Dorming with perhaps the laziest/dumbest people is BS, edited: race?

My metro card running out? I graduated from St John's University and now work at a private school in Jersey. Secondly, no metro card is needed as I have acar. And to the other people who obviously can not read, I said it was ONE OF (not the) the best experiences in MOST peoples lives. I never said it is foreveryone. Some of you really just need to learn how to read Im guessing. Living with smelly, dirty, unkept roommates is indeed annoying. I went through it, butI wouldn't have traded living on campus and that experience for a car.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

My metro card running out? I graduated from St John's University and now work at a private school in Jersey. Secondly, no metro card is needed as I have a car. And to the other people who obviously can not read, I said it was ONE OF (not the) the best experiences in MOST peoples lives. I never said it is for everyone. Some of you really just need to learn how to read Im guessing. Living with smelly, dirty, unkept roommates is indeed annoying. I went through it, but I wouldn't have traded living on campus and that experience for a car.

i wouldnt be as mobile on campus
i would rely on other people way too much and i hate that
with my own whip i can go wherever i want whenever i want and do whatever i want
Originally Posted by georgehimself

Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

my mommy n daddy said youngin, you have a choice
either go away and dorm for college, or well get you a car and you'll have to commute
you know which one i took
You chose to miss out on one of the best experiences in most peoples lives Im assuming. Yay mommy and daddy bought you a car, but living on a college campus for 4 years (im assuming you'd fail out after 1 semester though) is a great experience for 99% of the people who go to college.

I feel sorry for you if living on campus was the best experience in your whole life.
It isnt white people it's your roommates, so may I kindly say !+$! off

People of all races are slobs, and others are clean. You got stuck with 2 idiots, too bad you sound like one too making this comment.....smh
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

It isnt white people it's your roommates, so may I kindly say !+$! off

People of all races are slobs, and others are clean. You got stuck with 2 idiots, too bad you sound like one too making this comment.....smh

Yea yea, apologies on my behalf. Anyway, I didn't dive into the entire situation, which would have turned this into even more of a blog-type post. Thereare 6 of us total. 4 scumbags, 1 who is never here, and me.
It sucks to be paired with a dirty, smelly roommate. But after your first year when you can choose roommates and live in a suite, it gets exponentially better.

Yeah, living off campus has its perks but being on campus, having your own room in a suite full of your friends is where its at.
I've gone through 2 sets of roommates, both sets didn't know how to wash a dish or have the common sense not to give themselves or others relaxers inthe kitchen sink
I can understand how that annoys you, but at the same time I'm a pretty messy person myself, im just looking around my room right now
Some people just have no home training...mommy and daddy did everything and they got used to it.
Originally Posted by AQPHAME

Originally Posted by georgehimself

Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

my mommy n daddy said youngin, you have a choice
either go away and dorm for college, or well get you a car and you'll have to commute
you know which one i took
You chose to miss out on one of the best experiences in most peoples lives Im assuming. Yay mommy and daddy bought you a car, but living on a college campus for 4 years (im assuming you'd fail out after 1 semester though) is a great experience for 99% of the people who go to college.

I feel sorry for you if living on campus was the best experience in your whole life.
few of my suitemates are dirty as heck....their friends would come over and party (not bad for free alcohol), but i hang out with a different crowd. Actually,i dont really think my suitemates are dirty (except 1), its just their friends come over and never clean up after. There used to be a period of time when mysuite smelled like vomit/alcohol/sweat due to all the parties. Terrible. My suitemates are mad chill and cool, but damn...tell your damn friends to cleanup...sheesh
Living at home FTL.

I'd trade my car for a dorm anyday, and I'm going to after one more year. People still stacking up the trash at my house anyway, yelling at each other,all kinds of crap. I'll have no problem with dirty roommates.
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