ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Scrap all this commotion...

No one can do worse then Bush.

The thing with us citizens is that we work hard for what we want and when we get it

there are always those few people who want more.

Obama won, HI HATERS!
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?

I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit, alot of you are very cynical.

And Daytona. I'm sure you would love for me to.

I hope so.

The reason why Im not optimistic is because in his political career thus far Obama has shown no penchant for "change".
He has advisers and backers such as Rubin, Bezinski, and Soros who are part of the establishment that's got us into our present mess of a country.

I'm being serious here when I say that if Obama said that he'd appoint Rev. Wright as Sec. of State or another post I'd applaud him for that and I'd jumped on the bandwagon faster than Diddy running to a Prison shower room. Seriosuly.

That would be real change.

Obama has shown me nothign thus far therefore I can only assume that he's spewing a bunch of empty rhetoric. Also, for the msot part that rhetoric doesn't adresses fundamental problems and is awfully vague.

so your blind and deaf i take it
Its so weird going through the first few pages of this thread and then goint to the 75th-100th then to the final 180-Current
. Everyone thought it would be Hillary vs. Gulliani.
Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?

I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit, alot of you are very cynical.

And Daytona. I'm sure you would love for me to.

I hope so.

The reason why Im not optimistic is because in his political career thus far Obama has shown no penchant for "change".
He has advisers and backers such as Rubin, Bezinski, and Soros who are part of the establishment that's got us into our present mess of a country.

I'm being serious here when I say that if Obama said that he'd appoint Rev. Wright as Sec. of State or another post I'd applaud him for that and I'd jumped on the bandwagon faster than Diddy running to a Prison shower room. Seriosuly.

That would be real change.

Obama has shown me nothign thus far therefore I can only assume that he's spewing a bunch of empty rhetoric. Also, for the msot part that rhetoric doesn't adresses fundamental problems and is awfully vague.

so your blind and deaf i take it
I choose to look at actions rather than words.

Words are like a-holes...

Take Ron Paul as an example. His congressional record speaks for itself.

What has Obama done? Voted in favor of: Extending the Patriot Act, Telecom Immunity Act, Bailout

That doesn't look like change to me.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Because, people like Malcolm and Martin, AND Medgar Evars (who died after coming home from helpingpeople register to vote) fought for this day.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]And to be just FORTY years removed from the civil rights movement and to have a man of colorbecome president is unprecedented. Malcolm fought for equality in his own brand, and he wasn't killed by whites, he was killed by his very own people. Who,like you, were afraid of change and cynical of the ideas that Malcolm could bring forth.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]In essence, since you listen to Ghost so much, a bunch of "shark biters" wascrampin' his style.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]My grandfather and great uncles were[/color] [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]beaten[/color] [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]in Richmond, Virginia for rallying to vote. I'm 25 years old, and I NEVER thought I would see this day. Ifanything you should show some respect for the people that helped put all of us in this position, not just black or white. That's why I get so upset whenyou say its all about race. Not once did that man ask the black vote to pick him because of his skin, it was because he was an American. The white right-wingvoters put the emphasis on his race, not the BO camp.

I don't %*!# with Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, so I didn't vote just cause he was black, but because he has common sense.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I can't believe I'm getting upset over this on such a momentous day. I hope you got whatyou wanted.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Nice to see a black dude become president....though it would be better if he was 100% black instead of 50%.

Too bad he's a socialist. It makes me sick to know he is going to take my money and give it to someone else.

I can't believe that in these horrible times when people are losing their jobs all over the city this bastard is going to raise our taxes. Pathetic.

Picked up some papers

it feels good, it feels dam good
President Barack Obama

I have to pull 2 consecutive all-nighters this week, to make up for lost studying time from the whole day yesterday
. Mostly a good day, minus Nebraska passing Affirmative Action, and Californiapassing Prop 8 (banning gay marriages once again)
It's so funny that all these people telling us to quit hating on Obama are the same ones who "hated" on Bush constantly... guess what guys,he's going to get critiqued HARSHLY on his every move, because he's taking over a nation that's in a bad way right now.

I haaaaate Bush - i think he and his cronies are pure evil. But I'm not giving Obama a free pass on anything either - I don't care if he's left orright or middle or black or white or clear, I care about what he actually DOES.

