Don't Simp. It does not work

for those asking how much i spent or if my heart is broken, that's not it at all.
i have spent 0 dollars and i don't plan on spending any
but it was just a warning to those thinking of simping
that they shouldn't
for those asking how much i spent or if my heart is broken, that's not it at all.
i have spent 0 dollars and i don't plan on spending any
but it was just a warning to those thinking of simping
that they shouldn't
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

My final thoughts on this are:
-don't get caught up in one facet of a either like the whole package/significant majority of it  or she isn't worth the time

-don't be a doormat...if something doesn't sit right with you, speak up

-If you spend more time planning your actions so that you can gain favor with a female than actually being in the physical presence of said female...your doing it wrong

-Have some goddamn respect for yourself.  Carry yourself with intergrity, and remember your word is your bond.

-Be confident in your personality so that you don't have to replace it with heartshaped starbursts and orders.
and here I was thinking we were on different pages all along.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

My final thoughts on this are:
-don't get caught up in one facet of a either like the whole package/significant majority of it  or she isn't worth the time

-don't be a doormat...if something doesn't sit right with you, speak up

-If you spend more time planning your actions so that you can gain favor with a female than actually being in the physical presence of said female...your doing it wrong

-Have some goddamn respect for yourself.  Carry yourself with intergrity, and remember your word is your bond.

-Be confident in your personality so that you don't have to replace it with heartshaped starbursts and orders.
and here I was thinking we were on different pages all along.
To me the definition of simping is always going to be that dude on the subway who made himself a human chair for his girl.
To me the definition of simping is always going to be that dude on the subway who made himself a human chair for his girl.
Interesting responses in this thread. So just to clear this up, being a gentleman or showing interest in said female = turnoff and distance/showing dis-interest in said female makes you want us more. What? 
I know this is part of the "game" but it sounds childish honestly. I'm not one to buy a person flowers and heart shaped starbursts everyday but homie could have been a genuinely good dude and you gave him the boot for being too nice?
Interesting responses in this thread. So just to clear this up, being a gentleman or showing interest in said female = turnoff and distance/showing dis-interest in said female makes you want us more. What? 
I know this is part of the "game" but it sounds childish honestly. I'm not one to buy a person flowers and heart shaped starbursts everyday but homie could have been a genuinely good dude and you gave him the boot for being too nice?
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by oidreez

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
A lot of you guys dumb it down to make yourselves feel better about the whole situation. Being nice =/= simping. Chivalry =/= simping. Again, the scenarios I listed above = simping if done on a daily basis.

but your scenario was a crazy one with someone making you heart shaped starbursts. im talking about a regular day to day action like doing "nice guy" things as opposed to being the "jerk" type.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by oidreez

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
A lot of you guys dumb it down to make yourselves feel better about the whole situation. Being nice =/= simping. Chivalry =/= simping. Again, the scenarios I listed above = simping if done on a daily basis.

but your scenario was a crazy one with someone making you heart shaped starbursts. im talking about a regular day to day action like doing "nice guy" things as opposed to being the "jerk" type.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by remix

%#* is simp?
basically going the extra mile to please a girl 
Like sacrificing  your time, money and energy to please her even if you have to go out your move to do it
see... now this is just silly.
Glad I wasnt the only one to think that

Edit: Its silly if hes talking about a girl who feels the same way about you as you do about her (in a good way of course). If youre talking about going the extra mile and doing all that other stuff stated for some chick that you will never have a chance, then ok thats just ******ed and that is the definition of a simp.

Grim gets the "top poster of the topic" award
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by remix

%#* is simp?
basically going the extra mile to please a girl 
Like sacrificing  your time, money and energy to please her even if you have to go out your move to do it
see... now this is just silly.
Glad I wasnt the only one to think that

Edit: Its silly if hes talking about a girl who feels the same way about you as you do about her (in a good way of course). If youre talking about going the extra mile and doing all that other stuff stated for some chick that you will never have a chance, then ok thats just ******ed and that is the definition of a simp.

