Earth 2100

Nov 20, 2007
It's on ABC now.

Seems that 2012 talk got to them, more propaganda to scare us in to doing _____. At least I'll be dead or time traveled to the future by then.
Wont be alive so it doesnt matter. But in 2100 the world will be a different place.

Think back to 1900 to now. SHEESH.
Oil is getting harder to find? We're sitting on the largest reserve on the planet.

#!%% outta here.
Originally Posted by bamez

Narrator is corny.
Very corny. I don't mind the format but for something that's two hours I'd prefer something more documentary style. I'mrecognizing a lot of experts though I've seen elsewhere being interviewed saying similar shh.

Seems they're following one thread of possibilities where I thought they would be touching on multiple ones.
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Wont be alive so it doesnt matter. But in 2100 the world will be a different place.

Think back to 1900 to now. SHEESH.

co - sign with u there
America and eventually humans will cease to's only a matter of when.
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