Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Obviously learning from someone who has started and runs a successful business will help you learn a ton. I'm sure searching online and some books will also help you out. I had to do a project for the class and look up a bunch of laws, different types of insurance needed, etc. But as was mentioned, everyone has their own path. There were people in my classes who already had their own construction companies and were in the process of getting their business degrees.
The biggest downfall of books is that they age. Concepts fade, companies that were once looked at the pinnacle of how a business is run have been revealed as frauds, and things of that nature. By no means, am I discouraging you. I am a big advocate of education. It's the one thing no one can take from you....even in a divorce :tongue:
I'm thinking about heading out to Cali at some point. Anyone know any places to cop some waffles?
You better hurry up before he leaves for Europe in March then med school in the summer.

:nerd: Is this DB/TAN?
Nothing new about this thread. Most of the topics historically weren't always about clothing :smile:

If I don't win I'm copping some balenciaga in Vegas on sunday
ROFL. My man is out in Vegas. I thought you were banned.
Wis i leave for Vegas Sunday. Just been going through some simp stuff w a broad I'm into. Smh he got me all over da place
Always thought this thread had to get a better name but I can't think of one nor does i matter at this point.
:lol: This, in addition to Wis likes Foams, Elkin laces his dress shoes like sneakers, and Adrian wears suits to buy pudding at the bodega, has been talked to death. There is simply no way to shortly word what this thread is.

lol, I've always said this
:lol: It would be like "Thread that discusses fashion of all genres, but we also talk about bots, fine liquor, entrepreneurship, and things of that nature".

The cat is out of the bag. Jon ordered a ladyboy from Thailand. In return he gets $5,000 that he will use for the Red Octobers and he gets citizenship.
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Is it bad that I intend on bringing my no to da Philippines and ******g w them by setting them up w lady boys
Copped a Camel hair blazer from the RL outlet today.. Anyone want to assist me in looking like I'm still under the age of 30 while rocking it.

Really considering just wearing it as a dressier jacket and nothing more.
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