Donald Trump is running for president

Dry bulk shipping had its worse quarter in 30 years early this year


Because the demand in coal dropped from China with all their regulations coming in.

Besides, Americans ain't working coal mine jobs for what they will pay.

Coal mine =\= oil fields
Once again Trump supporters...those old jobs ain't coming back, can't turn back the hands of time on that front ...y'all better hope trump has a plan to get some new type of jobs to them Middle of nowhere places

I've been reading stuff about some of these places had factories/jobs gone for over 20 years now n the few residents left in this towns still waiting on them to come back ...all of a sudden they think trump gon magically make that happen now? :lol: ...they shoulda been "picked up the bootstraps" years ago like they tell everybody else
Dry bulk shipping had its worse quarter in 30 years early this year


Because the demand in coal dropped from China with all their regulations coming in.

Besides, Americans ain't working coal mine jobs for what they will pay.

Coal mine =\= oil fields

once Trump drops out da paris accords, China will follow and there goes all those regulations.

India already is coal Rich & will be business as usual.

besides all that, there is no steel without coal, u need it in manufacturing it with da iron ore.
Dry bulk shipping had its worse quarter in 30 years early this year


Because the demand in coal dropped from China with all their regulations coming in.

Besides, Americans ain't working coal mine jobs for what they will pay.

Coal mine =\= oil fields

once Trump drops out da paris accords, China will follow and there goes all those regulations.

India already is coal Rich & will be business as usual.

besides all that, there is no steel without coal, u need it in manufacturing it with da iron ore.

China and India have 1/3 of the world population within their respective borders. It is not in their best interest to see arable land diminish as a result of climate change and deforestation. You ever been in a famine riot? They're not trying to deal with that.

The world has bigger problems than driving OG era muscle cars.
Once again Trump supporters...those old jobs ain't coming back, can't turn back the hands of time on that front ...y'all better hope trump has a plan to get some new type of jobs to them Middle of nowhere places

I've been reading stuff about some of these places had factories/jobs gone for over 20 years now n the few residents left in this towns still waiting on them to come back ...all of a sudden they think trump gon magically make that happen now? :lol: ...they shoulda been "picked up the bootstraps" years ago like they tell everybody else

I won't even fault Trump anymore, he won the election BEING TRUMP, he didn't change his character at all, he's always been a lying, scamming, con artist and these dummies got GOT....America wasn't ready to deal with the wits of a New Yorker :lol:

Jobs back? 6 months from now he's gonna deny he ever said that :lol:
Dry bulk shipping had its worse quarter in 30 years early this year


Because the demand in coal dropped from China with all their regulations coming in.

Besides, Americans ain't working coal mine jobs for what they will pay.

Coal mine =\= oil fields

once Trump drops out da paris accords, China will follow and there goes all those regulations.

India already is coal Rich & will be business as usual.

besides all that, there is no steel without coal, u need it in manufacturing it with da iron ore.

China and India have 1/3 of the world population within their respective borders. It is not in their best interest to see arable land diminish as a result of climate change and deforestation. You ever been in a famine riot? They're not trying to deal with that.

The world has bigger problems than driving OG era muscle cars.

ur not addressing da point.

-Trump will pull out of da climate accords

-India & China will continue to use Coal

-besides being cheap energy, coal is essential in forging steel.

its being idealistic to put it flattering face on to think Coal is going anywhere anytime soon.
China and India have 1/3 of the world population within their respective borders. It is not in their best interest to see arable land diminish as a result of climate change and deforestation. You ever been in a famine riot? They're not trying to deal with that.

The world has bigger problems than driving OG era muscle cars.

Spot on.

More so then environmental, people are dying. There was a recent plant explosion like 2 weeks ago.

I won't even fault Trump anymore, he won the election BEING TRUMP, he didn't change his character at all, he's always been a lying, scamming, con artist and these dummies got GOT....America wasn't ready to deal with the wits of a New Yorker :lol:

Jobs back? 6 months from now he's gonna deny he ever said that :lol:

Kinfoe got them middle class white folks hook, line and sinker.
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See this is not true unfortunately.

