DONE DEAL: Shaq to Cleveland for Sasha Pavlovic and Ben Wallace/ EDIT: Villanueva next???

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43



damn the more i think about it, the more this move makes so much sense ... you already had an aging big man in Z who has a few years left at best ... and dudewas playing big minutes for you last year ... you dump salary once shaqs contract is off the books in a year and you have two big men who bring differentaspects to the game who can spell each other ...

you bring z in to spread the floor and let lebron work and put shaq in when lebron is on the bench getting some rest and let the guards run post plays to openup 3s ... put shaq and bron on the floor together and you can do anything you want save for count on a shaq 15 foot jumper ...
damnn so many lakers fans are salty

lebron is bout to be the regular season mvp and the finals mvp
True it doesnt help the long term thought for Lebron but they gonna try to get him the chip while they can and worry about him leaving after next year. For allanyone knows hes made up his mind about where hes going already. No1 knows except Bron.
LeBron wanted Shaq so they got Shaq.

If the Cavs get a 4 that can space the floor this will work out well. Cavs also maintain flexibility for the 2010 off season.
Who knew the Cavs were in need of another slow-footed center? Completely disregard the fact that their backcourt is small, unathletic, and choked in theplayoffs.

Is Phoenix' medical staff included in the trade? Shaq back in a half-court offense doesn't sound very promising for his weight control andconditioning.

I'm sure it's all already been mentioned, but I'm not reading through all this jive.
All jokes aside, Shaq last year had Nash, Stat (part of the year) J-Rich, Barbosa, Hill, and Barnes, and they couldn't even make the playoffs.

Now Shaq is a year older, and is going to have Bron and who else that can score? Mo? West? Boobie? That group is an upgrade over Phoenix?

And I know, as OC always says, "they play that D" uh huh. Shaq won't be playing as good of D as Ben was last year, and Ben was not the sameBen. That should say something to Cavs fans.

Shaq may open up some spot up shooting, that may help, but it means that West and Mo will need to be on point all year, no guarantee. And if Bron doesn'tcontinue to add to his jumper.........
(I think Bron will get better with his J, just sayin if he doesn't, it will be a problem)

Another one is Shaq could clog the lane a bit for Bron. He needs those lanes, they may not be there now. Bron and Z runnin the pick and pop works well in thereg season, running it with Shaq won't be the same, someone like D12 won't even need to come out vs Shaq, so that ain't good.

Shaq's free throws will cost Cleveland a few games. Get used to it. It's going to happen. He always has a good game here and there, we've allseen it, but we've all also seen him have 50 bad ones. If I see one Cleveland fan try to tell me that he will shoot his free throws better now, I will banyou myself.

And finally, Shaq's conditioning. Out in Phoenix, it worked miracles for him. Their trainers, the whether, etc etc etc. But look clsely here, Orlando,LA, Miami, Phoenix, Cleveland. Which of these cities don't belong? Thas right, the city where it will be freezing for 5 months. Is that going to help a38 year old 300 pound man feel good for 8-9 months? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, he is not going to be as healthy as he was last season.

Anyone sees any flaws in what I have just said, please, bring them to my attention immediately.
And finally, Shaq's conditioning. Out in Phoenix, it worked miracles for him. Their trainers, the whether, etc etc etc. But look clsely here, Orlando, LA, Miami, Phoenix, Cleveland. Which of these cities don't belong? Thas right, the city where it will be freezing for 5 months. Is that going to help a 38 year old 300 pound man feel good for 8-9 months? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, he is not going to be as healthy as he was last season.

that's a good point.. Shaq will probably be miserable in Cleveland and will try to get out to Florida/Cali as much as he can.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

And finally, Shaq's conditioning. Out in Phoenix, it worked miracles for him. Their trainers, the whether, etc etc etc. But look clsely here, Orlando, LA, Miami, Phoenix, Cleveland. Which of these cities don't belong? Thas right, the city where it will be freezing for 5 months. Is that going to help a 38 year old 300 pound man feel good for 8-9 months? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, he is not going to be as healthy as he was last season.

that's a good point.. Shaq will probably be miserable in Cleveland and will try to get out to Florida/Cali as much as he can.

Shaq has gone on record and said anywhere he gets traded he wants it to have warm weather year-round. That cold weather is going to eat him up, plus no PhoenixSuns training staff that revitalized Grant Hill's career ... factor all that in; Shaq will be very limited.
Originally Posted by CP1708

All jokes aside, Shaq last year had Nash, Stat (part of the year) J-Rich, Barbosa, Hill, and Barnes, and they couldn't even make the playoffs.

Now Shaq is a year older, and is going to have Bron and who else that can score? Mo? West? Boobie? That group is an upgrade over Phoenix?

And I know, as OC always says, "they play that D" uh huh. Shaq won't be playing as good of D as Ben was last year, and Ben was not the same Ben. That should say something to Cavs fans.

