EL CHAPO escapes from prison

To address the argument from earlier...

Wouldn't exactly say most of us are rooting for the bad guy, we're all well aware El Chapo is a savage.

It's more so respect for what he's accomplished... I mean he's managed to become a mega successful legendary kingpin with far reaching connections who just seems to bounce back from every L with 30 more W's.

His business sense and all-encompassing knowledge of the underworld is to be respected. The odds of anyone at his status staying alive and prospering for as long as he has is a genius.

His death is going to be Lucifer in the flesh. Straight gruesome..

Genghis Khan was a monster in his time... Now most people of Asian descent carries a little bit of him with them, literally. Legends.
I know Hilter was a scumbag, but I can appreciate his hustle and mirin his come up


I know this is a extreme example, but this is mental model you want us apply. Can you see why someone won't want to go down that road brah.

I completely see your point, I really do.

Just making it known im fully aware how much of a monster El Chapo is, I just respect that he's a smart one and his status is Legendary.

Still a monster though. Still needs to die.

But he's immortal at this point.
Rappers gonna have to start stepping up their Rosetta Stone game to appease some of you brahs :lol:

or they can stop pretending like they really moving weight and dealing with cartels.

Nah pa.

Trap rap is like fairy tales for adults.

Imagine if Winnie-the-Pooh stopped eating honey because he was concerned about diabetes

Wouldn't be the same. Ain't no kid wanna read about Piglet having to give Pooh an insulin shot

^Because this is NT and that's too logical. It's either all or nothing, with no middle ground in between
It's so stupid man, you start to realize the cats who like to conveniently leave out a bit of logic so they can continue to argue just to argue. Disagreeing with something is outrage, and it's not possible to see the bigger picture and discern right from wrong on all fronts. I saw some pic that says something like "smile, be nice all day at work so I can go home, kick back, relax, grab a beer and be mean on the internet". That's these dudes, itching for a fight.
That's the best description for these NT dudes that like to start and continue nonconstructive arguments for literally no reason at all that I've ever seen.
I think some of ya'll are still swayed by that "street" mentality so you back and forth between a civil mindset and humble-bragging about murder rates, no snitching, and yamb slaying. Living that contradictory lifestyle.
I know Hilter was a scumbag, but I can appreciate his hustle and mirin his come up


I know this is a extreme example, but this is mental model you want us apply. Can you see why someone won't want to go down that road brah.
I've seen countless documentaries of people admiring Hitler.

I've heard people call him the greatest leader of all time.
I think some of ya'll are still swayed by that "street" mentality so you back and forth between a civil mindset and humble-bragging about murder rates, no snitching, and yamb slaying. Living that contradictory lifestyle.
Life itself is a contradiction though - Jaden Da God
Man im just sayin, el chapo can hide at my house and dig tunnels and ****. Then when he leaves i turn it into a museum and profit. All the narcos would come thru wit a statue and drop snacks and cash on em like santa muerte. mafioso vatos all over da us of a would be commin thru.
I've seen countless documentaries of people admiring Hitler.

I've heard people call him the greatest leader of all time.
Its much easier to give speeches and pursuade and empower people to hate and kill.

Show me a leader who can do the complete opposite on that grand of a scale and Ill be impressed.
I know Hilter was a scumbag, but I can appreciate his hustle and mirin his come up

:smh: :lol:

I know this is a extreme example, but this is mental model you want us apply. Can you see why someone won't want to go down that road brah.

I've seen countless documentaries of people admiring Hitler.

I've heard people call him the greatest leader of all time.

Those "admirers" are generally not looked at in a good light by society, and my point was dude should understand why some wouldn't want to go down that road mirin a scumbag

-But when he clarified I agree with him, Chapo has done enough dirt that the history books will remember him, kinda like Escobar
I think some of ya'll are still swayed by that "street" mentality so you back and forth between a civil mindset and humble-bragging about murder rates, no snitching, and yamb slaying. Living that contradictory lifestyle.
Lowkey this is 100% correct
Life itself is a contradiction though - Jaden Da God
Explain this
The fact that something apparently came from nothing. That something from nothing is what we're currently existing in, so who/what created this contradiction?