Grim gets the "top poster of the topic" award
yall boys comprehension skills are zero...i swear

doing nice things for a woman you have gotten to know and have grown to love is NOT simping

and when i say that i mean natural gestures of kindness

simping means you are doing too much for women who are undeserved of said actions

taking a married woman to the movies = simping
taking a jumpoff out to eat = simping
picking hoodrats up and dropping them off at work = simping
harassing random women on facebook/twitter and telling them how beautiful they are = simping
agreeing with everything a woman says or altering your personality to what you perceive a woman will like = simping

how hard is this to understand?

i'm out...
yall boys comprehension skills are zero...i swear

doing nice things for a woman you have gotten to know and have grown to love is NOT simping

and when i say that i mean natural gestures of kindness

simping means you are doing too much for women who are undeserved of said actions

taking a married woman to the movies = simping
taking a jumpoff out to eat = simping
picking hoodrats up and dropping them off at work = simping
harassing random women on facebook/twitter and telling them how beautiful they are = simping
agreeing with everything a woman says or altering your personality to what you perceive a woman will like = simping

how hard is this to understand?

i'm out...
so we can just get this straight


there is nothing wrong to being nice to someone, but there is something wrong for being a damn fool.
so we can just get this straight


there is nothing wrong to being nice to someone, but there is something wrong for being a damn fool.
thytkerjobs, you're the only girl posting in this thread so I have some questions for you, they are not meant as attacks or even condescending remarks but I'm seriously curious.

Why is it that a lot of women say they want a "nice" guy, then shun almost all of them for the stereotypical cat who has a loud mouth but not much else, get hurt then go back to saying they want nice guys? This happened with one chick I was feeling, I didn't simp at all cause I kept it real direct, but I was "nice" to her, kicked it with her but I could never get her. She would always thirst for her ex, who was quite chubby and ugly, and treated her like #%#%. He'd diss her in public, behind her back and all the while the chick would be the one simping saying how much she loved him (we were in HS too

I don't give a damn what these dumb HS rats or even college chicks care about, but what does a REAL woman want? I would assume she outgrew that phase where she wanted the dude who spoke the loudest, but it seems like I'm wrong. So do you want a guy who's "nice", or do you ladies want a guy who's the loudest, boldest, albeit not the smartest or nicest dude in the room?

And what is it with a lot of women and money?? I've spoken to dudes who were well off, semi-ballers who drove around in Toyotas and couldn't get second glances, then pulled out the BMWs and Mercedes coupes the next day, drove to the same spot and had chicks breaking necks...

Maybe I'm living in a fantasy world, but I just want a girl who's cool. Someone not with the mindset of a "man" or a "woman", but just someone who knows what life is about and has no expectations. She likes what she likes and doesn't need approval from anyone else, and doesn't expect me to have to cover her in any way. I guess I can keep hoping though
thytkerjobs, you're the only girl posting in this thread so I have some questions for you, they are not meant as attacks or even condescending remarks but I'm seriously curious.

Why is it that a lot of women say they want a "nice" guy, then shun almost all of them for the stereotypical cat who has a loud mouth but not much else, get hurt then go back to saying they want nice guys? This happened with one chick I was feeling, I didn't simp at all cause I kept it real direct, but I was "nice" to her, kicked it with her but I could never get her. She would always thirst for her ex, who was quite chubby and ugly, and treated her like #%#%. He'd diss her in public, behind her back and all the while the chick would be the one simping saying how much she loved him (we were in HS too

I don't give a damn what these dumb HS rats or even college chicks care about, but what does a REAL woman want? I would assume she outgrew that phase where she wanted the dude who spoke the loudest, but it seems like I'm wrong. So do you want a guy who's "nice", or do you ladies want a guy who's the loudest, boldest, albeit not the smartest or nicest dude in the room?

And what is it with a lot of women and money?? I've spoken to dudes who were well off, semi-ballers who drove around in Toyotas and couldn't get second glances, then pulled out the BMWs and Mercedes coupes the next day, drove to the same spot and had chicks breaking necks...

