EL CHAPO escapes from prison

:rofl: What? "fair increments".

Keep that head in the sand bruh.

It's common knowledge that we incarcerate more of our own people than any other nation in the history of mankind and more than 50% of those incarcerated are there for drug offenses, non-violent offenders.
This is information from our own government, care to disprove it?

Although I don't doubt the hypothesis, I doubt the data

Since we listen alot on NT
What's your point of arguing?

All because people are talking down on a big time drug supplier?

Its all fun and games to cats when its not their communities being destroyed or family being killed/funneled into prison


I mean I know the government is just as responsible but at the same time I'm not gonna act like this guy ain't either.
What's your point of arguing?

All because people are talking down on a big time drug supplier?


You still don't get it, this is exactly what they need. For this monster to exist.

The war on drugs creates more drug lords, brings in more drugs, and therein creates a viscous cycle. A viscous cycle an integral leg of economy thrives upon.

I'm not arguing, no not at all. There really is nothing to argue. I'm simply illuminating.

Look at all these media outlets, having a field day with this. Why aren't we waking up to daily headlines on how our own bureaucrats are failing us?

He's just a caricature really, a figurehead in all of this. A distraction for us to point at in horror and disgust.

He would be easily replaced if he died.

And nothing would change.

You think you've got it all figured out Marcus, but you can't even see that.

Please, I've argued this plenty of times but arguing with people speaking ill of this man makes no sense. Why can't we dislike both?

I mean I know the government is just as responsible but at the same time I'm not gonna act like this guy ain't either.
Please, I've argued this plenty of times but arguing with people speaking ill of this man makes no sense. Why can't we dislike both?

Because disliking and vilifying Chapo solves NOTHING.

All it does it gives credence to those who make a career on building up these characters.

Murk him, lock him up, whatever, it solves nada.

You know what would solve some things though?....

Us actually directing that vitriol at those responsible. If not you're just turning the other cheek and eating up that **** they're feeding you.

But you know that don't you? Yet somehow you're still conditioned to get swept up the skeptical of it all.

So **** it, sit back and enjoy the show.
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Obviously it solves nothing but you're being a Debbie downer :lol:

The day he loses power there'll be another Mexican taking over his slot ....it's like clockwork
If it's not el chapo it's someone else nothing changes he created a Robin Hood image to my knowledge he was out there cleaning up the cartels that are extorting and killing innocent people .to blame him for people dying of drug use is dumb if there was no one bringing in drugs then addicts would be shooting themselves up with pesticides and crap
I find it hilarious all you so called street dudes and rappers love to glorify Mexican and Italian kingpins and even like to name yourselves after them.
Chapo don't give a damn about your black ***...the cartels push it through whoever is gonna make them max profit.

So sick of you weakling *** clowns trying to fit in with these guys.
Especially clowns like Young Scooter
View media item 1625084
always talking about they deep in Colombia speaking in Spanish to plugs...fool please you can barely speak English.

Funny thing is I actually ran into Scooter in Miami and had my Colombian homeboy come at him with nothing but basic Spanish.
Initiating a conversation.
Scooter was completely lost talking about some "Hole up mayne hole up..what laughing it off nervously???

Completely lost with the stuck face, my Colombian homeboy was like what is it with blacks wanting to associate with that part of Colombian era that we as Colombians want to forget and disassociate with?
No decent Colombians wanna be associated with that crap.
So do all blacks want to be Colombian drug dealers?
Once youre in deep, you kinda have to eliminate the guys trying to get rid of you or you get scratched off....Hes also done some good. just do your research. end of the day, hes the real bad ***. 
Because disliking and vilifying Chapo solves NOTHING.

All it does it gives credence to those who make a career on building up these characters.

Murk him, lock him up, whatever, it solves nada.

You know what would solve some things though?....

Us actually directing that vitriol at those responsible. If not you're just turning the other cheek and eating up that **** they're feeding you.

But you know that don't you? Yet somehow you're still conditioned to get swept up the skeptical of it all.

So **** it, sit back and enjoy the show.
you can't help those who don't want it bruh. You can lay out the whole scheme of how complex and deep this whole operation is, but they still want a person to point a finger at. As if one particular person is solely responsible for all the death and destruction this so called war on drugs has caused, or as if removing said person would really change anything :lol:
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