Dressing better

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

Late, but xmas. Critque?
The shawl sweater is more brown than it is grey


The Bow Tie is too bright and it clashes with the rest of the outfit, should of stuck to a more neutral color (navy)
  ...  and the pattern of the socks clash with the pattern of the of the shirt. Some solid socks would of been great  (thats probably where you could of pulled of the yellow)

niidawg , nycknicks105 ...  great start I wish you too the best of luck with it

If Bow Ties are " in "  I guess starting fashion blogs are too


Alot more original content coming soon, im just trying to get the feel for blogging on a daily for now

Excuse the iphone 4 pic of n the boys (this was New Years in Charlotte)..... Pops took my DSLR before I put the pics on my computer


GF sent me this one tho (I gotta work on improving my BOW-Tying skills but hey its progress

Also I'm a longtime lurker in this thread. I can honestly say this thread has been a tremendous help to my wardrobe this last couple of months. I graduated from an HBCU (NC A&T) and am now doing an internship while getting my masters at Case Western. (The guys in the pic are actually my bestfriends from undergrad), yall wouldn't have believed their faces when they saw the transition from BBC to pretty much J. Crew on the daily. I still do my BBC thing on occasion, and I even did a custom letterman this year since I live in Ohio now but I can honestly say my casual wardrobe is growing by the day. I'm very happy with the direction its going.... Only things I'm really having trouble with right now is the fact that I'm in the earlier stages (a lil over a year) of growing my Locks so at times there are certain styles I just can't pull off, but where there is a will there is a way... So i'mma keep it going. Hope to be a better contribution to the thread in 2011..... Ksteezy look out I'm coming after u fam lol
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

How do those extra slim BB shirts fit? I usually buy the slim fit, with these winter punds not sure I can pull off the extra slim

Not terribly slim. I have never tried the slim fit on but the height of the arm holes and slimness (real word?) of the sleeves is comparable to my Uniqlo shirts. Feels like there is a bit of room in the stomach area but I'm a fairly skinny guy (5'10" - 150lbs).
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by JRThumper85

niidawg3 wrote:

emacdaddy24 wrote:

Just picked up this dark green gingham shirt http://www.brooksbrothers...&Product_Id=1466133#null from Brooks Brothers. Looking for some tie suggestions. Thanks.

solid navy tie
navy tie with pin dots
solid pink/red tie (not jarringly pink/red ... softer hue)
I have that exact same shirt. The color to wear that never fails that I sport is a solid blood red tie (like in the movie Hitman, that red tie) i have 2 a reg and a skinny tie both from brooks bros. Express has also the skinny blood red tie as I copped that also

How is sizing on this shirt? Size up or down? I didn't realize they are only $40.

True to size for me but I'm not as well rounded in dress shirts as some people here. I think Nii might have more wealth of knowledge on the subject.
Originally Posted by 2Nick3

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Not a fan of camo pants, shorts on the other hand I like.

Just picked these up:

Can you take a pic of you wearing them?
These are on discount and i need to see them being worn to pull the trigger
When I do wear them, I'll take a pic. I dress rather simple though, white v-neck, black jeans and probably these.

Link to discount?
To be honest...Bow-tie and shirt combo would have been horrid...glad you didn't wear it.

I, myself, don't like the white crew neck shirt...would have done a v-neck..but thats all preference I feel.

Everything else is coo...
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by niidawg3

i know a few people here and on other boards have been prodding me to create a blog. finally had some free time on my hands and whipped something up.

please check it out and give me some feedback ... http://adabraka-sartorialist.tumblr.com/

I'm glad you finally did this, it's long overdue.
My constructive critiques, since you asked:

1) I think all blogs look better against white backgrounds. Easier to read, cleaner look. 

2) Not sure the little captions are necessary. I think the clothes speak for themselves, adding the "fashion tip" captions makes it seem as if you're trying to teach as opposed to share, and I think people are much more receptive to the latter. Same could be said about the quote at the bottom. If that's the motto of your blog, I think you can state it without attributing it to yourself, again sort of coming off as one looking to teach rather than to share. Not that I doubt that you are qualified to teach fashion, just that I think people are less receptive to that sort of thing.  

thanks for the feedback. I went ahead and editted most of the captions and the quote. However while updating the blog today, i kept wondering what the value was in only posting pictures. I get a fair bit of questions abuot my fits, why i wore something, how i was able to pull off something etc etc, so my hope is the caption will try to serve as that information.

it may come off to some as arrogant or unnecessary and i guess so be it - because that is not the intention. i've been a fashion !*!$@ for like 25 years and even by mistake i've learnt a thing or two - and i think if i'm gonna spend time maintaining a blog - i might as well pass that info on ... else i should probably just stick to posting the pics only here and on SF.   
Originally Posted by Numberr97

One of these nights wasted in the club again. Yes that is a bow tie.