Shaq may open up some spot up shooting, that may help, but it means that West and Mo will need to be on point all year, no guarantee. And if Bron doesn't continue to add to his jumper.........
(I think Bron will get better with his J, just sayin if he doesn't, it will be a problem)

Another one is Shaq could clog the lane a bit for Bron. He needs those lanes, they may not be there now. Bron and Z runnin the pick and pop works well in the reg season, running it with Shaq won't be the same, someone like D12 won't even need to come out vs Shaq, so that ain't good.

Shaq's free throws will cost Cleveland a few games. Get used to it. It's going to happen. He always has a good game here and there, we've all seen it, but we've all also seen him have 50 bad ones. If I see one Cleveland fan try to tell me that he will shoot his free throws better now, I will ban you myself.

And finally, Shaq's conditioning. Out in Phoenix, it worked miracles for him. Their trainers, the whether, etc etc etc. But look clsely here, Orlando, LA, Miami, Phoenix, Cleveland. Which of these cities don't belong? Thas right, the city where it will be freezing for 5 months. Is that going to help a 38 year old 300 pound man feel good for 8-9 months? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, he is not going to be as healthy as he was last season.

Anyone sees any flaws in what I have just said, please, bring them to my attention immediately.
for the record your avy still epicly wins ...

as for the hogwash you just posted though ... lebron > nash j rich and every other player on the suns squad ...

who else that can score? dont let one series fool you, mo williams is a scorer and simply choked against the magic ... they were fine all year at guard upuntil the magic series and it was because they couldnt knock down shots, it happens ...

as for defense ... your e underestimating the toll it takes on a big man to guard shaq on the offensive end ... imagine shaq digging in your *$@* and dunkingon you and coming down the court with a sore rib here and there, *$@* is not fun and will take softees out of their offensive game ... big men againstcleveland had to play 0 defense aside from waiting for someone to drive and trying to swat at a layup ...

and this clog the lane nonsense ... yeah shaq clogged the lane for d wade and kobe too ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

damn so cleveland wont win 68 games or whatever they did they might win 63 ... ... ... ... ...

shaqs will to do it "one more time" and *$@* on the nay sayers > his laziness ... check dudes twitter hes always talking about how hard hes beenworking out and how he wants to be in the best shape possible for the next 2 years ...
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

shaq to the cavs isnt gonna stop Lebron from thinking about leaving for new york...shaq is a short term plan...while Lebron wanted a player that can compliment him in the long run

Basically. Lebron wants someone he can build a dynasty with and Shaq isn't that player.
Originally Posted by CP1708

All jokes aside, Shaq last year had Nash, Stat (part of the year) J-Rich, Barbosa, Hill, and Barnes, and they couldn't even make the playoffs.

Now Shaq is a year older, and is going to have Bron and who else that can score? Mo? West? Boobie? That group is an upgrade over Phoenix?

And I know, as OC always says, "they play that D" uh huh. Shaq won't be playing as good of D as Ben was last year, and Ben was not the same Ben. That should say something to Cavs fans.

Shaq may open up some spot up shooting, that may help, but it means that West and Mo will need to be on point all year, no guarantee. And if Bron doesn't continue to add to his jumper.........
(I think Bron will get better with his J, just sayin if he doesn't, it will be a problem)

Another one is Shaq could clog the lane a bit for Bron. He needs those lanes, they may not be there now. Bron and Z runnin the pick and pop works well in the reg season, running it with Shaq won't be the same, someone like D12 won't even need to come out vs Shaq, so that ain't good.

Shaq's free throws will cost Cleveland a few games. Get used to it. It's going to happen. He always has a good game here and there, we've all seen it, but we've all also seen him have 50 bad ones. If I see one Cleveland fan try to tell me that he will shoot his free throws better now, I will ban you myself.

And finally, Shaq's conditioning. Out in Phoenix, it worked miracles for him. Their trainers, the whether, etc etc etc. But look clsely here, Orlando, LA, Miami, Phoenix, Cleveland. Which of these cities don't belong? Thas right, the city where it will be freezing for 5 months. Is that going to help a 38 year old 300 pound man feel good for 8-9 months? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, he is not going to be as healthy as he was last season.

Anyone sees any flaws in what I have just said, please, bring them to my attention immediately.
I am a fan of this trade and I agree with everything said here. I don't think Shaq's negatives outweigh the fact that Cleveland gave upnothing to get him.

Alright. Next. What wing players are available? Which ones do the Cavs have a legit chance of getting?
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

shaq to the cavs isnt gonna stop Lebron from thinking about leaving for new york...shaq is a short term plan...while Lebron wanted a player that can compliment him in the long run

Basically. Lebron wants someone he can build a dynasty with and Shaq isn't that player.
jesus h christ are yall that remedial? shaq comes off the books next year this frees up all their money for the big free agency market in 10 ...... ...
Steve Kerr better have something planned with that extra money from Wallace.

Shaq in Cavs is not going to work. The only dunks you'll see Lebron get now is on fastbreaks.
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