Dressing better

Horrible Picture, I Know.. Just messing around with the camera.

slightly off topic from dressing better but there has been some discussion about bags in here

finally got my xmas present...got lost in transit






pretty obvious what bag inspired the design of my bag
Speaking of bags, my wife got me this nice Coach leather business bag for X-mas. I've used the bag a few times already.
DiPlOmat TDOt : Good looking, im still stuck on your recent LV purchase

got shoes, tony23retro, JRThumper85 : Thanks, the jeans are APC New Standard

Im addicted to bow ties @ the moment


Herringbone Top Coat & Bow tie - J Crew
Down bubble vest - Lands End
Gingham Shirt - BB extra slim fit ( they have a crazy sale on the website, most for 34.75 )

There so easy to put on once you get the hang of it. Heres a great video on it
. . .
They can be had for cheap on TheTieBar.com
Originally Posted by niidawg3

i know a few people here and on other boards have been prodding me to create a blog. finally had some free time on my hands and whipped something up.

please check it out and give me some feedback ... http://adabraka-sartorialist.tumblr.com/

I'm glad you finally did this, it's long overdue.
My constructive critiques, since you asked:

1) I think all blogs look better against white backgrounds. Easier to read, cleaner look. 

2) Not sure the little captions are necessary. I think the clothes speak for themselves, adding the "fashion tip" captions makes it seem as if you're trying to teach as opposed to share, and I think people are much more receptive to the latter. Same could be said about the quote at the bottom. If that's the motto of your blog, I think you can state it without attributing it to yourself, again sort of coming off as one looking to teach rather than to share. Not that I doubt that you are qualified to teach fashion, just that I think people are less receptive to that sort of thing.  
^Not sure what I'm supposed to critique. There isn't much original content. I actually don't see any, frankly. The Sartorialist pic you posted was cool.
Guys just a heads up, H&M has an awesome chambray shirt similar to the JCREW one, I actually like the H&M one better, the wash is more "vintagey" and is much cheaper, might be a re-stock but is my first time seeing it...I'll post pics later.
^Look, I don't know how to say this but that is just doing too much. Shawl, outrageously colored bow tie, and patterned button-up? Just too much. There is too much going on around your neck and it doesn't coordinate well together either.
Lose the bow tie and you are good to go (loosen the top button of your button-up too). Just my opinion.

Are bow ties in or something?
How do those extra slim BB shirts fit? I usually buy the slim fit, with these winter punds not sure I can pull off the extra slim
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Not a fan of camo pants, shorts on the other hand I like.

Just picked these up:

Can you take a pic of you wearing them?
These are on discount and i need to see them being worn to pull the trigger
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^Look, I don't know how to say this but that is just doing too much. Shawl, outrageously colored bow tie, and patterned button-up? Just too much. There is too much going on around your neck and it doesn't coordinate well together either.
Lose the bow tie and you are good to go (loosen the top button of your button-up too). Just my opinion.

Are bow ties in or something?
aggreed 100%
Originally Posted by Crumps Brother

Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by damnitzdom


grey desert boots $50

Never ordered from amazon before....how do i know if these are legit?
Or am i just asking a stupid question here?
idiotic, really
One of the worst questions of the New Year

Jokes my man, I work for Amazon and all our stuff is 100% legit. Kind of a reputable company. Plus if you have any issues file an A to Z claim and your taken care of.
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