Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Paris booked,

Any recommendations for minimalist black backpacks? Looking for something better than Herschel but max $150.

when u going breh?

we debated between paris vs italy for our honeymoon and italy won.. i wanted paris though.. gonna save it for an anniversary
Going the last week of May.

Finna get my baugette on now but Italy on deck for the next euro trip.
point me to a minimalistic one and I'm on board.


Been lurking this thread for awhile now, but I have a quick question. 

For an accounting interview (or I guess any interview for that matter), would black slacks+jacket+belt+shoes, white dress shirt, and a blue tie be just fine? Or am I missing something here?
Paris booked,

Any recommendations for minimalist black backpacks? Looking for something better than Herschel but max $150.

looks like I may be doing london/paris in early july, looking for a bag as well.

most likely going for one from Topo, deciding between the day pack and trip pack: http://topodesigns.com/collections/bags/products/trip-pack
These look good. I'll consider if the joint I scooped from Best Buy yesterday doesn't work out.

By Incase:
i hear paris has a **** ton of pick pockets.. ima bring back the fanny pack when i go
Tons. Mostly little gypsy girls and women who approach you with a clipboard and other various paraphernalia. There's lots of scammers and con artists around the tourist spots especially sacre coure.
Stay away from the people with those petitions. Very common scam over there. I made it back from a two week trip in Europe without getting jacked, but I've heard plenty of horror stories. People will even try to rob you in a church. I walked around with my thumbs in my front pockets in really crowded areas.
I kept everything in inside pockets. I even elbowed one of those little gypsy girls for getting too close to me and my gf and didn't think twice about it. Read some travel guides and review sites to get to know what some of the common scams are.
I kept everything in inside pockets. I even elbowed one of those little gypsy girls for getting too close to me and my gf and didn't think twice about it. Read some travel guides and review sites to get to know what some of the common scams are.
Luda would've been proud of you, man

I gotta follow Robs footstep and go there to cop from the Goyard store soon.
:lol: you guys are gonna scare people into not wanting to go to Europe. I've lived in London, Madrid, Brussels, Paris and Berlin (briefly) and yeah it happens, but it's not like you have to tuck your wallet under your sack or anything OD... Just be aware of your surroundings the same you would on a packed subway car in NYC.
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