Economist predict the end of Capitalism and the Fall of America...

Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

if u believe in Christ, then u already know America (the new babylon) is the 1st place that will be destroyed upon His return.


U laugh, but there are alooooooot of ppl who believe this to be true
Most are probably not American though, so take it with a grain of salt
If u let one of them give you the reasoning you might be convinced though
not that I agree,just saying
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

if u believe in Christ, then u already know America (the new babylon) is the 1st place that will be destroyed upon His return.


U laugh, but there are alooooooot of ppl who believe this to be true
Most are probably not American though, so take it with a grain of salt
If u let one of them give you the reasoning you might be convinced though
not that I agree,just saying
I'm sure Jesus told his boys, "I'm calling it, America is going DOWN when I come back." You've got to be out of your G Dmind.
Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

if u believe in Christ, then u already know America (the new babylon) is the 1st place that will be destroyed upon His return.


U laugh, but there are alooooooot of ppl who believe this to be true
Most are probably not American though, so take it with a grain of salt
If u let one of them give you the reasoning you might be convinced though
not that I agree,just saying
I'm sure Jesus told his boys, "I'm calling it, America is going DOWN when I come back." You've got to be out of your G D mind.
I doubt He said "America is going down" but in the bible it possibly refers to nations in terms of "beast". I think England isthe lion and America is the Eagle, etc. Its been a while since I read that.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Julius Wrek



what can be done?

Julius F. Wrek
About what exactly?

Well, since the collapse seems inherent in the system of Capitalism, how would the nation go about avoiding that?

Secondly, how would one survive when the collapse occurs?

Julius F. Wrek
The sooner the better...America had a nice little run but no empire last forever. We'll still be a major player on the international scene just not the beall, end all like we were. It's China's day...
Ive been saying for a few years now that government and greed will be the ultimate downfall of the country. Seems like we are now on an even faster track tothat.
The people let this happen, society has become sheep letting the government do whatever they want. Demand more from government.
Little clip from Wiki:
"Marx argued that capitalism, like previous socioeconomic systems, will inevitably produce internal tensions which will lead to its destruction. Just ascapitalism replaced feudalism, he believed socialism will, in its turn, replace capitalism, and lead to a stateless, classless society called pure communism.This would emerge after a transitional period called the "dictatorship of the proletariat": a period sometimes referred to as the "workersstate" or "workers' democracy""
I personally don't believe capitalism will fall anytime soon, but like roller coasters, it will have its ups and downs. A year, or even decade, is a littletoo quick to be judging that global capitalism will fall.

btw. feudalism had existed for thousands of years and continues to exist in different forms today.
I don't think there is any saving the Republic as we know it.

It would take a massive shift in culture, social structure and economic practices...we no longer have that resolve or the resources as a nation. Like thearticle said, we are in the phase between arrogance and apathy. Twiddling our thumbs at protest worthy offenses.

America is built on a faulty foundation, collapse is inevitable.

It would take massive job creation just to prolong the looming crash and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Tech and Tarp has allowed Wall Streetslime to keep the Dow climbing for the time being but mainstream is hurting and that pain will soon be impossible to sugarcoat.

Its always a good idea to have non-perishable food items in stock, regardless of the national climate.

Organizing resources locally is also a good idea. Community gardens are always productive.

Precious metals always seem to hold some type of intrinsic value.

I'm not ready to predict Mad Max just yet...I think the Fed and the White House are going to drag this rouse out a little longer, allowing the largesttransfer of wealth in human history to continue unimpeded...but there will be that straw that breaks the camel back sooner than later.
im tired of watching the news. its going to take forever to fix everything. in other words.. america is going down. europe here i come
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I don't think there is any saving the Republic as we know it.

It would take a massive shift in culture, social structure and economic practices...we no longer have that resolve or the resources as a nation. Like the article said, we are in the phase between arrogance and apathy. Twiddling our thumbs at protest worthy offenses.

America is built on a faulty foundation, collapse is inevitable.

It would take massive job creation just to prolong the looming crash and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Tech and Tarp has allowed Wall Street slime to keep the Dow climbing for the time being but mainstream is hurting and that pain will soon be impossible to sugarcoat.

Its always a good idea to have non-perishable food items in stock, regardless of the national climate.

Organizing resources locally is also a good idea. Community gardens are always productive.

Precious metals always seem to hold some type of intrinsic value.

I'm not ready to predict Mad Max just yet...I think the Fed and the White House are going to drag this rouse out a little longer, allowing the largest transfer of wealth in human history to continue unimpeded...but there will be that straw that breaks the camel back sooner than later.

