Driving a really nice car and living with your parents (age 21+)

NYC is the worst place to do it. With the insurance rates here plus that car note.

Oh yea good luck finding parking daily and having to get up early to move your car for street cleaning.
i wish i lived in a location where i didnt have to have a car...

if im still working in the DC urea come June, im dumping my car and moving closer to work. no more of this middle of nowhere **** and two hour one-way commutes for me. if i NEED to get somewhere, I got a bike. 
23 still at home drive a 2012 Challenger wit da hemi :smokin (it's leased though lol) . Have an excellent relationship with my parents though, they never minded me having company or having girls spend the night. plus they own a bar so they're usually gone and I work second shift (3-11) so it's kind of like living alone :lol:. Plan on moving out this summer though.
This seems like a bad idea. I'm not sure why though. Any thoughts?
Because you should be saving to move out.

Nothing wrong with living with your parents if you can't afford your own place but spending dough on an expensive whip won't help the cause.
Nah he should. You can't be a man and not have experienced living life by yourself by 31.
Being a man, to me doesn't equal living alone.

But 31 does seem excessive.

Does a 09' Civic classify as a nice whip?
I think it all depends. For example...

I live in WI now but I'm from Ga. I just got a job offer back in Ga that I'll take. The job is 90% travel and most if the time I will only be home on the weekends. Now, my current whip is as close to a POS as u can possibly get. If it lasts me until march I plan on getting myself something nice. I do plan on living at moms crib until I can buy a crib of my own. Again I think that situation is different but that could just be my own jaded views.
What do you consider a "nice" car?

I cant leave till Im married.

I might be pushing a Beamer in my moms house
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like someone said earlier.....if ur staying to take care of them. thats cool.......really cool (in which case ur helping out with bills and stuff...)

but dont be sticking around the basement or ur old room, and be cruising in a car ur doing downpayment on........helll na. epitome of frontin....
at the responses after dude said he was 31 living at home

throwing stones are we folks? maybe he's waiting on getting a house and still saving.
not only that but if you a dude single with no kids and own a house (unless its a investment, etc...) you basically are frontin and more or less a rest haven for ohhs.. or the single mom looking for a build a family. Like really if your by yourself why do you need/purpose for having 3/4 bedrooms etc...Outside of hey single mom with kids who looking for a place with a nice yard and big rooms etc...for my kids.

I mean apt..loft etc i get. But dudes single no kids and owning a house/yard etc, pretty much eithr is just frontin trying to impress woman, in which most likely someone elses baby moms or you just like to host alot of family friends have the hangout stay/mooch house.
Driving an 07 impala, living on my own...

where do I fit in at?

I'm not trying to move back home, though... Ever... :lol:

on the real, my momb asked if she could move in with me... I just told her I'd get her an apartment and pay half her rent.
Bought a crib in 09, folks lost their home due to a bad refinance and they have been living with me ever since.

They said they were going to move out to Miami or El Salvador within a year of first movin in, still here.

It's cool having them here and all but I don't have the heart to tell em it's time.
IMO moving out should be priority then a car.
I plan on moving out in a few months myself. To all those in the NYC area what would you say is a reasonable amount to have saved up before making the big move with a roomate?
Bought a crib in 09, folks lost their home due to a bad refinance and they have been living with me ever since.
They said they were going to move out to Miami or El Salvador within a year of first movin in, still here.
It's cool having them here and all but I don't have the heart to tell em it's time.
sticky situation bro.

what do they help with around the house? And when did you move out yourself?
Lulz at ANY 30 year old with the resources to live on their own but choose to stay at home, *****ing child :x

Time to clip the umbilical chord.
Some people dont want to live alone, I know I dont

I know a dude he is 29 and laywer and lives home, he moving out next year cause he is getting married.
you going to need to drive to point A & B

The crib aint going to zap you to the destinations

but if you can afford a "nice" car...you can surely make the big move asap
There isn't a problem if someone is living at the house as long as they are contributing to bills and food and not a leech.
I live with my fiancee, drive an average car. New though. I don't know, nothing beats independence. The car thing is kinda overrated, especially in NYC where it's a chore to drive. But the issue I'm running into is I got the nice clothes, even jewelry, and now I want something a lil bit flashy (3 series type). Can't afford it though and it's starting to eat at me. lol
Originally Posted by sonofsam

damb...im 20 in college as well, rollin kinda nice...but now i feel like a dirt bag for still living with my parents.
im 21 and in same situation. %*@@# depressing
No need to feel bad.  I'm in college and I live with my parents too, there's no way I could afford my own place while being a full-time student at 21.  I would only say that for students though, if you're not a student, working full-time, and living with your parents then you should be saving up for a house, or a down payment on one, and not an M3...
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