Dressing better

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Please don't let your white undershirt show when you're wearing a dress shirt. Makes you look like a high schooler.
i don't know why crewneck shirts get so much hate in here.  in the colder months i'll wear one under a sports shirt, i just think it looks more appropriate.  in the spring and summer i'll wear a wifebeater under it instead.  it's warmer so it feels ok to show more of your neck and chest.  i remember someone said to wear a v-neck shirt under a v-neck sweater, i imagine the double-v looking tacky.
Thanks for the input guys. So, it sounds like I'm going to need to switch the suit up to navy or black. I'm going to go with a navy suit.

what are your opinions on this pair of shoes paired with a navy suit.

Originally Posted by alilucask

so, going to be heading to a wedding soon.. looking at these shoes... are they too chunky for this suit? color match ok?

If it looks like this then you should be good. Brown belt is a must though. 
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by 2Nick3

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Not a fan of camo pants, shorts on the other hand I like.

Just picked these up:

Can you take a pic of you wearing them?
These are on discount and i need to see them being worn to pull the trigger
When I do wear them, I'll take a pic. I dress rather simple though, white v-neck, black jeans and probably these.

Link to discount?
Discount on kickz.com,
german company so for non-europeans probably not that good of a deal
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Brown and Grey is an awesome mix, not silly in any way...

I'm the same way, I personally love it.  I honestly dislike wearing black shoes now, it's just boring to me.  Yet I don't have my shoe collection up to par to completely banish black shoes out of my work wardrobe.
Dressing better is important, but attitude is even more important.
After you upgrade your wardrobe, wear what you feel. style is like a craving. cant have tacos when you want pizza
Attitude can't be fooled. If youre feeling the scruffy look, skip the shave and throw on a hoody, if youre feeling GQ, throw on a slim three piece, and skip the socks time to time.
It's all on how you feel and how well you put it together.
One day I would feel the scruffy look, GQ look, flashy (hip hop, bomber jacket, khaki, jordan) look.
Originally Posted by silicapacks

Dressing better is important, but attitude is even more important.
After you upgrade your wardrobe, wear what you feel. style is like a craving. cant have tacos when you want pizza
Attitude can't be fooled. If youre feeling the scruffy look, skip the shave and throw on a hoody, if youre feeling GQ, throw on a slim three piece, and skip the socks time to time.
It's all on how you feel and how well you put it together.
One day I would feel the scruffy look, GQ look, flashy (hip hop, bomber jacket, khaki, jordan) look.
Ok, Jay.

I need to get myself a nice pair of black shoes, they are a must, but I do agree brown shoes are more fun, brown matches with everything just as well as black if not better...specially when wearing a navy/grey suit...I think Niidawg posted a fit a few pages back where he mixed the grey suit, brown shoes and tie and light blue shirt, it looked amazing!....
I need brown dress shoes...Leaning towards Church's.

Went back to KSteezy's favorite spot The Westchester and killed my Christmas JCrew card.
Haha...who helped you?...forgot dudes name...think is Jared...he's really nice and helpful....I'll probably stop by later...lol
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by silicapacks

Dressing better is important, but attitude is even more important.
Ok, Jay.
Not sure why this was clowned but this is probably the best advice I've seen in here in a long time.  Confidence shows greater than the labels and look itself.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by silicapacks

Dressing better is important, but attitude is even more important.
After you upgrade your wardrobe, wear what you feel. style is like a craving. cant have tacos when you want pizza
Attitude can't be fooled. If youre feeling the scruffy look, skip the shave and throw on a hoody, if youre feeling GQ, throw on a slim three piece, and skip the socks time to time.
It's all on how you feel and how well you put it together.
One day I would feel the scruffy look, GQ look, flashy (hip hop, bomber jacket, khaki, jordan) look.
Ok, Jay.


Because one has nothing to do with the other.

My attitude is the same no matter what I wear.

Tshirt, jeans and Maxes. Suit. Whatever.

I ain't in here for attitude advice.
alright, this is gonna sound dumb, but I have a wedding to go to and I need to get a new suit. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, but this is the first (for lack of a better term) "American" wedding I will ever be attending. I'm used to Indian weddings, which are a different beast entirely. My question is, what are the guidelines I should follow in picking a suit for this wedding?
Originally Posted by illphillip

Because one has nothing to do with the other.

My attitude is the same no matter what I wear.

Tshirt, jeans and Maxes. Suit. Whatever.

I ain't in here for attitude advice.
I think you're missing the point. I understood it as him trying to say wear what you like and are comfortable in. I assume you don't put on things you're not comfortable with, so your attitude shouldn't change. 
This part isn't directed at you. If you don't find someone helpful what is the point of clowning them. What do you really get out of it. It's like dudes sit at their computers waiting for something to snicker at and post rolling emoticons. Same dudes who contribute nothing to the thread.
Originally Posted by Aze201

Originally Posted by illphillip

Because one has nothing to do with the other.

My attitude is the same no matter what I wear.

Tshirt, jeans and Maxes. Suit. Whatever.

I ain't in here for attitude advice.
I think you're missing the point. I understood it as him trying to say wear what you like and are comfortable in. I assume you don't put on things you're not comfortable with, so your attitude shouldn't change. 
This part isn't directed at you. If you don't find someone helpful what is the point of clowning them. What do you really get out of it. It's like dudes sit at their computers waiting for something to snicker at and post rolling emoticons. Same dudes who contribute nothing to the thread.
I didn't miss the point. It's a dressing better thread. Not a "if you're feeling scruffy throw on a hoody" thread or a "wear what you're comfortable in because your attitude will shine" thread.

But I hear you. As for your 2nd point. It's NT homie. Lot of cats on here living a life online they don't live in reality. All that clowning goes with the territory. Likely the same ridicule they receive themselves.

After a while you just start to ignore it for the most part.

I must be the only guy who can't do Redwings. The majority of them just never look right to me. No matter how popular they are. No matter how much Drake wears them.

No shots. Especially you Ty. Love the blog. There just comes a point where I have to ask......"why are these suddenly so popular"? They look so bulky.
Feedback on some new pickups



Now that I see the last pic I will never hold the camera strap like that again, looks like a damn purse.

Well it's a Canali blazer, possibly from a suit.  I like the soft shoulders, color & fabric, like the look with the collar popped up.  I on the fence with the 3 buttons and style of the lapels. thoughts?

Here are the boots, a Gilt impulse purchase, I hate holding on to credits/gift cards.  Anybody still use that site?



thoughts?  toe box is clown-esque, color looks good against the gray denim

And finally my Oscar De La Renta wool blazer

I wish it was charcoal or light gray.  I think this color doesn't look good with my skin color and the jacket adds 20 years to me.  Most likely going on sale soon.
had a long response and looks like it didnt post Nacho. but essentially

1. agree with your call on the De La Renta. Let it go
2. the Canali is nice. 1/4 lined + patch pockets is boss. would be nicer/greater if it is part of a suit. the shoulders are a smidge wide. i think your tailor can tighten it a touch - may not be worth the hustle.

stay stylin'
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