Maybe I'm living in a fantasy world, but I just want a girl who's cool. Someone not with the mindset of a "man" or a "woman", but just someone who knows what life is about and has no expectations. She likes what she likes and doesn't need approval from anyone else, and doesn't expect me to have to cover her in any way. I guess I can keep hoping though
Originally Posted by scshift

thytkerjobs, you're the only girl posting in this thread so I have some questions for you, they are not meant as attacks or even condescending remarks but I'm seriously curious.

Why is it that a lot of women say they want a "nice" guy, then shun almost all of them for the stereotypical cat who has a loud mouth but not much else, get hurt then go back to saying they want nice guys? This happened with one chick I was feeling, I didn't simp at all cause I kept it real direct, but I was "nice" to her, kicked it with her but I could never get her. She would always thirst for her ex, who was quite chubby and ugly, and treated her like #%#%. He'd diss her in public, behind her back and all the while the chick would be the one simping saying how much she loved him (we were in HS too

I don't give a damn what these dumb HS rats or even college chicks care about, but what does a REAL woman want? I would assume she outgrew that phase where she wanted the dude who spoke the loudest, but it seems like I'm wrong. So do you want a guy who's "nice", or do you ladies want a guy who's the loudest, boldest, albeit not the smartest or nicest dude in the room?

And what is it with a lot of women and money?? I've spoken to dudes who were well off, semi-ballers who drove around in Toyotas and couldn't get second glances, then pulled out the BMWs and Mercedes coupes the next day, drove to the same spot and had chicks breaking necks...

Maybe I'm living in a fantasy world, but I just want a girl who's cool. Someone not with the mindset of a "man" or a "woman", but just someone who knows what life is about and has no expectations. She likes what she likes and doesn't need approval from anyone else, and doesn't expect me to have to cover her in any way. I guess I can keep hoping though
Honestly I think every girl needs to get hurt by that 1 $#% hole to truly appreciate a good guy. Now, falling into the same trap repeatedly only means she didn't learn from her mistake...and sometimes those girls have no hope once they're stuck in that cycle. They develop all sorts of trust issues and unrealistic expectations that no one can really meet. As for the gold diggers...I don't associate with those, that is pathetic to I can't answer that question.
Originally Posted by scshift

thytkerjobs, you're the only girl posting in this thread so I have some questions for you, they are not meant as attacks or even condescending remarks but I'm seriously curious.

Why is it that a lot of women say they want a "nice" guy, then shun almost all of them for the stereotypical cat who has a loud mouth but not much else, get hurt then go back to saying they want nice guys? This happened with one chick I was feeling, I didn't simp at all cause I kept it real direct, but I was "nice" to her, kicked it with her but I could never get her. She would always thirst for her ex, who was quite chubby and ugly, and treated her like #%#%. He'd diss her in public, behind her back and all the while the chick would be the one simping saying how much she loved him (we were in HS too

I don't give a damn what these dumb HS rats or even college chicks care about, but what does a REAL woman want? I would assume she outgrew that phase where she wanted the dude who spoke the loudest, but it seems like I'm wrong. So do you want a guy who's "nice", or do you ladies want a guy who's the loudest, boldest, albeit not the smartest or nicest dude in the room?

And what is it with a lot of women and money?? I've spoken to dudes who were well off, semi-ballers who drove around in Toyotas and couldn't get second glances, then pulled out the BMWs and Mercedes coupes the next day, drove to the same spot and had chicks breaking necks...

