ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by TBONE95860



WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton has told congressional colleagues she would be open to becoming Barack Obama's vice presidential nominee, saying she would consider it if it would help Democrats win the White House.
Clinton, a New York senator, made the comment on a conference call with other New York lawmakers Tuesday, according a participant on the call.

The senator's remarks came in response to a question from Democratic Rep. Nydia Velazquez who said she believed the best way for Obama to win over key voting blocs, including Hispanics, would be for him to choose Clinton as his running mate.

"I am open to it," Clinton replied, if it would help the party's prospects in November.

No No No, Pick Edwards
My prediction is still that it will be Edwards.

No it won't. Edwards couldn't win his own state last time around. What good does he bring for the Democrats?

Plenty of people like Edwards still and Obama seems to like him? I don't know. They did meet at his house earlier in the campaign after Edwards already dropped out.
Who knows what was said there

I don't know... we'll see what happens.

Personally as a conservative Repbulican I just hope it's not Clinton

Obama/Clinton scares me a little bit. Only good this is that it would energize the conservative base.... those 2 together on 1 ticket?! Why WOULDN'T you want to beat that.
Hillary does not want to be VP in 2008. She is floating this out there today in order to control the media cycle and diminish what Obama hopedwould be a historic night for himself. Just as important is that she and her camp know Obama is totally closed to the possibility her being VP, and will notoffer it to her unless she agrees beforehand to turn the offer down. Hillary saying she wants to do it in order to, "help the party" is false. Having the media speculate on it for weeks, and ultimately being denied, will only weaken Obama further with a key part of the base.

The end game is an Obama loss in order for a 2012 win. She will do what it takes to be president eventually.

Obama should go with Ted Strickland.
There was a report earlier that Obama would only accept the VP to her if she promised to not accept it and that she wouldn't only not accept it if Obamadid not choose another woman. This is what MSNBC reported a scenario might be to leave everyone somewhat happy.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

mr delorean...

Do you work for McCain? Good Lord.

Ease up. People have their opinions and you won't change them. You DO NOT have to have a rebuttal for everything someone says about him.

It's getting OD.

if you dont like the opinion, log off. i dont work for mccain any more than you work for obama. the fact that you dont like to hear the negative realitiesisnt really my problem. if this bothers you, youre going to have a real rough run up through november. i recommend growing a thick skin asap.
I have no problem hearing the pros and cons of ALL candidates. You just continue to reach and come off like a bitter child crying "I know you are but whatam I?!"...while defending every negative remark about McCain.

Take 2 steps backwards...

Oh boy...don't let someone say anything positive about Obama. That's just outlandish nonsense.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I have no problem hearing the pros and cons of ALL candidates. You just continue to reach and come off like a bitter child crying "I know you are but what am I?!"...while defending every negative remark about McCain.

Take 2 steps backwards...

most people here already know that im not a republican. i am not in the line willing to defend mccain. whats disturbing his how similar the obamabots areto the bushies. theyre all sheeple preaching not to question their leader, and youre either with us or against us. i assumed we wouldnt see another blindallegiance to incompetence like we experienced the past eight years, but i was obviously wrong.
I can't believe Clinton didn't make a concession in her speech tonight even though she's already lost the nomination...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I have no problem hearing the pros and cons of ALL candidates. You just continue to reach and come off like a bitter child crying "I know you are but what am I?!"...while defending every negative remark about McCain.

Take 2 steps backwards...

Oh boy...don't let someone say anything positive about Obama. That's just outlandish nonsense.

Saying something positive about one's candidate of choice is not the problem. The problem is the half and non truths being thrown about that lead manyto believe things are indeed the case with certain candidates.
Originally Posted by jm2000

Obama is going to demolish the senile old man.

There will be no "demolish"ing taking pace in the 2008 Election. It should be another close one.

As of right now....

So Obama is going to swing that around to like 302 to 326 or worse??


