Economist predict the end of Capitalism and the Fall of America...

ok first y2k
then 666
now this!!!!!

cmon it seems like when every doomsday prediction comes close to its date it turns out to be false...
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Much more evidence litters the battlefield:

  1. Wall Street wealth now calls the shots in Congress, the White House
It's been this way for a while. An example of such puppetry:

I'm a middle class black guy and I've been looking for a valid reason to hate Ronald Reagan. Thank you sir
Someone would have to refresh my memory on Marx's theory but isn't capitalism supposed to transition to socialism?
It's going to completely crumble within the next couple years...but that's not a bad thing. People hear that and turn it into a gloom and doomscenario, but that's misguided. The way we live is flawed...period.
Our economy is merely a microcosm of society and what's wrong with it.

Everything is about to change and it will be for the better.
[h1]The Default Power[/h1]

The False Prophecy of America's Decline

Summary --

Since the United States first became a global superpower, it has been fashionable to speak of its decline. But in today's world, the United States' economic and military strength, along with the attractiveness of its ideals, will ensure its power for a long time to come.

read it if you want. good read as i felt that the "united states was doomed" all last year until i read this article.


some excerpts:

-United States has a larger economy than the next 4 countries combined

-The United States has a navy larger than the next 17 navys

yes i realize that these are not indicators of a moral or correct nation however they are statistics that make you realize why we are called the worlds only superpower.
the debt is now 23 trillion?!!! i saw it at 13 last week lol ohh welll time to go back to colombia and grow some coca for these wall street guys to snort
that is exaclty why i'm getting out of this country as soon as i finish school.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

America is built on a faulty foundation, collapse is inevitable.
Im not sure if you intended what appears to be a simple statement to be so brilliant and actually hold deeper meaning. If so, kudos to you sir. Not being the least bit sarcastic, either.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

[h1]The Default Power[/h1]

The False Prophecy of America's Decline

Summary --

Since the United States first became a global superpower, it has been fashionable to speak of its decline. But in today's world, the United States' economic and military strength, along with the attractiveness of its ideals, will ensure its power for a long time to come.

read it if you want. good read as i felt that the "united states was doomed" all last year until i read this article.


some excerpts:

-United States has a larger economy than the next 4 countries combined

-The United States has a navy larger than the next 17 navys

yes i realize that these are not indicators of a moral or correct nation however they are statistics that make you realize why we are called the worlds only superpower.

Okay. If the American Economy collapses again that will mean more angry people. Then you get an economic situation that just continues to fail and you got allthe ingredients for the fall of capitalism You think that one day soon China wont try and collect its debts? The dollar continues to fall in value China gonetake that gold. Plus if people dont make money you gone have to take the defense budgets back a lot. Cause the rich aint finna take this estate tax muchlonger.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I am all for Capitalism to end.

No more Niketalk/video games/movies/internet/Jordans/NBA/NFL/MLB/BCS standings/Porn, etc... I hope at that point we'll have nuclear wars and a good 80-90% of the world's population will die. Strongest will survive and I have been stocking up on guns/ammo/rations for a reason!!!!

People like you sicken me.
Capitalism is a concept that is difficult to discuss because it means so many different things to different people. For me it means a system where most ofthe means of production are owned privately. For many, Capitalism has come to mean corporate welfare. Others go so far as to confuse Capitalism for culturalnorms about wealth and work and even family and religion.

If by Capitalism you mean our current system of allowing certain firms and certain industries the ability to keep all of their gains and to off load all oftheir loses onto the public, that is unsustainable and it may very well under go a sudden and traumatic collapse and in the process it would probably weakenour currency and global influence.

If you are talking about Capitalism as I define it, I doubt that it will disappear because Market Capitalism tends to raise standards of living for the massesand systems that deviate from that tend to hold down or drag down existing standards of living. Market Capitalism, with its emphasis on private property,prices and profits (and losses as well), is the system that creates the incentives and the information sharing that causes capital to be used most efficiently.Because there are so many countries on Earth right now, people can compare and contrast their situation and can see the ersults of various policies andgenerally the countries that are more market oriented will out perform less market oriented countries with similar resources.

There is always the chance that market capitalism could be stamped out and if that did happen it would probably be by force and would mean the beginning of nota recession, not a depression but a new Dark Age.
Originally Posted by dashoekid21

ok first y2k
then 666
now this!!!!!

cmon it seems like when every doomsday prediction comes close to its date it turns out to be false...

Son 2012 y2k are all made up %%@@, this is all true man, look around
I take it none of you have read any Marx, Rawls or Schweickart; just by the tittle of this post I can tell most of you aren't versed in the socio-politicalwrittings of these fellows that have been saying capitialism is long overdue for a change. Personally I can't wait hopefully everything will go likeSchweickart predicted.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by HOVKid
Aren't you a little to old to be constantly playing this juvenile blame game?

This is way bigger than Obama and you know it.

The homie B-Rack is just apart of it.
It's the people above B-Rack, and they're driving this country into the ground... on purpose.
Originally Posted by maxb7ty

Someone would have to refresh my memory on Marx's theory but isn't capitalism supposed to transition to socialism?
Yup, which is good in so many ways due to the current situation this country is in
bboy1827 wrote:
I take it none of you have read any Marx, Rawls or Schweickart; just by the tittle of this post I can tell most of you aren't versed in the socio-political writtings of these fellows that have been saying capitialism is long overdue for a change. Personally I can't wait hopefully everything will go like Schweickart predicted.

I have read a lot from Marx, some from the other two. Remember that Marx understood how important a price system was for the well being of society. He dislikedprivate ownership and profits but you need some degree of private property for prices to even matter and profits and losses or some other incentives to makepeople respond to the information contained in a price system. Without private property and incentives for economizing on resources, the price system is notable to function and without functioning price system, that economy will fail because even if people are committed to work hard and try to serve the state runeconomy (either out of patriotism or fear of punishment), without prices there will be massive inefficiencies.

The fact that Soviet producers consistently made too much of some things and too little of others is a major reason why the USSR had such a low standard ofliving despite churning out a fairly large GDP per capita. It also had to use a lot more material and capital to make something because the bureaucrats who ranthe factories would be compensated for the size of the operation and not for it efficiency. In a profit and loss capitalist system, owners generally do notwant to have valuable machinery sitting and rusting outdoors or having to use twice as much electricity, steel or cement to make the same amount of output asother factories. While there are bad social outcomes that comes from a profit and lose system, they can be nullified or at least cushioned through socialservices for low paid or displaced worker.

In the Rawlsian way of thinking, I would still design my society as a Capitalist one for three reasons. One is that workers in communist societies were treatedjust as poorly as a worker in capitalist society and in many cases, they were treated much worse. My second reason is that under a Capitalist system, ordinarypeople even poor people have goods that are almost non existent in countries that are hostile to markets. By the 1980's things like blue jeans,refrigerators and televisions were available to most working class people the Capitalist countries but were luxuries in the USSR, the wealthiest communistcountry in history. My third reason is that because of the wealth created in capitalist economies, there is enough wealth to fund various social insurance andsocial services.
rex, always coming through with well put points.

imo, the u.s. is still propagated by these wars, and the war economy. billions put into military and industrial technology. certainly, these companies are inbed with big banks and corporate america, ensuring a well oiled cycle of production and profit.
Well, off to moutains of Northern California I go.

Spending my days fishing, hunting, making shelter and traps.

I'll be back on January 1st/2nd of 2013.
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