Dumb things you've heard people say

Quite a few times I have a interaction like this at work, especially yesterday(Customer service rep):

Customer: Excuse me. Can you tell me if this spray kill fleas?
Me: (looks at can) Yes it does maam.
Her: You answered that quick. You sure about that?
Me: I'm very sure. It says on the can "Kills fleas, ticks, roaches,........."
Her: *gives me a weird look* Let me go and ask someone else to make sure.

*Fast forward 3 minutes later*

Her: I'm going to buy it and see what it can do, but I'm still not convinced that this spray can kill fleas.
Me: It should kill the fleas maam. It says so on the can.
Her: Mmm hmmm. I might come back and return this.
Me: Ok. That will be $5.65.

For us that work in retail, it's never a dull moment when dealing with the public.
Originally Posted by pip777

Quite a few times I have a interaction like this at work, especially yesterday(Customer service rep):

Customer: Excuse me. Can you tell me if this spray kill fleas?
Me: (looks at can) Yes it does maam.
Her: You answered that quick. You sure about that?
Me: I'm very sure. It says on the can "Kills fleas, ticks, roaches,........."
Her: *gives me a weird look* Let me go and ask someone else to make sure.

*Fast forward 3 minutes later*

Her: I'm going to buy it and see what it can do, but I'm still not convinced that this spray can kill fleas.
Me: It should kill the fleas maam. It says so on the can.
Her: Mmm hmmm. I might come back and return this.
Me: Ok. That will be $5.65.

For us that work in retail, it's never a dull moment when dealing with the public.

Someone once asked me where the CD's go on an ipad. 
I gave them the 
and followed up with a 
 and kindly handed them off to another specialist 

I didn't mean to be a **** about it, but damn. How do you ask me "So its pretty much a big ipod right?" and then follow up with a "where do I put the CD's?"


According to her logic though, you would think she'd figure that since an ipod doesn't use discs, neither would an ipad. 

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by Shawn Is 0n NT

I was playing basketball and one guy went back-court. We called it a back-court violation, but then he said, "How? We're playing a full-court game!"

Who plays with backcourt violations in a pick up game? Generally half court is "out of bounds" in a half court game. Do you guys call 3 in the key too?

youd be laughed off court

Originally Posted by Cash is King

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by Shawn Is 0n NT

I was playing basketball and one guy went back-court. We called it a back-court violation, but then he said, "How? We're playing a full-court game!"

Who plays with backcourt violations in a pick up game? Generally half court is "out of bounds" in a half court game. Do you guys call 3 in the key too?

youd be laughed off court

everywhere i've ran full court games no one calls back court violations *shrug*
Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

Hmmm things like when people say "Hella'".
Reason being thet don't use it correctly.
"It's hella' hot"!

Translation: It is hell of hot?
Doesn't make sense!

Hella means super or a lot of. saying its hella hot means" its super hot". saying its hella chicks in here means "there are a lot of chicks in here"   hella is not an abreviation for hell of 
Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

NT: Im addicted to cocaine... I need help...
Foul bruh. Foul. 
 a crackhead posting on NT for help... 
We have the homeless guy too. 
We can't rag on them just because they have misfortunes or going through hard times though. 
It aint even funny though. Help your NT fam or get off, scum bags. I hope that when you have a problem and come to NT for help just because you have erectile disfunction that we all roast you bruh
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

It aint even funny though. Help your NT fam or get off, scum bags. I hope that when you have a problem and come to NT for help just because you have erectile disfunction that we all roast you bruh
i mean, how much/what help is he really expecting to receive. The only real way to quit is just cold turkey and has to be self motivated. That thread just became a discussion about cocaine and stories...
Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

It aint even funny though. Help your NT fam or get off, scum bags. I hope that when you have a problem and come to NT for help just because you have erectile disfunction that we all roast you bruh
i mean, how much/what help is he really expecting to receive. The only real way to quit is just cold turkey and has to be self motivated. That thread just became a discussion about cocaine and stories...
You think it feels that simple when you're in that situation yourself?
Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

It aint even funny though. Help your NT fam or get off, scum bags. I hope that when you have a problem and come to NT for help just because you have erectile disfunction that we all roast you bruh
i mean, how much/what help is he really expecting to receive. The only real way to quit is just cold turkey and has to be self motivated. That thread just became a discussion about cocaine and stories...

He doesn't want help per se.. He wants support, and when he can relate with a bunch of guys like us, basically anonymously, and fume a little bit to people who won't judge him based on a community we've all helped build, then it helps. I can't relate to the guy in the same sense, but we can still all help eachother. You'll learn. You'd be suprised how a stranger could change someone's life over night.
Originally Posted by ColdCity

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

My boys aunt said the 9/11 attacks were done with one plane. According to her, they hit the first tower, put the plane in reverse than hit the second tower. Everyone hit her with the not sure if serious face when she said that.


is this real life, bruh?
Yesterday at the McDonalds: 
Me: A #2? with a Dr. Pepper

Her: Anything else?

Me: An extra hashbrown please

Her: The meal comes with a hashbrown

Me: An extra hashbrown 
Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

My boys aunt said the 9/11 attacks were done with one plane. According to her, they hit the first tower, put the plane in reverse than hit the second tower. Everyone hit her with the not sure if serious face when she said that.


Just for clarification some planes can go in reverse, just not in the air obviously. 
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by Cash is King

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Who plays with backcourt violations in a pick up game? Generally half court is "out of bounds" in a half court game. Do you guys call 3 in the key too?

youd be laughed off court

everywhere i've ran full court games no one calls back court violations *shrug*
Me: Yea, we're heading in the right direction, but we still aren't hitting on all cylinders as a staff.
Manager: You're right. We're like a V-8 corvette running on a V-5.
a while back...my friend wins a "soft drink" from McD's Monopoly game...we are out and broke

him: im thirsty i want a soda
me: go use your soft drink piece for a soda there's a McD's on the next block
him: i cant use that for a soda...its for a soft drink like juice, milk or coffee...
me: get out of my car now...
Originally Posted by High Altitude

Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

My boys aunt said the 9/11 attacks were done with one plane. According to her, they hit the first tower, put the plane in reverse than hit the second tower. Everyone hit her with the not sure if serious face when she said that.


Just for clarification some planes can go in reverse, just not in the air obviously. 
Wait some planes can go in reverse.... thanks for enlightening me
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