Maybe I'm living in a fantasy world, but I just want a girl who's cool. Someone not with the mindset of a "man" or a "woman", but just someone who knows what life is about and has no expectations. She likes what she likes and doesn't need approval from anyone else, and doesn't expect me to have to cover her in any way. I guess I can keep hoping though
Honestly I think every girl needs to get hurt by that 1 $#% hole to truly appreciate a good guy. Now, falling into the same trap repeatedly only means she didn't learn from her mistake...and sometimes those girls have no hope once they're stuck in that cycle. They develop all sorts of trust issues and unrealistic expectations that no one can really meet. As for the gold diggers...I don't associate with those, that is pathetic to I can't answer that question.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Honestly I think every girl needs to get hurt by that 1 $#% hole to truly appreciate a good guy. Now, falling into the same trap repeatedly only means she didn't learn from her mistake...and sometimes those girls have no hope once they're stuck in that cycle. They develop all sorts of trust issues and unrealistic expectations that no one can really meet. As for the gold diggers...I don't associate with those, that is pathetic to I can't answer that question.
I agree with you on the first part about dudes who treat them like dirt, but something else I wondered was why do they even want to deal with them in the first place? It doesn't take a 160 IQ to know when someone's a cornball lame yet these chicks still want them? Do they like to be controlled or something? Or do they think having the "toughest" guy in the room will elevate their image?
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Honestly I think every girl needs to get hurt by that 1 $#% hole to truly appreciate a good guy. Now, falling into the same trap repeatedly only means she didn't learn from her mistake...and sometimes those girls have no hope once they're stuck in that cycle. They develop all sorts of trust issues and unrealistic expectations that no one can really meet. As for the gold diggers...I don't associate with those, that is pathetic to I can't answer that question.
I agree with you on the first part about dudes who treat them like dirt, but something else I wondered was why do they even want to deal with them in the first place? It doesn't take a 160 IQ to know when someone's a cornball lame yet these chicks still want them? Do they like to be controlled or something? Or do they think having the "toughest" guy in the room will elevate their image?
Originally Posted by scshift

thytkerjobs, you're the only girl posting in this thread so I have some questions for you, they are not meant as attacks or even condescending remarks but I'm seriously curious.

Why is it that a lot of women say they want a "nice" guy, then shun almost all of them for the stereotypical cat who has a loud mouth but not much else, get hurt then go back to saying they want nice guys? This happened with one chick I was feeling, I didn't simp at all cause I kept it real direct, but I was "nice" to her, kicked it with her but I could never get her. She would always thirst for her ex, who was quite chubby and ugly, and treated her like #%#%. He'd diss her in public, behind her back and all the while the chick would be the one simping saying how much she loved him (we were in HS too

I don't give a damn what these dumb HS rats or even college chicks care about, but what does a REAL woman want? I would assume she outgrew that phase where she wanted the dude who spoke the loudest, but it seems like I'm wrong. So do you want a guy who's "nice", or do you ladies want a guy who's the loudest, boldest, albeit not the smartest or nicest dude in the room?

And what is it with a lot of women and money?? I've spoken to dudes who were well off, semi-ballers who drove around in Toyotas and couldn't get second glances, then pulled out the BMWs and Mercedes coupes the next day, drove to the same spot and had chicks breaking necks...

Maybe I'm living in a fantasy world, but I just want a girl who's cool. Someone not with the mindset of a "man" or a "woman", but just someone who knows what life is about and has no expectations. She likes what she likes and doesn't need approval from anyone else, and doesn't expect me to have to cover her in any way. I guess I can keep hoping though

BINGO... great question my man.... to answer your question about money and women is that a man's value in society his based on wealth/status. look at NBA player... no @%!! but look at udonnis haslem from the miami heat, he's not what id imagine women would call attractive but if you and him went to the club, Haslem would have %!+* all over him because of his status..NBA player... plus he's a millionaire plus he knows dwayne wade plus lebron. chick put those two together and say "whaala"  he's sexy. But for women, their value in society is based off their looks rarely their achievements. look at women magazine's and you will see the oonly chicks thats get the cover spread are the ones who have DD, weigh only 140lbs, and a big 'ole butt, and a nice face. and on men's standpoint the only guys on coverspreads of magazine are men of high power and money only. when was the last time you saw a preist/teacher/revenend on a GQ mag??? yet these ppl impact communities and spread the word of the lord but get no play, but BABY from Cash Money who cant even rap/has ugly tattooo/who is also ugly like Gucci mane, gets the cover spread for all popular magazines.... why its because of their wallets plain and simple. sad but thats the world we live in. the best why to combat chicks playin you is to keep it movin and be success in your own niche. i promise you you will have the last laugh. then they all gonne be on you word to Mike Jones. back then %!+* aint want me, now im hot %!+* all on me. repeat 3x. lol
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