-nice jacket and accessory

-lose the white undershirt
-bowtie as a pocket square or w/ever is just a no-no. plus if that were truely a p/s it is too matchy-matchy with the shirt anyways
-a crisp white linen square or a navy square would have lifted this fit up tremendously.
Originally Posted by Where Are You Harold Miner 2

Originally Posted by Crumps Brother

Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by damnitzdom


grey desert boots $50

Never ordered from amazon before....how do i know if these are legit?
Or am i just asking a stupid question here?
idiotic, really
One of the worst questions of the New Year

Jokes my man, I work for Amazon and all our stuff is 100% legit. Kind of a reputable company. Plus if you have any issues file an A to Z claim and your taken care of.
well, when i was ordering headphones off amazon some people were complaining they received fakes.  but they were shipped from 3rd party stores and not directly from amazon or an amazon approved store.
Please don't let your white undershirt show when you're wearing a dress shirt. Makes you look like a high schooler.
Originally Posted by niidawg3

Originally Posted by Numberr97

One of these nights wasted in the club again. Yes that is a bow tie.

-nice jacket and accessory

-lose the white undershirt
-bowtie as a pocket square or w/ever is just a no-no. plus if that were truely a p/s it is too matchy-matchy with the shirt anyways
-a crisp white linen square or a navy square would have lifted this fit up tremendously.

Niidawg13 hit it on the moneyNumberr97 : that's a beautiful blazer... Who makes it?
Haha I know all my white v necks were in the wash =/ and the rest I was just messing around with. That blazer is rugby
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^Look, I don't know how to say this but that is just doing too much. Shawl, outrageously colored bow tie, and patterned button-up? Just too much. There is too much going on around your neck and it doesn't coordinate well together either.
Lose the bow tie and you are good to go (loosen the top button of your button-up too). Just my opinion.

Are bow ties in or something?
Originally Posted by thinkinFRESH

The Bow Tie is too bright and it clashes with the rest of the outfit, should of stuck to a more neutral color (navy)
  ...  and the pattern of the socks clash with the pattern of the of the shirt. Some solid socks would of been great  (thats probably where you could of pulled of the yellow)
Really appreciating the feedback, I don't usually try such bold colors like this or bow ties but decided to give it a swing, and well, a miss. As well, the socks kind of just happened, wasn't intentional

I will continue to take notes and go into lurking
Originally Posted by niidawg3

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by niidawg3

i know a few people here and on other boards have been prodding me to create a blog. finally had some free time on my hands and whipped something up.

please check it out and give me some feedback ... http://adabraka-sartorialist.tumblr.com/

I'm glad you finally did this, it's long overdue.
My constructive critiques, since you asked:

1) I think all blogs look better against white backgrounds. Easier to read, cleaner look. 

2) Not sure the little captions are necessary. I think the clothes speak for themselves, adding the "fashion tip" captions makes it seem as if you're trying to teach as opposed to share, and I think people are much more receptive to the latter. Same could be said about the quote at the bottom. If that's the motto of your blog, I think you can state it without attributing it to yourself, again sort of coming off as one looking to teach rather than to share. Not that I doubt that you are qualified to teach fashion, just that I think people are less receptive to that sort of thing.  

thanks for the feedback. I went ahead and editted most of the captions and the quote. However while updating the blog today, i kept wondering what the value was in only posting pictures. I get a fair bit of questions abuot my fits, why i wore something, how i was able to pull off something etc etc, so my hope is the caption will try to serve as that information.

it may come off to some as arrogant or unnecessary and i guess so be it - because that is not the intention. i've been a fashion !*!$@ for like 25 years and even by mistake i've learnt a thing or two - and i think if i'm gonna spend time maintaining a blog - i might as well pass that info on ... else i should probably just stick to posting the pics only here and on SF.   
I think the somewhat longer captions with some personal anectodes thrown in work much, much better. The shorter ones seemed like they were pulled out of a book or something, these are more like fashion experiences that you're sharing. Kudos. 
Originally Posted by NachoBroadway

New tie pickups
2 Grenadine, 1cashmere, 1 wool buffalo stripe, 1 corporate with little animals, 1 burgundy stripe


 fresh tie pick ups 
 info. the last pic tie set that outfit off. ties make such a difference
so, going to be heading to a wedding soon.. looking at these shoes... are they too chunky for this suit? color match ok?


Originally Posted by alilucask

so, going to be heading to a wedding soon.. looking at these shoes... are they too chunky for this suit? color match ok?


I think the shoes go well with the suit, but for a wedding I would probably go with a navy suit or a darker shade of gray...
I don't like brown shoes with a grey suit - I would always go with black. I just think it looks silly.

They would go well with a navy suit though - about the only color I think you can get away with either black or dark brown.
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