Your best bet is move. Join the EU or even Canada, they should weather this better than the states.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I don't think there is any saving the Republic as we know it.

It would take a massive shift in culture, social structure and economic practices...we no longer have that resolve or the resources as a nation. Like the article said, we are in the phase between arrogance and apathy. Twiddling our thumbs at protest worthy offenses.

America is built on a faulty foundation, collapse is inevitable.

It would take massive job creation just to prolong the looming crash and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Tech and Tarp has allowed Wall Street slime to keep the Dow climbing for the time being but mainstream is hurting and that pain will soon be impossible to sugarcoat.

Its always a good idea to have non-perishable food items in stock, regardless of the national climate.

Organizing resources locally is also a good idea. Community gardens are always productive.

Precious metals always seem to hold some type of intrinsic value.

I'm not ready to predict Mad Max just yet...I think the Fed and the White House are going to drag this rouse out a little longer, allowing the largest transfer of wealth in human history to continue unimpeded...but there will be that straw that breaks the camel back sooner than later.

I guess the bright side is, if you're in the position..this gives you more time to makes your moves and prepare. Oh my God this $!!# is going to be nuts.


Now I'm super shook.

And I ain't rich, so I can't make moves and prepare.

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek



Now I'm super shook.

And I ain't rich, so I can't make moves and prepare.

Julius F. Wrek

You dont have to be rich to prepare.

How much do you know about economics? Read up on the basics and try and stay current with everything that's going on. Are you around family or GOODfriends? Start a support network, learn how to work with your hands, research gardening. Are you in the process of schooling in hopes of starting a career? Howviable will it be? Now and potentially later. Do you invest/save money? In what form? Whats your plan B and C if things don't work out?

I'm not claiming to know everything(because I don't) that needs to be done but just learn to have an open mind to things and stay intuitive. The moreyou know..the better off you'll be. This isn't to say its the end of the world but some very hard times are potentially ahead.
As the middle class continues to wither away, so will America. Continuing corporate greed is just making the process faster. When times are good, why not giveyour employees $1-2 more per hour instead of the CEO pocketing a $20 million bonus that he doesn't need anyway. When times are bad, why not start cuttingat the top where the people can more easily absorb it rather than cutting the ones at the bottom that will be hurt the most? Im not sure there are enoughdecent wealthy people left to reverse the dangerous trend. The snowball effect is hard to stop. Hope the greedy bastards realize that when it gets to the pointof .1% of the poulation having 99.9% of the wealth, the money is worthless.
Originally Posted by mjd77

As the middle class continues to wither away, so will America. Continuing corporate greed is just making the process faster. When times are good, why not give your employees $1-2 more per hour instead of the CEO pocketing a $20 million bonus that he doesn't need anyway. When times are bad, why not start cutting at the top where the people can more easily absorb it rather than cutting the ones at the bottom that will be hurt the most? Im not sure there are enough decent wealthy people left to reverse the dangerous trend. The snowball effect is hard to stop. Hope the greedy bastards realize that when it gets to the point of .1% of the poulation having 99.9% of the wealth, the money is worthless.
i wish things worked like this, but in this system, it almost never does.
You could actually make the argument that true, definitive capitalism has never really existed. And the 15 things posted are nothing new. This same crap getsmedia attention every time there's a recession because what these guys are saying has finally come true, and when the economy booms again neo-liberaleconomists will get all the attention. The economy is a cycle, history will repeat itself.
In review that whole article felt like a gimme.
I mean these things were bound to happen during a reign of capitalism deprived of a code of ethics. Its is just
becoming more evident now that we are in the latter days.
I mean just think about it..what would a best case scenario be for a capitalist nation w/o being moralistic.
Its obvious the wealth would eventually control the nations decisions after all
what more could they want other than profit?
Its obvious that in the long haul the distribution of the wealth would be in the hands of
such a small number.
There is currently no true thrive to maintain only to gain, redistribution has been twisted the opposite way, and
is sadly frowned upon because its not exactly "producing" but is instead giving "comfortability"
(which is desperately needed) to the suffering end. I guess morals cost money.
Unfortunately this form of capitalism has no reverse button, once there is a stuck position one could only ask for a hand,
which doesn't removes the debt..just relocates it.

I read this in a Forbes once.....

"Capitalism is not in itself sufficient to create values. It depends on what human and religious values we, ourselves, bring to our affairs. Insofar asthose values fail, we would all descend toward a lawless, inhumane, cutthroat society that will no longer harbor our civilization."
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