they're in the toughest division, but the cavs still have a harder schedule. lebron played for team usa and that takes its toll. the cavs don't have asmuch offensive threat as NO because the main focus for offense is lebron, while the others are too inconsistent to be the main scorers. but for NO, they canrely on david west to take some of the load off of cp3 for offense, and then peja can explode and score in bunches at any moment. and if mo pete gets moreminutes and comes alive, they have a scary offensive team. nobody on the cavs averages over 15 ppg with the exception of lebron. and defensively, the hornetshave chandler who can be relied on to defend the inside lane while the cavs don't really have a standout defender. there best defender is lebron, but hecan't take up the paint like chandler, so he can really only be relied on to guard one person.
What are those stats you guys (Jehlers02 & CROSSISOM) posted based on?

I see 72 points, 52 points, 41 rebounds, etc.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Dont forget that this is the same team which started last season 13-4 and finished with a sub-500 record.
yea but this year they signed some dude named Rashard Lewis he ain't to bad.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

that pic is dumb, he's 6'11'' try if he was 5'10'', then it's impressive.
... Being 7 foot and kissing a 10 foot rim puts you right around a 40 inch vert...At 5'10, that would put you right around 50+ inches of air...Get real

there's a pic of a white guy who's 5'10'' kissing the rim.
As great as Baron has been playing for us (especially at home), he may not even be the clear-cut MVP of our team. Jack is technically the number 2 scoringoption (depending on if Monta/Al are going off) while being the number 1 defensive option.

In the arguments against CP3, just think of the same arguments in favor of Nash and apply them to Paul. That first year, he had ridiculous spot-up shooters onhis team, along with a number 1 defensive option and a dominating inside presence. If Paul puts up Nash-like stats along with a strong record, thatautomatically puts him in the discussion as he has nearly the exact same pieces that Nash did (2 strong spot up shooters (Peja and Mo-Pete technically), anumber 1 defensive option (Chandler), and a dominating inside presence (West).

Dwight on the other hand...is just putting up monster numbers ALONG with winning. Though my argument may be flipped upside down if Dwight and Lebron weretraded for each other, I'm likely to believe that Dwight's record with the Cavs would be just as good if not better than Lebron's with the Magic.Dwight has just such an imposing presence on games. A big man who puts up wins and numbers with great efficiency will probably beat someone putting up numbersthat are slightly greater (not willing to debate if 39/16/6blk type games are horribly weaker than 35/12/10 type games) but is winning much less.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

What are those stats you guys (Jehlers02 & CROSSISOM) posted based on?

I see 72 points, 52 points, 41 rebounds, etc.
Yea that threw me off too. It's the totals for # of games played. If you looked to the left you'll see they played some teams more than once.
Dwight Howard is amazing.

Gained a lot of appreciation for him last season, when I had him on my fantasy team.

Definitely a top talent and a great personality for the NBA.

However, handing out hardware when the first month of the season just concluded. Simply stupid!

Went to the Sonics vs. Lakers game the other night and everytime Kobe stepped to the free throw line, they started chanting "M-V-P". How ******edwas that? Checked my ticket stub and the date on the ticket still said November,

This discussion shouldn't take place until late March - early April.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by SHUGES

What are those stats you guys (Jehlers02 & CROSSISOM) posted based on?

I see 72 points, 52 points, 41 rebounds, etc.
Yea that threw me off too. It's the totals for # of games played. If you looked to the left you'll see they played some teams more than once.

Good looking out!
I agree with those who said its way too early to start talking about MVP, but Dwight is definitely the real deal. He's the closest thing I've seen toa young Shaq since, well, Shaq was young. He's got a pretty expolisve combination of power and athleticism. If he has a better work ethic than Shaq(which wouldn't be hard) and really develops his offensive game, the sky is really the limit for him, considering how young he is and how good he isalready.
they're in the toughest division, but the cavs still have a harder schedule. lebron played for team usa and that takes its toll. the cavs don't have as much offensive threat as NO because the main focus for offense is lebron, while the others are too inconsistent to be the main scorers. but for NO, they can rely on david west to take some of the load off of cp3 for offense, and then peja can explode and score in bunches at any moment. and if mo pete gets more minutes and comes alive, they have a scary offensive team. nobody on the cavs averages over 15 ppg with the exception of lebron. and defensively, the hornets have chandler who can be relied on to defend the inside lane while the cavs don't really have a standout defender. there best defender is lebron, but he can't take up the paint like chandler, so he can really only be relied on to guard one person.

Yeap, but come on, lets get serious, Davis West is NOT Mikki Moore, he can put up CRAZY CRAZY #'s, and regardless of how he's changed, Peja is still agreat shooter. Tyson is in the top-tier of Centers in the L, don't know how anoyne can say he's not that good. Not to mention they have maybe 3rd orfourth best backup PG in the L (only behind Barbosa, Jason Terry, and Jose Calderon).

Baron is good, MVP material, not quite, much more of a balanced-team effort, he doesn't stand out as much as I think he used to.

As far as MVP's go..

1) Dwight
2) LeBron
3) Boozer
4) KG

And someone who I think people will start to talk about later in the year...

Caron Butler.


52% FG, 52% from three, 89% FT, 7 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals, 23 points per, and he'll end up averaging around 25.

Dude is an absolute monster. 52% from three?!

But about Dwight, he's a beast, yeap. Although Lewis stays on the perimeter, he has two 6'9''+ dudes who start and he still grabs like 50rebounds a game. I'll be damned if he isn't a start in the East, and if he isn't all-nba first team.
all these lebron stans are starting to annoy me.

to be MVP, you usually have to have a good TEAM record as well. the cavs suck.

and to whoever said bron's playing on Team USA took its toll, well, dwight played on Team USA as well, so what's your point?
So far its
1. Lebron
2. Dwight
3. Chris Kamen (if his team wasn't such doo doo but he has the numbers to prove it)

And SocalxBucks stop hating. I bet you're one of those shortchubby kids who are always saying , "if I was ____ feet tall I could dunk too" even though they have no athletic ability whatsoever.
How is lebron in the lead RIGHT NOW ? Yeah he's putting up big numbers but he's hurt and his teams at .500.

If your team aint winning games, you aint getting the MVP.

Dwight got the lead, hands down.
So far its
1. Lebron
2. Dwight
3. Chris Kamen (if his team wasn't such doo doo but he has the numbers to prove it)
@ kamen being mentioned, hes having a good season butmvp?..
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