EL CHAPO escapes from prison

To be honest I have no problem with people rooting for or respecting dudes like this. The US Government has allowed people like this to bring the drugs in make millions. That's the bigger issue.
Get off of your high horse B with calling people fools.

Ghandi was a racist, tons of people know that. So was Lincoln, so were a lot of historical figures.

I've said a ton of times on NT that I grade historical figures on a curve based on their era and circumstances to see why the might hold those views. I'm not excusing his bigotry just putting it within the context of his time

But what is know for primary in a movement that somewhat closely aligns with what dude asked for. A large scale mobilization not based on hate and killing people

I don't think me and homeboy were trying to push Ghandi as the great progressive leader of equality of all people. Just as a leader of a movement that fit the asked criteria

So relax B
Nice try but be the bigger man and accept L..no need to be a sore sport about it and try and squirm out with deflection

@KingKoopa  Thanks for actually admitting to that, respect!
Get off of your high horse B with calling people fools.

Ghandi was a racist, tons of people know that. So was Lincoln, so were a lot of historical figures.

I've said a ton of times on NT that I grade historical figures on a curve based on their era and circumstances to see why the might hold those views. I'm not excusing his bigotry just putting it within the context of his time

But what is know for primary in a movement that somewhat closely aligns with what dude asked for. A large scale mobilization not based on hate and killing people

I don't think me and homeboy were trying to push Ghandi as the great progressive leader of equality of all people. Just as a leader of a movement that fit the asked criteria

So relax B
View media item 1605012
Nice try but be the bigger man and accept L..no need to be a sore sport about it and try and squirm out with deflection
 Thanks for actually admitting to that, respect!

Whatever Brah

I would accept it there was one to take.

But keeping ranting brah, do your thing :smokin
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Whatever Brah

I would accept it there was one to take.

But keeping ranting brah, do your thing
If @Mr Marcus  and I didn't saying anything you would still be praising him would you not?

You being real sore and soggy right now with this bruh
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99.9% of them have never seen more than a few ounces in front of them. 

You don't know how much drugs are out here then. :lol:

If work is your day job you done seen work.

Maybe not own but you done seen or had a hand in more then a few ounces.

As for actually dealing, I'm sure there's a few (Jeezy comes to mind). But dealing with the cartel directly is simply fantasy plug talk. If they were really at that level, why on earth would they be sitting around with struggling singles and album sales, they would be low key moving them bricks.

Isn't all this common knowledge?

He asked a question, I answered. Ain't my fault the answer was common knowledge.
Whatever Brah

I would accept it there was one to take.

But keeping ranting brah, do your thing :smokin
Quit crying bruh...damn you bitter over this for real?

Omg brah

Who caressssssssssssssssssssss

Anyone that knows me on NT knows I barely take anything serious for long. And I've even been called a "MLK type ***** cause I apologize and peace so often with dudes"

I was just answering you. If you don't like the answer, fine.

But there is nothing for me to be mad at, we on the internet talking, it not that serious :lol:
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Omg brah

Who caressssssssssssssssssssss

Anyone that knows me on NT knows I barely take anything serious for long. And I've even been called a "MLK type ***** cause I apologize and peace so often with dudes"

I was just answering you. If you don't like the answer, fine.

But there is nothing to be mad at, we on the internet talking, it not that serious
It aint though....
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Omg brah

Who caressssssssssssssssssssss

Anyone that knows me on NT knows I barely take anything serious for long. And I've even been called a "MLK type ***** cause I apologize and peace so often with dudes"

I was just answering you. If you don't like the answer, fine.

But there is nothing to be mad at, we on the internet talking, it not that serious :lol:
It aint though....:pimp:

Well maybe for you then :lol:

Not everyone shares those views
That graph isn't in fair increments at all.

Not defending the government, but they take huge leaps in years, I don't trust graphs like that.

I could say the population of the lol emoji has drastically increased since the start of NT by 800%, and go from 99-2015, and look correct
Although I don't doubt the hypothesis, I doubt the data
:rofl: What? "fair increments".

Keep that head in the sand bruh.

It's common knowledge that we incarcerate more of our own people than any other nation in the history of mankind and more than 50% of those incarcerated are there for drug offenses, non-violent offenders.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011 – about 0.94% of adults in the U.S. resident population. Additionally, 4,814,200 adults at year-end 2011 were on probation or on parole.

This is information from our own government, care to disprove it?


Bye Felisha.

Get this through your head, the war on drugs is the lifeblood of our prison industrial complex, much like the war on terror is the lifeblood of our military industrial complex.

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What's your point of arguing?

All because people are talking down on a big time drug supplier?


You still don't get it, this is exactly what they need. For this monster to exist.

The war on drugs creates more drug lords, brings in more drugs, and therein creates a viscous cycle. A viscous cycle an integral leg of economy thrives upon.

I'm not arguing, no not at all. There really is nothing to argue. I'm simply illuminating.

Look at all these media outlets, having a field day with this. Why aren't we waking up to daily headlines on how our own bureaucrats are failing us?

He's just a caricature really, a figurehead in all of this. A distraction for us to point at in horror and disgust.

He would be easily replaced if he died.

And nothing would change.

You think you've got it all figured out Marcus, but you can't even see that.
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El Chapo is(indirectly) responsible for killing a ******** of people Mexico and the U.S. whether it's drug use or murder and those same drugs ruins families/communities worldwide, yeah let's give the guy respect for doing all this for power and money.
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