol:

Dictator Donald.
As somebody who doesn't identify as rep. or dem., it's funny watching the same people that cried about Obama being disrespected and then cried foul at trump for being disrespectful- when the tables turn you think it's comical and he's the soft one whenever the opposite disrespects them. A bunch of finger pointers in here and sore losers. It was wrong when it was Obama and it's wrong now- save the retorts because there's no justifying the childish mentality. Grow up already, acting like this truly is a reality show and nothing is at stake here- maybe if you would've done more instead of posting videos and memes your choice could've had a better chance
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As somebody who doesn't identify as rep. or dem., it's funny watching the same people that cried about Obama being disrespected and then cried foul at trump for being disrespectful- when the tables turn you think it's comical and he's the soft one whenever the opposite disrespects them. A bunch of finger pointers in here and sore losers. It was wrong when it was Obama and it's wrong now- save the retorts because there's no justifying the childish mentality. Grow up already, acting like this truly is a reality show and nothing is at stake here- maybe if you would've done more instead of posting on videos and memes your choice could've had a better chance
Did obama ever demand an apology when he got booed?
Did George w Bush ever demand an apology when he got booed?
Cmon now
You can't defend how soft our next president is like right now
As somebody who doesn't identify as rep. or dem., it's funny watching the same people that cried about Obama being disrespected and then cried foul at trump for being disrespectful- when the tables turn you think it's comical and he's the soft one whenever the opposite disrespects them. A bunch of finger pointers in here and sore losers. It was wrong when it was Obama and it's wrong now- save the retorts because there's no justifying the childish mentality. Grow up already, acting like this truly is a reality show and nothing is at stake here- maybe if you would've done more instead of posting on videos and memes your choice could've had a better chance

Yeah guys lets show the soft bigoted cry baby scammer who doesn't respect anyone else some respect.
^ I didn't defend him at all though, this isn't about one side or another to me. It's about a problem
First off
How did the Hamilton cast disrespect him?
If you actually saw the video, it was only the audience booing Pence.
Second, the Hamilton cast addressed Pence in a polite manner.
Presidents get booed all the time. Trump should suck it up like the previous presidents that took the criticism.
I had no problem with people booing Obama.

It was racist dog whistles, the refusing bipartisanship, the racist Tea Party signs and chants, the birth movement that was a nod to Jim Crow, and the outright lies about the man himself and his policy proposals I had a problem with. And through all that, Obeezy took it on the chin and showed empathy, he acted like an adult

I can't say that about Trump
Wow, you guys are ready to throw down. It's not that serious. Make the best of it gents. He won't be President forever.
That wasn't my point either, it's about hypocrisy and seriousness. Division of political parties, ignorance, division of race- and all this is doing nothing to help
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