Don't Simp. It does not work

Originally Posted by solefood229

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I love how cats like Dirtylicious and such go out of their way to question and shoot down their fellow male-brothers when simping is mentioned

When the truth is, as men we are correct in NOT wanting to simp. The reason for that is because simping is considered to be excessive waste of time, stress, and money with no benefit. Why in the world should we willfully simp in order to satisfy some outdated template for dating that may not suit either party?

Simping involves taking an emotional L, and unlike women, it isn't beneficial for us to take L after L after L in the dating world in order to find what we like. It's not the same. IT IS NOT THE SAME
Simping is leading yourself on, not actively pursuing a realistic romantic goal.

Simping isn't being nice or being courteous. It is wasted action on your behalf that is spent on a woman who does not return the same interest. It is blind hope in the imaginary future scenario of love or sex with the person in front of you. It is NOT doing nice/costly things with a person who genuinely feels the same way and will show it. If she's your girlfriend or wife, a good deed is NOT simping at all, and for you to call it simping just makes it disrespectful to what yall have. Simping is at a much lower level than regular romantic interaction.
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Originally Posted by solefood229

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I love how cats like Dirtylicious and such go out of their way to question and shoot down their fellow male-brothers when simping is mentioned

When the truth is, as men we are correct in NOT wanting to simp. The reason for that is because simping is considered to be excessive waste of time, stress, and money with no benefit. Why in the world should we willfully simp in order to satisfy some outdated template for dating that may not suit either party?

Simping involves taking an emotional L, and unlike women, it isn't beneficial for us to take L after L after L in the dating world in order to find what we like. It's not the same. IT IS NOT THE SAME
Simping is leading yourself on, not actively pursuing a realistic romantic goal.

Simping isn't being nice or being courteous. It is wasted action on your behalf that is spent on a woman who does not return the same interest. It is blind hope in the imaginary future scenario of love or sex with the person in front of you. It is NOT doing nice/costly things with a person who genuinely feels the same way and will show it. If she's your girlfriend or wife, a good deed is NOT simping at all, and for you to call it simping just makes it disrespectful to what yall have. Simping is at a much lower level than regular romantic interaction.
this post needs to be stickied 
another thing is women who are insecure. a lot of women, especially those lacking a strong male figure in their lives growing up (i.e fatherless) do not trust men, or always feel like if a guy does something nice it isn't sincere, because their whole lives males have always been a negative part of their lives.. therefore if a guy does a nice simple gesture, not simping at all, but maybe complimenting them because they earned it or opening a door for them or asking them what they would like to do today....etc....they are perceived as "nice" guys, who are weak, etc etc...... when really the dude is just a mature guy who respects women. but a lot of women are just emotional creatures who don't understand that logic, and will automatically feel uneasy in any of those "nice guy" circumstances.....hence why they always end up in that treat me like dirt i like it but i want u to change vicious cycle......its a complicated game and that's why when u find a girl who is mature and has a good head on her shoulders i think its ok to "simp" because u know ur dealing with somebody level headed, someone whos thinking rationally.
another thing is women who are insecure. a lot of women, especially those lacking a strong male figure in their lives growing up (i.e fatherless) do not trust men, or always feel like if a guy does something nice it isn't sincere, because their whole lives males have always been a negative part of their lives.. therefore if a guy does a nice simple gesture, not simping at all, but maybe complimenting them because they earned it or opening a door for them or asking them what they would like to do today....etc....they are perceived as "nice" guys, who are weak, etc etc...... when really the dude is just a mature guy who respects women. but a lot of women are just emotional creatures who don't understand that logic, and will automatically feel uneasy in any of those "nice guy" circumstances.....hence why they always end up in that treat me like dirt i like it but i want u to change vicious cycle......its a complicated game and that's why when u find a girl who is mature and has a good head on her shoulders i think its ok to "simp" because u know ur dealing with somebody level headed, someone whos thinking rationally.
Originally Posted by ricky409

who is ronnie romance though.

Ronnie Romance would be the ACTUAL name of a simp.  It's a fictional name or character but the name itself applies to any dude that is simping. 
Originally Posted by ricky409

who is ronnie romance though.

Ronnie Romance would be the ACTUAL name of a simp.  It's a fictional name or character but the name itself applies to any dude that is simping. 
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