Dressing Better Vol 2.0

thank you jesus!


Marmourjr I still have your address. I'll see you soon...
Word, you got that fam.  Come to the A.
For all those that are looking for a good deal on the GQ magazine, $5 for one year subscribtion.  ONLY FOR 2 DAYS

Post your email addy and I will forward you the email for it.
Alas after compiling a list and using a random number generator:


Please send me a PM with your address and I'll drop the cards in the mail to you guys today.

I'm confident I have an envelope with more cards lying around somewhere...I've just been really busy with work, studying for a certification, moving/buying a new place and trying to keep up a meager personal life.

Keep in touch. Thanks.

Glad my man Adrian won :pimp:
Congrats guys, glad two members I recognize won the cards! :pimp:
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lmao Wis's gifts were a contest! only other raffle I was involved with was when I gave away a jacket!! :lol:
I see the jelly-ness NT bros
I'm confident I have an envelope with more cards lying around somewhere...I've just been really busy with work, studying for a certification, moving/buying a new place and trying to keep up a meager personal life.

Good luck on studying for your certification champ.  Hopefully your not leaving the urea, you and the Skins/Wizards still have unfinished business here to attend to.
Blink, okay fit but way too much black. Pants could use a taper too.

Edit: Tim, TypeR doesn't care about peoples feelings :lol:

& Adrian, you have to admit that you get pretty damn lucky when you thrift too. :lol:

If you should ever comes across some AE Players in a size 11 let me know :nerd:
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Said it a million times I hate black suits. They are not as versatile as the average person thinks. Also hard to tell because of the bizarre angles but your jacket looks fairly slim at least around the waist while your pants look much more traditionally tailored or relaxed. Depending on what alterations have already been done and what aesthetic you are going for you might want to let out the jacket a bit or taper the pants a lot or take better pictures.
I don't mind the criticism.Heck, I thought it was too many dark colors all at once myself. But I never wear the shirt, which is actually purple and grey plaid.
yeah that's true. I've actually been on a thrifting hiatus since getting back to school. Gonna see if I can scoop some more finds this weekend.
We'll see about those player's bro. I'm a size 10...might just have to make 11's work if the price is right :lol:
It was hard telling my seamstress how I wanted my pants to fit for a few reasons. First of which, I'm still fairly new to getting alterations done. Secondly, she said I have really large calf muscles and legs so she questioned whether going with a slim fitted suit trouser would work.

I'm all for suggestions though. How should pants fit in regards to the slim fit of my jackets? Are cuffs recommended?
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Best bet is to bring a picture of the fit you want. If she doesn't want to do it that way take your suit and go elsewhere. Also always try things on at the shop so that any further changes can be discussed on the spot. Some tailors are really old school and don't understand the slim look all tht much. I've had strong discussions with various tailors about it but ultimately my guy always agrees
I've been looking for a few sites that give a detailed look at how the pants would go with the suit. But most pictures only show a front facing view of the pants. Any idea where I can find some side angles? I'm guessing that's probably what I'm going to need to bring along to show her. My guess is that she thinks I'm trying to have trousers that fit like skinny jeans the kids wear today, but that's not the case. I also fear she may be one of those tailors that are stuck in their habits and believe suits should look a certain way. It was hell getting her to get the damn jackets taken in enough.
yeah that's true. I've actually been on a thrifting hiatus since getting back to school. Gonna see if I can scoop some more finds this weekend.
We'll see about those player's bro. I'm a size 10...might just have to make 11's work if the price is right :lol:

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