Evidence #2:
RCP Average05/21 - 06/02--46.645.2Obama +1.4
USA Today/Gallup05/30 - 06/01803 LV4944Obama +5.0
Rasmussen Tracking05/30 - 06/021600 LV4646Tie
Gallup Tracking05/28 - 06/024397 RV4546McCain +1.0
Pew Research05/21 - 05/251242 RV4744Obama +3.0
Newsweek05/21 - 05/221205 RV4646Tie
[th=""] Poll [/th] [th=""] Date [/th] [th=""] Sample [/th] [th=""] Obama (D) [/th] [th=""] McCain (R) [/th] [th=""] Spread [/th]
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I have no problem hearing the pros and cons of ALL candidates. You just continue to reach and come off like a bitter child crying "I know you are but what am I?!"...while defending every negative remark about McCain.

Take 2 steps backwards...

most people here already know that im not a republican. i am not in the line willing to defend mccain. whats disturbing his how similar the obamabots are to the bushies. theyre all sheeple preaching not to question their leader, and youre either with us or against us. i assumed we wouldnt see another blind allegiance to incompetence like we experienced the past eight years, but i was obviously wrong.

Good points. Can't argue there. I'm not a diehard Republican or Democrat. I have my beliefs and call it how I see it. If I TRUST that one candidatemay be best for the betterment of our society, then they will receive my vote. I also dislike people who are voting for Obama because that's the cool thingto do or individuals that roll with their party even if Satan himself received the nomination. But, it's unavoidable. It will happen...within Democrats orRepublicans or whatever.
The issue with Obama that you and others seem to have is that he preaches and sells all of these promises...yet, has ultimatelylittle experience. However, sometimes...you got to take a risk because it may turn out for the best. At this rate, I don't think we have much else to lose.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by jm2000

Obama is going to demolish the senile old man.

There will be no "demolish"ing taking pace in the 2008 Election. It should be another close one.
Evidence #1:

As of right now....

So Obama is going to swing that around to like 302 to 326 or worse??


Oh there will be demolishing.. In the debates..It will be like Mark Madsen against Kobe

delorean..If you can't acknowledge that Obama is a good orator then "you have no business discussing politics"..
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by jm2000

Obama is going to demolish the senile old man.

There will be no "demolish"ing taking pace in the 2008 Election. It should be another close one.
Evidence #1:

As of right now....

So Obama is going to swing that around to like 302 to 326 or worse??


Oh there will be demolishing.. In the debates..It will be like Mark Madsen against Kobe
Keep thinking that. I love how people are already giving Obama the election.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by jm2000

Obama is going to demolish the senile old man.

There will be no "demolish"ing taking pace in the 2008 Election. It should be another close one.
Evidence #1:

As of right now....

So Obama is going to swing that around to like 302 to 326 or worse??


Oh there will be demolishing.. In the debates..It will be like Mark Madsen against Kobe
Keep thinking that. I love how people are already giving Obama the election.

No one is giving Obama the election. If you actually read what I typed, I said "In debates".You seriously think McCain can hang with Obama in adebate?
Obama not winning over many Clinton supporters (almost 18 MILLION) with this speech so far that is for sure.

EDIT: Here comes the nice comments
right on key
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Obama not winning over many Clinton supporters (almost 18 MILLION) with this speech so far that is for sure.

what about this part?
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Obama not winning over many Clinton supporters (almost 18 MILLION) with this speech so far that is for sure.

you spoke too soon, now if her stubborn +%% would just bow down and realize that this party will not win divided, and give Obama her full unconditionalsupport
Just listen to the difference between this man and McCain during speeches. Just listen to the audience. It's night and day.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by jm2000

Obama is going to demolish the senile old man.

There will be no "demolish"ing taking pace in the 2008 Election. It should be another close one.
Evidence #1:

As of right now....

So Obama is going to swing that around to like 302 to 326 or worse??

Oh there will be demolishing.. In the debates..It will be like Mark Madsen against Kobe
Keep thinking that. I love how people are already giving Obama the election.

No one is giving Obama the election. If you actually read what I typed, I said "In debates".You seriously think McCain can hang with Obama in a debate?

Obama may be a better talker.... BUT the 2 messages & views of the way Obama & McCain want to take the country are SO different thatyou're going to either side with Obama or McCain. And trust me McCain won't be backing down from Obama in any debates, he'll be defending himselfand going hard (as seen in the Republican debates vs Romney when they'd get into it). It'll be interesting.
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