Dorming with perhaps the laziest/dumbest people is BS, edited: race?

Mister Meaner

formerly super producer j
Mar 24, 2007
It is BS because it becomes a pain in the $!! at the end of the year (now) to plead my case with Residence Life to avoid any cleaning bills I know we willhave. It has been a problem all year, but I'm fortunate to have a single room, so I keep this clean area to myself, and I have almost everything I need inhere. It's not about the money, its just the fact that I may have to pay for other people's mess.

How do some people live like that? Have their parents not taught them better? Or do they see this as an opportunity to relax (being away fromhome)? I'm seriously astounded every time I walk past their rooms, and the kitchen at the filth they allow to build up around them. I'm eitherin my room, or not in the suite at all. I do all my "cooking" across the hall as well.

When there are no trash bags left, they just say "@+%$ it" and throw any and everything straight into and/or around the garbage. Last week, I left abox with two Entenmann's Cinnabuns
in the kitchen I didn't want, they were gone within the day, yet the box is in the exact same spot now.

edit: wow, this is soo the wrong forum. Mods, can you move this

another edit: I don't really want to make this about race, but from what I've noticed, the white people just don't give a *!!! most of the time.When I go to my friends suites, and they are predominantly black suites, they are always clean. Just an observation, not meant to be a generalization.
Sucks you have to live with people like that, my ex was like that- she lived with me for a while and frankly was disgusting and totally lacked any respect forher living arrangement i.e. my apartment
my mommy n daddy said youngin, you have a choice
either go away and dorm for college, or well get you a car and you'll have to commute
you know which one i took
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

my mommy n daddy said youngin, you have a choice
either go away and dorm for college, or well get you a car and you'll have to commute
you know which one i took
You chose to miss out on one of the best experiences in most peoples lives Im assuming. Yay mommy and daddy bought you a car, but living on a collegecampus for 4 years (im assuming you'd fail out after 1 semester though) is a great experience for 99% of the people who go to college.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

my mommy n daddy said youngin, you have a choice
either go away and dorm for college, or well get you a car and you'll have to commute
you know which one i took
You chose to miss out on one of the best experiences in most peoples lives Im assuming. Yay mommy and daddy bought you a car, but living on a college campus for 4 years (im assuming you'd fail out after 1 semester though) is a great experience for 99% of the people who go to college.

first of all, shut your mouth
second, dont be mad cuz you still riding the bus waking up every morning hopin your metro card dont expire today
third, my school is very close to me, i dont miss a thing and i have 2 close friends from highschool there, i dont believe im missing out in anything exceptsmelly roomate and showering in disgusting public bathrooms
fourth, dorming aint for everyone so again shut your mouth
Dorming isn't always the best experience especially when your room looks like a jail cell and you get a quiet roommate that rather talk to random people onmyspace than talk to you.
ooohhh... i thought this was a post about dominos.... i was waiting for the part about pizza to come up...
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

my mommy n daddy said youngin, you have a choice
either go away and dorm for college, or well get you a car and you'll have to commute
you know which one i took
You chose to miss out on one of the best experiences in most peoples lives Im assuming. Yay mommy and daddy bought you a car, but living on a college campus for 4 years (im assuming you'd fail out after 1 semester though) is a great experience for 99% of the people who go to college.

I feel sorry for you if living on campus was the best experience in your whole life.
Originally Posted by jmb1523

Dorming isn't always the best experience especially when your room looks like a jail cell and you get a quiet roommate that rather talk to random people on myspace than talk to you.
This has nothing to do with RACE. It's all about how your parents raised you. If you were taught to cleanup after yourself, then you certainly will. Race?haha riiiiiiight.
White, Black, Asian, Hispanic.. color has nothing to do with being lazy.
Originally Posted by tab5039

This has nothing to do with RACE. It's all about how your parents raised you. If you were taught to cleanup after yourself, then you certainly will. Race? haha riiiiiiight.
White, Black, Asian, Hispanic.. color has nothing to do with being lazy.
The examples you gave didn't seem to be that sound like one of the "anal" residents. While you see them as savages andcomplete/incoherent slobs they most likely view you as a clean-freak, annoyance, or pest. That is just how dorm life is, especially for guys. Having your ownroom should be adequate enough, the community areas were always trashed in my dorm. I did find it puzzling how all the residents (boys and girls) managed topile the trash so high well after the can was full...#$*% is like a game of jenga trying to stack so it doesn't fall. And if you leave your food in acommunity fridge, it aint safe. I raided that %### all the time, that's why people get minifridges for personal use. It's not like the messy kids inyour hall didn't learn from their parents, its just when you are dorming you literally have no responsibility to worry about in terms of cleaning up; itshouldn't be that way but it is. And the race issue is entirely irrelevant in this case. Asians, whites, blacks, hispanics, biracials, etc. all have theirshare of slobs and neat-freaks.
i live with homies from back home.
they are lazy as hell and rarely ever clean the apartment.
a couple of examples:
if the trashcan is full, they wont take it out and just continue to pile trash onto the already overflowing bin.
if theres not a trash bag in the trash can, theyll just put their trash into the can. and im not talking about paper and stuff like that. im talking about eggshells, chicken bones, liquids, and things that can rot.
after they eat their food on the kitchen table, they will just leave their plate, wrappers, fast food bags, etc. on the kitchen table.
whenever they smoke and cut up the blunt wrap, theyll just leave all that crap that comes from the wrap on the kitchen table along with their food.
our kitchen is atrocious. their dishes pile up. empty bottles everywhere. rotten fruit everywhere.

unappreciated to the fullest.
well you guys are goona have to realize that is life. roomate after college have the same problems. who knows your future wife could turn out to be a slob too.bottom line is everyone is different and have different standards, you cant change people but you can change the way you feel about them
I feel sorry for you guys, my room ALWAYS was kept clean. I probably was the messiest one in my rooms throughout college, but my roomates were clean, and ourroom was ALWAYS fresh. But, dorming is definately what you make of it, for them negative folks, it's a crappy experience, but for those positive folks italways seems to be the "best experience of their lives." I wouldn't go to say it was the best experience of my life, but it was like a summercamp with school work lol.
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