Drive by shooting, Please help

Hmm, if it was real, what reason would he have to remove it and dip off into the sunset? ya'll gotta do better. Can you report potential fraud to gofundme?
But why remove it from here with the tag "too much detail" as folks were getting more and more information? It's ya'll money anyways, whatever.
Damn, so folks lost money? Blame the mods/admins for not stepping in and removing the gfm link when things began getting sketchy. I'm shocked they allowed it to go on longer when more money starting stacking up. 
I reported the sunuvah dog and the GoFundMe individuals claimed that they're looking into it. Haven't heard from them since. FILED A CHARGE Back and got my money back.
I reported the sunuvah dog and the GoFundMe individuals claimed that they're looking into it. Haven't heard from them since. FILED A CHARGE Back and got my money back.
They'll likely take it more seriously if more people express concerns about the campaign.  

One would hope that they'd exercise some degree of oversight when it comes to campaigns hosted on their platform, given that they're taking a cut of those campaigns' earnings. 

I would encourage everyone here who contributed to this campaign to contact GoFundMe, in the hopes that they will actually make an effort to assess its validity.
I bet he bought a buncha dope on credit now hes not getting that gfm money lol
Only thing i'm conflicted with is there's still clearly someone in the hospital having a tough time, just wonder what the real story is/was.
Y'all wanna donate to my vacation in 3 weeks? I need 200 bucks towards my drinks, 2 bucks per will help... thanks.
My organization about 4gs short of our annual fundraising needs for 2016/17. It's for the kids, dead serious no finesse, anyone want to donate?

Damn you know what, ain't that exactly what gfme is for?

Thanks for the inspiration OP.
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I'm just glad I never donated to any GFM post on NT. 
im about to be extremely helpful.... yall rdy?

Told yall so :tongue:

my spidey senses was tingling from the jumppp
Not sure that's op, but weird how a cat who's posts are just about trappin and how ******* ain't **** all of a sudden having a heart for a random shorty out in Cali.
One of the donors name is Joe in Litchfields Pen warden from OITNB :rofl:

Dude troll level :pimp:
papi saying them cleverland boys broke the internet? :nerd:

gofundme was really for his new mixtape, heartless? :nerd:
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