Eagles player LeSean McCoy tips 20 cents (less than 1/3 of a percent) at PYT Burger

Not even gonna read the thread. He probably asked his boy what he's supposed to tip. His boy told em 20%.

He remembered from his Remedial Math 78 class freshman year that 20% converts to .20 when you move the decimal. C'mon guys you know these athletes aren't the sharpest knives in the bunch. Floyd Mayweather can't even do the conversion thats why he tips 2000% everywhere and everyone loves him for it.
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Not even gonna read the thread. He probably asked his boy what he's supposed to tip. His boy told em 20%.
He remembered from his Remedial Math 78 class freshman year that 20% converts to .20 when you move the decimal. C'mon guys you know these athletes aren't the sharpest knives in the bunch. Floyd Mayweather can't even do the conversion thats why he tips 2000% everywhere and everyone loves him for it.
:lol: I've been seeing this more and more lately that ppl are making fun of the ppl who don't understand the whole move the decimal point two places for percentages when doing certain math problems and equations.

**** is sad :smh:
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My brother had a tough time figuring out 15 percent. I told him take 10 percent and then add half of that to get to 15 percent. People aren't used to dealing with numbers in their head anymore.
Can u really leave negative tip lol
But you're stealing money from the person that paid for you meal..... 

This is to scumbaggie to be real. Might need a clear explanation as to what exactly you do. 
i repped you but it went to lakersman3000 instead. weird.
Under rated post

i used to deliver pizza, so technically not a server in a restuarant.
In terms of tip, I used to get upset when people wouldnt tip or tip $1-$2. But overall, it balanced out with people that would tip $5+
Needless to say, I loved that job and was probably the most fun I've had at a job thus far
i used to deliver pizza, so technically not a server in a restuarant.
In terms of tip, I used to get upset when people wouldnt tip or tip $1-$2. But overall, it balanced out with people that would tip $5+
Needless to say, I loved that job and was probably the most fun I've had at a job thus far
Everybody gotta do something.
So the consensus in here is that you should tip EVEN when you get terrible service?
You still rockin girbauds ha
Still goin to the chinese buffet askin for a to go cup ha
Takin yo mom to olive garden ha
Takin tips you aint eem give and puttin em in yo pocket ha
Lakerman3000 spends $ at medical shops and then complains about being broke and resorts to stealing from his loved ones...priorities :lol:
Seems more like he's stealing from the ppl that would receive the tip than his loved ones.

You still rockin girbauds ha
Still goin to the chinese buffet askin for a to go cup ha
Takin yo mom to olive garden ha
Takin tips you aint eem give and puttin em in yo pocket ha
You takin the tip ha
You catching **** ha

I swear when NTers do this it doesn't work for me unless I can hear this as well.
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I have no qualms with writing 0.00 in the tip line if service or food was bad. I still walk slow out the place. No dambs given.
Then you should agree there's a whole lot worse than NTers being seen as cheap. We got all types of hateful ppl spreading their ignorance on this board.
:lol: I mean okay your confident enough to reveal a part of your life where you need to be reassured of some imagined self worth when you go out to eat cuz of the value you put on going out to eat. I'll give you that. Still wreaks of low self esteem in how you described it.

The fact that you think you're helping someone less fortunate in doing this instead of addressing the real problem these ppl have to face is the biggest issue when it comes to ppl giving reasons for why they tip. At this point I gotta say it's willful ignorance.
So again why are you stuck on NTers being viewed as cheap? That **** is superficial and irrelevant. NT aint a name brand or group you carry with you out in public. You're not out eating with your friends and ppl in the restaurant are like oh there goes a group of NTers eating, I wonder how much they'll tip.

But like I said if you're not new maybe you're not paying attention.

I go out to eat because its an experience i can afford. It makes me grateful that I live my life the way I do, and have the ability to afford such luxuries. The self worth isn't imagined...it may not be tangible, but it is quantifiable, and I do value myself. I have no idea how me feeling good about myself having a few extra bucks in my pocket and can go out and enjoy myself and hopefully make someone(s) who works there a little happier, from the front house waitstaff, to the dishwashers (assuming they get tipped out) equates or "wreaks of low self esteem" guess you'll have to explain that to me though. :nerd:

I would hope that perhaps having a few more bucks in their pockets due to me and others IS addressing the bigger problem. Bad service that tome around? couldve been the cook, couldve been management giving them too much a workload, couldve been a co-worker calling in sick...couldve been anything...

im grateful i can go out to eat, when a lot of the staff at these restaurants couldnt even afford to go to them their damn selves...Heck maybe they can work a few less hours per week...take that college class or wtvr...better themselves, and their pockets...start enjoying themselves and hopefully do the exact same thing im doing..pay it forward i guess...who're you to say what my money does or doesn't do in every single case?

and no, i don't make consistent "real time" judgements(although living in the bay area I certainly HAVE seen my share of folks sitting across the restaurant that i knew were nt'ers :lol:) Going to their table and looking at their check to see their tip amount. But i DO believe NT is a community, and its a pleasant surprise and a breath of fresh air whenever a member of this community does something unexpectedly positive over what I may have expected from them, and conversely its a shame when i think of someone as "a straight up person" on here, and they come in here trying to argue on why theyre cheap.

