Dude breaks my Blackberry and refuses to pay me....

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by kkblazers03

he thinks your a push over

either tax something thats his

hurt him

or if u wanna embarrass him..tell his mother
hell naw. you'll come off even lamer than you already are coming off. then he'll be like you're a certified %@*%%
Apparently, he isn't worried about what you think or he wouldn't be flaunting stuff about you on Facebook for all to see. He's pretty much tellingeveryone "Haha dude needs to #@$@ I aint payin' him back".................you need to prove him wrong.
Either you
1. Beat his !*@, take what he has on him, and then demand the rest in a week or so
2. Take something of his of equal value and keep it as collateral or break it.
3. Beat his !*@ then take something of his as collateral or break it
4. Take the L and move on...
I'd be more mad at the disrespect he gave you on Facebook than the money. Because if he got no money then he can't pay, bit he sure shouldn't bedisrespecting like that. Not a violent man but I would definitely confront him about what he said face to face and see where it goes from there. In the endthough, he's some immature chump that plays around too much, has no money, and can't be responsible for his actions, which is a bigger L than yourphone.
OP I would also like to comeback an tell you your a Pure %%*%$!!!!

I don't even know how you can sleep at night being a #!+ like you are.

smh Grow some damn nuts ma'am.

Everytime you make a thread for now on I will address you as Lil Mama because you are a girl.

And off of Niketalk your new name is Bridgett.

Do you understand me?
Originally Posted by Agthekid

OP I would also like to comeback an tell you your a Pure %%*%$!!!!

I don't even know how you can sleep at night being a #!+ like you are.

smh Grow some damn nuts ma'am.

Everytime you make a thread for now on I will address you as Lil Mama because you are a girl.

And off of Niketalk your new name is Bridgett.

Do you understand me?
Be firm,

look him straight in the eyes,

tell him you want full payment,

or you'll hurt him/destroy something of his.

There's just no other way to handle it personally without involving the courts.
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