The truth is that many of his supporters are racists and do look down on anyone who's not a white male protestant.

Ideas such as bringing back jobs and making America great again and securing our borders and not being PC anymore are all code for what Trump was intentionally appealing to: racism, misogyny, and hate.

Let's call a spade a spade and not keep giving people a pass for voting in an election where we knew exactly who the hell Trump was.

I agree with you my reading back my wording was kind of confusing. I dont think all his supporters are racist, some were just indifferent to it and the rest of the stuff he was peddling.
Your ignorance that you think immigrants are ruining America

I Was Really Referring To People Not From New York City In General. And When Did I Say Immigrants Are Ruining America?!?! Just In Case You Haven't Realized, Anything Illegal In This Country Falls Under The President's Responsibility - So That Includes "Illegal" Immigrants. You Should Stop Crying About It In General. I've Seen One Person Deported In My Life And I Heard No Racial Undertones Related To The Matter - It Was Strictly Tied To Illegal Activity And Such. Stop Making It An Ethnic Issue. I Personally Do Not Care. Not High On My List Of Concerns. Most If Not All The People I Associate And Affiliate With Are American Citizens - Documented! Move On You Seem Hurt.
Your ignorance that you think immigrants are ruining America

I Was Really Referring To People Not From New York City In General. And When Did I Say Immigrants Are Ruining America?!?! Just In Case You Haven't Realized, Anything Illegal In This Country Falls Under The President's Responsibility - So That Includes "Illegal" Immigrants. You Should Stop Crying About It In General. I've Seen One Person Deported In My Life And I Heard No Racial Undertones Related To The Matter - It Was Strictly Tied To Illegal Activity And Such. Stop Making It An Ethnic Issue. I Personally Do Not Care. Not High On My List Of Concerns. Most If Not All The People I Associate And Affiliate With Are American Citizens - Documented! Move On You Seem Hurt.
Your ignorance that you think immigrants are ruining America
Where did he say that? That may be one of the platforms that he ran on, and that you heard about the most due to its controversy- but supporting him now doesn't necessarily mean you agree with everything he said. It appears that he will become president soon so whether or not I like/liked him is irrelevant. Time to support him when he does become president, or you can be one of the fools/problem children just like the morons that were anti-Obama and never gave him a chance.
Where did he say that? That may be one of the platforms that he ran on, and that you heard about the most due to its controversy- but supporting him now doesn't necessarily mean you agree with everything he said. It appears that he will become president soon so whether or not I like/liked him is irrelevant. Time to support him when he does become president, or you can be one of the fools/problem children just like the morons that were anti-Obama and never gave him a chance.

Trump wants support? Then invite Muslims and people of color into his penthouse and have dinner with them. So us all that you're not a bigot. Apologize to the Mexicans whom aren't rapists or murderers. Apologize to the millions of Americans that are now living in fear. Have an open discussion on police brutality and support people of color whom are victimized on the daily. Do you really need me to go on as to why the 60+ million of Americans won't support him today, next year or 4 years from now?!?! Unity in America is DEAD and sadly it will take an event like 9/11 for us to STOP HATING one another.
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Your ignorance that you think immigrants are ruining America

Where did he say that? That may be one of the platforms that he ran on, and that you heard about the most due to its controversy- but supporting him now doesn't necessarily mean you agree with everything he said. It appears that he will become president soon so whether or not I like/liked him is irrelevant. Time to support him when he does become president, or you can be one of the fools/problem children just like the morons that were anti-Obama and never gave him a chance.

Did I ever say today that I'm not giving Trump a chance?
I literally called out MisterTwoThree stance on immigration
Dude then continued to deflect by saying "Oh I meant the illegal immigrants hurt durr"
We all knew what he meant.
I agree with you my reading back my wording was kind of confusing. I dont think all his supporters are racist, some were just indifferent to it and the rest of the stuff he was peddling.
For sure. I think we're largely in agreement.

I just think we need to confront the fact that a lot of Trump voters are ok with the various racist-lite ideas out there, like that blacks are lazy and violent and all live off welfare, etc. But I also think we shouldn't necessarily demonize them all but instead try to reach out to those who can be swayed.
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