No two ways about it, it's my belief system and that's how it is man...i have my justifications, but in the end it comes down to the fact that it makes me feel good...i dont go out and make it rain or do something overt to make myself look "ballin" to others, its just a little thank you to people who are often trivialized, and in an often thankless and mostly low paying industry.
The restaurant owner speaks
[h1]A MESSAGE FROM THE OWNER:[/h1][h1]I would like to address the LeSean McCoy tipping situation and our role in it.[/h1][h1]For starters, I take total and complete responsibility for sharing this receipt. It was not our server's decision, it was mine. I am to blame.[/h1][h1]I decided to take action after some serious thought. And while I'd like to apologize to Mr McCoy, I cannot in good conscience do so. I stand by my actions one hundred percent.[/h1][h1]Mr McCoy and his three companions came into my place on Monday afternoon, and immediately the whole staff was excited. Mr McCoy is a skilled athlete and is one of our beloved Philadelphia Eagles. A true Philly legend and a sports hero. Understandably my staff was really pumped, especially on the heels of they terrific win the day before. (Go Eagles!).[/h1][h1]Mr McCoy and his friend sat inside at a booth next to my management and next to me. They were given excellent service. Impeccable service. If anything, our server was a little nervous as was our food runner, because they are big, big fans.[/h1][h1]He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn't the end, however. After Mr McCoy and his group left I looked over and saw their server, my friend, with his head bowed down and with a very confused look on his face. I took the receipt out of his hand and I couldn't believe that anyone could be so callous. Mr McCoy had left a .03% tip for our staff. Our staff that was beyond excited to see him walk into our burger joint and was excited to serve him. That's twenty cents on a tab of over $60. Twenty cents that our server has to split with the food runner and the bartender. Two dimes from an insulting multimillionaire.[/h1][h1]I bet Mr McCoy is usually an awesome dude. And everyone has their bad days. But I'm from Philly and have had the pleasure of meeting many of our bad *** sports heroes. Ron Jaworski I met as a kid and I love. Iverson I loved. Mike Schmidt! You name 'em. I love all of our athletes past and present. Hometown heroes who treat those below them with some respect. And maybe Mr McCoy was having a "bad day" after his big victory all that, but the reports of him receiving "bad service" is a complete slanderous lie, and my crew here is better than that and deserves better than that.[/h1][h1]At the end of the day, I did what I felt my heart told me to do. And I don't want anything from Mr McCoy, but...maybe an apology to his server who gave him excellent service would be cool.[/h1][h1]Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be pissed too. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and stick up for his friends.[/h1][h1]Hate mail should be directed to [email protected]. I will respond to you right after I catch up on this mornings hate mail.[/h1]
I would've loved to have seen the look on the waiters face looking at the receipt 
,0.3% is pretty douchey though.
It might have been a to-go order, in which not even a 1 cent tip should be left.
Naw dude, that's NOT cool. Anytime someone does a service for you that you're too lazy to do, you tip. Period. If you don't wanna tip, stay home and cook your own meal

I should top the bagger at the grocery store? I should tip the mechanic?
Random, but when I worked at Kroger in high school, I was a bagger and would occasionally get tips. This one dude in particular always gave me whatever the change was from his purchase. Biggest I got was $10 one time.

I wanted to hug those people cause I would've never even thought to do that.
Then you should agree there's a whole lot worse than NTers being seen as cheap. We got all types of hateful ppl spreading their ignorance on this board.
:lol: I mean okay your confident enough to reveal a part of your life where you need to be reassured of some imagined self worth when you go out to eat cuz of the value you put on going out to eat. I'll give you that. Still wreaks of low self esteem in how you described it.

The fact that you think you're helping someone less fortunate in doing this instead of addressing the real problem these ppl have to face is the biggest issue when it comes to ppl giving reasons for why they tip. At this point I gotta say it's willful ignorance.
So again why are you stuck on NTers being viewed as cheap? That **** is superficial and irrelevant. NT aint a name brand or group you carry with you out in public. You're not out eating with your friends and ppl in the restaurant are like oh there goes a group of NTers eating, I wonder how much they'll tip.

But like I said if you're not new maybe you're not paying attention.

I go out to eat because its an experience i can afford. It makes me grateful that I live my life the way I do, and have the ability to afford such luxuries. The self worth isn't imagined...it may not be tangible, but it is quantifiable, and I do value myself. I have no idea how me feeling good about myself having a few extra bucks in my pocket and can go out and enjoy myself and hopefully make someone(s) who works there a little happier, from the front house waitstaff, to the dishwashers (assuming they get tipped out) equates or "wreaks of low self esteem" guess you'll have to explain that to me though. :nerd:
Like I said this some low self esteem **** imo but it's clear we view going out to eat very differently.

I would hope that perhaps having a few more bucks in their pockets due to me and others IS addressing the bigger problem.
It isn't. The problem will be addressed when you don't even have to tip, when your tip is refused. Cuz the employees are being paid adequate wages.

The rest of your post was just more of the same so I didn't bother. I'm not telling you what to believe btw. Just seems you don't like my opinion of your "beliefs".
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