Don't post in this thread. Find the official gta V thread. K thx


im ready
Originally Posted by aztek67890

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Originally Posted by aztek67890

GTA 5 will release sometime between January and March 2012

Where did you read that at?
A Supposedly very reliable European gaming website


Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

-First that's not enough time for them to Market the game in magazines, gaming websites, TV ads, etc.

-Second Max Payne 3 is already confirmed and scheduled for a Spring 2012 release. No way R* is going to sabotage and take sales & $$$ away from one of their own game releases.

-Third look at the history of the GTA games GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, and GTA IV all were released in October of the years they came out. 
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by aztek67890

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Where did you read that at?
A Supposedly very reliable European gaming website


Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

-First that's not enough time for them to Market the game in magazines, gaming websites, TV ads, etc.

-Second Max Payne 3 is already confirmed and scheduled for a Spring 2012 release. No way R* is going to sabotage and take sales & $$$ away from one of their own game releases.

-Third look at the history of the GTA games GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, and GTA IV all were released in October of the years they came out. 
ok. just posting what the game stop website posted, GTA IV came out in April , it was delayed numerous times if i remember correctly which will most likely happen to this.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by aztek67890

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Where did you read that at?
A Supposedly very reliable European gaming website

Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

-First that's not enough time for them to Market the game in magazines, gaming websites, TV ads, etc.

-Second Max Payne 3 is already confirmed and scheduled for a Spring 2012 release. No way R* is going to sabotage and take sales & $$$ away from one of their own game releases.

-Third look at the history of the GTA games GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, and GTA IV all were released in October of the years they came out. 
No, GTA IV was released in April. a spring 2012 release for GTA V would line up perfectly with the every four year schedule they've been on since San Andreas. 
and that's more than enough time to market a game that basically markets it self.  IV was a different animal since it was the first next gen GTA but I dont remember the ad campaign for San Andreas kicking off until the end of spring 04 and like you said that went ahead and dropped october 04. 

you have a point with Max Payne but at this point either release date could be pushed back.

yall need to be cool with the ducktales accusations. there's a difference between a fib and speculation, the latter is exactly what this thread is. if you taking what anyone says as gospel that's on you.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Yeah it should come out Oct 12 I don't think any big games are coming out next year except for bioshock.

Halo 4
COD:Black Ops follow up

Just to name to heavy hitters... you already mentioned Bioshock!
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by aztek67890

It will probably be pushed back anyways
Well I'll be damned.
I'm sorry for doubting you.

There's nothing reliable about that at all. It's just a placeholder date.

If it's not on all the major game sites then it's not true. Gamestop's german website will NEVER have the inside scoop on the release date of any game.
Rockstar Games initially appeared to be committed to the original 16 October 2007 release date. However, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter suggested that Take-Two may choose to delay the release of the game in order to boost its financial results for 2008 and to avoid competing with the release of other highly anticipated titles. Rockstar responded by saying that Grand Theft Auto IV was still on track for release in "late October". On 2 August 2007, Take-Two announced that Grand Theft Auto IV would miss its original release date of 16 October 2007 contrary to their previous statements, and would be delayed to their second fiscal quarter (February–April) of 2008. Their stated reason for the date change was "due to additional development time required to complete the title." In a later conference call with investors, Take-Two's Strauss Zelnick attributed the delay to "almost strictly technological problems... not problems, but challenges." It was revealed that technical difficulties with the PlayStation 3 version of the game contributed to the delay. On 24 January 2008, Take-Two announced that Grand Theft Auto IV would be released on 29 April 2008. At a Take-Two shareholder meeting on 18 April 2008, Take-Two CEO Ben Feder announced that GTA IV had already "gone gold" and was "in production and in trucks en route to retailers" Overall, Grand Theft Auto IV took over 1000 people and more than three and a half years to complete, with a total cost estimated at approximately $100 million, making it together with Shenmue one of the two most expensive games ever developed. (Shenmue had a production cost of $70 million which considering inflation to date is also approximately $100 million.)

First few sentences are what's relevant to the discussion regarding release dates.
I found the order of the GTA series to be weird.
Vice City

San Andreas



But it makes sense now.

But as for V 

I agree on the next year thing, it won't be released next year, too much hype around Max Payne 3.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Yeah it should come out Oct 12 I don't think any big games are coming out next year except for bioshock.

Halo 4
COD:Black Ops follow up

Just to name to heavy hitters... you already mentioned Bioshock!

There's this small game called Mass Effect 3 coming out next year too...
no way it comes out that soon. period. promotion and info for san andreas started dropping close to a yr prior to release. this will clearly be bigger, no way it drops 5 months from now. come on yall, think logically. Rockstar puts tonssssss of dough into promotion, they have it to spend, i doubt they would randomally switch up the formula now with something that has been so lucrative for them. Trust has no idea when the game is dropping. they just through that on there to give the consumer piece of mind, so they can gon head and reserve it. Telling me a date is alot more calming and reassuring so i cant give you money over just taking my money and telling me to stay tuned.

I expect this game to drop, at the earliest, next fall. at the latest...April-!*% 2013..
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