East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

Well I'm putting up the storm windows tonight just in case. I remember earlier this year we had some really windy days and it blew one of my windows right off the pane.
wow some of ppl are not taking this serious....i will be freaked out if i were you guys
i'm really surprised how lightly yall are taking the earthquake that just happened. yall have to consider WHERE it happened. i believe it was worse than ppl realize. had it been just a little stronger it would have caused major damage. i don't believe it was a natural occurance wither, although i could be wrong. i feel like it was a result of something "they" were doing or testing. i also believe it was a precursor to something bigger and we'll be experiencing more things like this EVERYWHERE as 2012 comes and goes. that *!@+ wasn't ordinary bruh!
Its going to be real serious this weekend in nyc. Bloomberg plans on shutting down entire transportation system, and possibly the bridges as well. After all the rain we've gotten over the past month, the ground in the northeast is already pretty saturated, it won't take long for flooding to start with this storm.
this sucks

i got my fantasy draft at my boy's crib on saturday which is also my bro's bday.

i might just be stuck home. anybody knows where to get madden early in NY/NJ??..PLEEEEEEEASSEEEEEE!!!
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

hold the +### up, their cutting off mta service on Saturday?? seriously? 

Yea, if they think the situation will be the same as predicted now or worse.  LIRR, buses the whole nine yards.
One of the reasons behind shutting the trains down is due to where the train yards are located. One of the train yards by me is in Coney Island, which is right off the water From what I heard, they are moving ALL of those trains out of the yard, as Coney Island will most likely have to be evacuated.
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

this sucks

i got my fantasy draft at my boy's crib on saturday which is also my bro's bday.

i might just be stuck home. anybody knows where to get madden early in NY/NJ??..PLEEEEEEEASSEEEEEE!!!

I've got a fantasy draft too, and no one seems to care. I'm the commish, and I sent them a text: "Fantasy Football comes first, your health comes second".

As for madden, where in NJ are you?
I work on McGuire AFB and I work fri,sat,sun all 12 hour shifts.

They're supposed to have all the jets gone by saturday for the hurricane
I would not want to be in a tall building during this.

Hurricannnneee...but you can call it slurrrriiicanneeee
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Originally Posted by SonOfTony

this sucks

i got my fantasy draft at my boy's crib on saturday which is also my bro's bday.

i might just be stuck home. anybody knows where to get madden early in NY/NJ??..PLEEEEEEEASSEEEEEE!!!

I've got a fantasy draft too, and no one seems to care. I'm the commish, and I sent them a text: "Fantasy Football comes first, your health comes second".

As for madden, where in NJ are you?

bergen county
im goin to both mom n pop stores tomorrow like around 2, which is a a little bit after they get their shipments

i'll let u guys know if they have madden
NTs gonna be a quieter place when all the NY NTers loose their power 

To the dudes up north, be safe.  Hurricanes are no joke.
I'm copping an inverter just in case, if nothing happens, I'll return it the next day.
I hope no trees by me fall.
Irene just came through here (The Bahamas) and it wasn't pretty.

I know a lot of you dudes in the States aren't used to hurricanes but it would not be in your best interest to take Irene lightly.

Stay safe everyone.
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