Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Peer pressure too strong. Just copped a bunch of elongated ts. About to go to Rif and get some Yeezys now.
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Next go and find yourself an armenian with a fake, diaper butt.
It's funny because I grew up in Los Feliz where there are a lot of Armos. My best friend was one. When she blew up, I never understood the hype around it. She looked like the plethora of Armenian girls I would see at Glendale Galleria :lol:

I already went through that stage. I had a thing for blonde Armos at one point.
why my man saying some folks when he talking to me?

address me famb. it's all good :lol:
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We really gonna front like 90% of you guys rocking Chelsea's dont look up Ye pics for inspiration on how to rock them?....STOPPPPP IT!

Lmao, it's clear Ye-staning, don't be ashame of it, own it....really nothing wrong with it, as much as people hate to admit it, Kanye has inspired a lot of what most people wear or even how they wear it....he's a fashion icon, hate him or love him....

But please stop acting as if ya was up on these brands before Ye...I'm not talking everyone but most....and JP we all know your Kanye-staning be on fleek :lol:
Been rocking Chelseas before Ye, but this is true for a ton of the cats rocking them now.
I don't think chelsea boots are feminine at all, it depends how they are worn and wearing extremely skinny jeans with them lends itself to that in some people's eyes.  I will say, I know a lot of females that have worn black skinny jeans with tan boots for years.  I don't mean the jeans & Ugg boot basic college girl uniform either.

It's not just one person here, there seem to be a few that have jumped on the trend.  I wasn't reading the thread much but I did see the debate on whether menswear was/is a trend.  Menswear is different, it is and was be a part of many men's every day lives because of work and dress codes but I do believe that it became a trendy thing for guys to dress to the nines and try to outdo others, peacocking to an extent.  For some who care about how they dress it was like going through other phases and constantly going all out with suits became a "thing", showing up to casual events and socially wearing a full 3-piece suit.  I know people who did it and have already toned it down.  I actually think a lot of it had to do with marketing, believe it or not I think Mad Men even had an influence on style and that era (50s?) came back.  Happens a lot.

If you're offended or afraid to admit any influence, that's on you.  I don't know whether it's due to insecurity or what but someone like Kanye does have a lot of influence and it's clear that this thread has started to feel it, for better or worse.  It doesn't mean everyone who likes chelsea boots wants to be Kanye. 
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why my man saying some folks when he talking to me?

address me famb. it's all good :lol:

You low key guilty of it too with this post.

You right though, steezy should've just called you out rather than act like he was generally speaking.
I just hate Saint Laurent's high @$! heels. Thats what makes the boots look so feminine. Regular chelsea boots aren't my style but they look OK.
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I'm not low key anything. full on embrace the ye/SLP influence.

what yall don't seem to understand is that people find new and different things that intrigue them all the time. ways I may have dressed back a few years ago were affected by my the status in life, to an extent. however, now that I have the ability to command a higher purchasing power, things will tend to change.

for menswear, I feel that I've accomplished everything I wanted until my position in life allows me to go bespoke everything. until then, I'm exploring different avenues which has grately affected my casual tip. suits are still on deck for the work week though.

And I wasn't talmbout steez boi. knowway putting the holla on me which is fine. just step direct :lol:
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think what you'd like

his list contained things that I've done along with mentioning my comment regarding Hedi Slimane

all I'm trying to say is that if you are trying to comment on a specific person, why not specify lol
Last like 6 pages of this thread has been about chelseas. When did everyone start wearing these feminine *** boots?
I understand it's a trend right now with a bunch of stylish celebrities like Kanye, Lord Discick rocking chelseas but I can't imagine that would lead to everyone in here pulling them off.

Serg you haven't posted a fit in a while but I hope you not jumping on this trend.
The world needs people like you and me to still dress like men.

Things ain't never been the same since steely wore those Cecil the Lion Toms.

Chelsea's aren't a new thing. Have they rose in popularity recently? Yes. The Beatles were rocking black chelsea's in the 60s and the boot was a fixture before then and after in the UK. Attributing the rise in popularity to the boot to Kanye is silly. Chelsea's have always been popular and have been a staple item carried by mostly all major menswear shoe brands for years.

Are there some chelsea's that in my opinion are shaped a bit too much like a woman's boot? Yes. It's about the last, the heel height and the way you wear them. You won't find me wearing a chelsea boot that I may consider to feminine looking. Nor would you see me wearing them with skin tight denim or trousers, which is, in my opinion what makes them look feminine more than anything else.

For the record, I own 3 pairs.

Black (Loake), Brown Suede (Meermin) and Snuff Suede (Meermin). Wore the Snuff pair yesterday to my birthday gathering with some of the guys from here.
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My post as a whole wasn't directed at one person.  Yes, I did quote something that was funny in my opinion.  I'm not sure which of you started switching styles first but it can't just be a coincidence that others have followed suit.   I don't think changing or being "influenced" by someone is particularly bad if you need to go that route but at least embrace it.  If you feel you reached the pinnacle of one style and are moving on to conquer another, Godspeed.

It seems like a bunch of you are real life friends, that's cool and if you like to dress similarly there's nothing wrong with that.  I'm just pointing out that maybe that Kanye influence has carried over into this thread because it was previously brought up though I think calling it Dressing Like Kanye is an exaggeration.

My intent isn't to troll and take shots at anyone, I mentioned a member who I thought wasn't wearing the clothes well, it looked forced but I purposefully didn't direct that anywhere.  Just saying that some pull it off while others don't, I'd think that people post here for critiques?  @Pinoy732 if I respond to your words it's just because those are your words and it'd be the same if anyone else said it, I'm certainly not fascinated by anyone.  If there's something you disagree with, I'll listen but I think I'm being an impartial observer.  It's just discussion.
^ I still menswear almost all the time and to be honest the only reason my wardrobe has changed at all, is that it is incredibly hot in NY this year. As a result the t-shirts and shorts are in full swing. Chelsea's are great for both casual wear and menswear.
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