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It's about bucking the system that is notoriously is known for building up and then destroying people.Whether criminal or hard honest worker, it happens all of the time and in most case's you lose so to see someone go against the system and win over and over again is something we look up to culturally across the board.Bernie Maddoff is someone I find interesting because he scammed his own people who some think are invincible and he did it with a smile for decades and he's helped make a lot of his friends and family rich for many moons to come but it comes with a price tag with a no return policy,your life....is it worth it?maybe

at posting that racist piece of **** (Ghandi)

Some of these fools just told on themselves they wasn't hitting them books like they should have.

For all you fools who haven't read about Ghandi but really just jumped the bandwagon  because he's Ghandi Ill sum it up with this

If he thought he fought for equality but saw a race which was less civilized than his , and discriminated people of that race then he was more or less fighting for recognition of his people amongst the civilized world and not abolition of racism. An abolitionist would see all mankind equal and will seek for equal opportunity irrespective of race and wouldn't make comments that he made. India is a country full of segregation, racism and caste discrimination. How would he have treated Indians if he was to be a white man? I am guessing the same way he thought of black people as an indian.

You fools better wake up and hit them books....
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It's about bucking the system that is notoriously is known for building up and then destroying people.Whether criminal or hard honest worker, it happens all of the time and in most case's you lose so to see someone go against the system and win over and over again is something we look up to culturally across the board.Bernie Maddoff is someone I find interesting because he scammed his own people who some think are invincible and he did it with a smile for decades and he's helped make a lot of his friends and family rich for many moons to come but it comes with a price tag with a no return policy,your life....is it worth it?maybe

My mans gets it
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Really Ghandi?????

That guy despised Africans.....he fought for HIS people.

at posting that racist piece of **** (Ghandi)

Some of these fools just told on themselves they wasn't hitting them books like they should have.

For all you fools who haven't read about Ghandi but really just jumped the bandwagon  because he's Ghandi Ill sum it up with this

If he thought he fought for equality but saw a race which was less civilized than his , and discriminated people of that race then he was more or less fighting for recognition of his people amongst the civilized world and not abolition of racism. An abolitionist would see all mankind equal and will seek for equal opportunity irrespective of race and wouldn't make comments that he made. India is a country full of segregation, racism and caste discrimination. How would he have treated Indians if he was to be a white man? I am guessing the same way he thought of black people as an indian.

You fools better wake up and hit them books....
 Had no idea famo.

Gonna have to take your advice and do some research on dude because I thought Ghandi and MLK were the poster children for peace.

And :rofl: at posting that racist piece of **** (Ghandi)
Some of these fools just told on themselves they wasn't hitting them books like they should have.

For all you fools who haven't read about Ghandi but really just jumped the bandwagon  because he's Ghandi Ill sum it up with this

If he thought he fought for equality but saw a race which was less civilized than his , and discriminated people of that race then he was more or less fighting for recognition of his people amongst the civilized world and not abolition of racism. An abolitionist would see all mankind equal and will seek for equal opportunity irrespective of race and wouldn't make comments that he made. India is a country full of segregation, racism and caste discrimination. How would he have treated Indians if he was to be a white man? I am guessing the same way he thought of black people as an indian.

You fools better wake up and hit them books....

Get off of your high horse B with calling people fools.

Ghandi was a racist, tons of people know that. So was Lincoln, so were a lot of historical figures.

I've said a ton of times on NT that I grade historical figures on a curve based on their era and circumstances to see why the might hold those views. I'm not excusing his bigotry just putting it within the context of his time

But what is know for primary in a movement that somewhat closely aligns with what dude asked for. A large scale mobilization not based on hate and killing people

I don't think me and homeboy were trying to push Ghandi as the great progressive leader of equality of all people. Just as a leader of a movement that fit the asked criteria

So relax B
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