Dressing Better Vol 2.0

One of my friend got an IT internship for JP Morgan and he said its 26 an hour with a starting salary of 68-72k once you're extended. I couldn't believe there were internship paying that much.
They pay that for non- IT too for interns.

I went to the casting for the new Men in Black movie...straight to DVD budget.

Pick up:
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Good to see the thread moving! Posted something on the blog but no need to post it. Today was a good day, can't complain, I've had a really good couple of days, costly but great. It was my sis-in-laws 21st birthday so no time for WDIWT pics.
Man if I could do college over again, I would do a lot of things different. Including getting an internship, party a lot harder and not waste my times with pharmacy.
Man if I could do college over again, I would do a lot of things different. Including getting an internship, party a lot harder and not waste my times with pharmacy.
You're in pharm school?

I knew a girl who was pre-pharm, and was on her A game. She interned, and straight up switched to a different field. She was a class away from graduating. It took an additional 1.5 years for her with the new major, but she likes what she's doing now.

Some of my friends are/were dying in dent-school, pharm school, and med school. A couple were engaged, but broke off since they had to go across country for school.

Lots of kids just see it as a way to make money, not knowing how long it takes and how much dedication it takes, and how expensive the whole process is.
I started off as prepharm. Parents pushed for that field. Went through every class requirement, took the PCAT, got top 10 percentile. Then when it was time to apply for pharm school, I made the decision I would have hated my job everyday if I stick with it. So switched to finance and accounting. Now a some of my family members are making 6 digits in that field and I'm not. But at least I like my job amirite? :/
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I started off as prepharm. Parents pushed for that field. Went through every class requirement, took the PCAT, got top 10 percentile. Then when it was time to apply for pharm school, I made the decision I would have hated my job everyday if I stick with it. So switched to finance and accounting. Now a some of my family members are making 6 digits in that field and I'm not. But at least I like my job amirite? :/
First off...you're Asian huh? :lol:

6 fig is a wide range. Are we talking 100k or 999k? 100k is not hard to reach in most field given enough experience. In your field, just keep working and take tests to become CFA or CPA and keep going. I have no doubt you can make a comfortable living with enough experience, my friend.
In the process of obtaining a CPA right now, but man, quite hard when you're doing 40+ hrs a week. I have no regrets though, most of my friends who have been doing retail pharmacy are trying to find ways out of it. I'm a strong proponent of love what you do.

And yes, I'm Asian. Funny how stereotypes are often correct for the correlation between race and major.
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In the process of obtaining a CPA right now, but man, quite hard when you're doing 40+ hrs a week. I have no regrets though, most of my friends who have been doing retail pharmacy are trying to find ways out of it. I'm a strong proponent of love what you do.

And yes, I'm Asian. Funny how stereotypes are often correct for the correlation between race and major.

i know that feel, bruh. got 2 more tests (FAR & REG :x ). i wouldn't be as stressed as i am now if i didn't have to complete this stuff before california changes their requirements on january 1, 2014 :smh:
I'm studying for REG right now. FAR is a beast doe. Congrats on making it half way through. What's your opinion on AUD and BEC? My plan is REG, AUD, FAR and BEC.
I'm studying for REG right now. FAR is a beast doe. Congrats on making it half way through. What's your opinion on AUD and BEC? My plan is REG, AUD, FAR and BEC.

audit and BEC were fairly chill for me. admittedly, i failed audit the very first time i took it (first test i took overall) not knowing what to expect. but the 2nd time through, it wasn't bad. i'm studying for REG right now. im taking my REG exam in july and then i scheduled FAR for august. stressful to say the least.
Wow bro. One month for FAR? I wish you luck. I'm about to join team no sleep over these CPA exams.
Audit is the best one to do first if you're in public and on the audit side.

I felt I could easily knock out 2 of the 4 choices on the MC part simply from a little experience.

It's hard to study coming off of season and still working, but anyone who has achieved it pretty much has been there. Just stick with the study plan and use Becker.
They are nice, though I prefer the more subtle ones over the louder and more out there versions.



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