Driving a really nice car and living with your parents (age 21+)

Some people dont want to live alone, I know I dont
I know a dude he is 29 and laywer and lives home, he moving out next year cause he is getting married.
yeah the dude next to me well sorta next to me has a pretty decent house actually really nice larger then average and has a house and owns a truck company...still dont quite get it. 4 rooms double basement and home a good 10% of the time. I mean i guess diff strokes for different folks. But ppl saying its foolish to have a nice whip/hot car...living with family...how is that different then having a house single no kids....?

i mean at least the car is getting full use and is something you can enjoy. But yea i think sometimes dudes just take home for granted and esp... be out on they own and have to do the cooking cleaning etc... and feel like nah im good let ma dukes handle that... sometimes it might just be a not liking to live with others, and some folks just waiting till they get a wife family etc....
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