Prove to me you're more than just another politician (as you try to convince us) Mr. Obama, and I'll begin to praise you. Until then, you get the sametreatment EVERY politician SHOULD get, and that's skepticism.
had to write up a little something for class today, so figured I'd put it here, too.

I think some are already overlooking the big picture, and I voted for Obama because I want to believe him when he says things like: "To those Americanswhose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your president, too."

I voted for Obama because I want to believe he can provide a salve for a much deeper wound to our nation than a fiscal crisis or threats of terrorism. When wewere attacked on 9/11, we lost our way. Fearful, we pulled back into our shell and sealed off our borders and our hearts and minds from the rest of the world.That was understandable given the context. We became a nation dangerously divided into red, blue, elite, real, conservative, liberal, black, white, Christian,godless, American, unamerican, loyal, terrorist. This only made us more fearful and anxious.

I want to believe Obama can reinvigorate and revive a vibrant American identity based on the principals of our founding fathers: one that is strong, united andcompassionate, one that is respected in the world, one that moves beyond the petty politics of division. Right now, we need a leader who will not only seeksolutions to the problems we're facing, but one who will give voice to a new American dream. I want to believe that is Obama.

If he fails, I'll take the blame, but I won't regret betting on hope.

20 years ago, a black man with the ability to turn water to wine wouldn't be elected in this country. If some of you guyscan't appreciate ANY significance in this moment, then I am sorry for you.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I just want to make sure everyone understands something:

I am EXTREMELY proud to say I live in a country that has elected a black president despite its horrible history. I think Obama is a personable politician, and really like the idea of a young family in the white house.

I just don't understand why $250k is the cutoff. People making $500k or less and living in New York are not buying boats and mansions. We are making enough so our kids can live in a decent house, so we can send them to and pay for a good college education and take vacations once a year. Go after those that have millions, those who it doesn't really hurt. $500k in Topeka, Kansas is alot different than $500k in NYFC....that's all I'm saying.
My sister just moved from STL to NYC, and it is a difference, but I don't think it is as big of a difference as everybody thinks it is.

I do agree though that those making millions should be taxed the most.

Our economic structure is so %@**** up, especially when we have professional athletes making a couple hundred thousand A GAME (Roger "Roids" Clemens
) and teachers of our children get paid the leftovers (50K or less). Dowe need athletes to progress as a country? Hell no. Do we need teachers to educate our future? This just doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

its that he was elected for all the wrong reasons ... he got votes mainly because people hated bush so much, he got votes because of his skin color and he got votes because he was a very good speaker ...

no where did it cross your mind that he won because people agree with him....

just his skin color, how he talks and a distain for bush...

typical and expected from you.

man just hop off my nuts for real ... all you do is follow my posts and research my ideas ... you have my pictures saved on your hard drive too ... relax alittle bit and wash your face
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?

I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit, alot of you are very cynical.

And Daytona. I'm sure you would love for me to.

I hope so.

The reason why Im not optimistic is because in his political career thus far Obama has shown no penchant for "change".
He has advisers and backers such as Rubin, Bezinski, and Soros who are part of the establishment that's got us into our present mess of a country.

I'm being serious here when I say that if Obama said that he'd appoint Rev. Wright as Sec. of State or another post I'd applaud him for that and I'd jumped on the bandwagon faster than Diddy running to a Prison shower room. Seriosuly.

That would be real change.

Obama has shown me nothign thus far therefore I can only assume that he's spewing a bunch of empty rhetoric. Also, for the msot part that rhetoric doesn't adresses fundamental problems and is awfully vague.

so your blind and deaf i take it
I choose to look at actions rather than words.

Words are like a-holes...

Take Ron Paul as an example. His congressional record speaks for itself.

What has Obama done? Voted in favor of: Extending the Patriot Act, Telecom Immunity Act, Bailout

That doesn't look like change to me.

ron paul is a racist
^ In addition, let me ask this: Why does a flat tax rate not work? Meaning everybody gets taxed the same regardless of income and such. Therefore, those makingless would pay less, and more=more.
Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?

I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit, alot of you are very cynical.

And Daytona. I'm sure you would love for me to.

I hope so.

The reason why Im not optimistic is because in his political career thus far Obama has shown no penchant for "change".
He has advisers and backers such as Rubin, Bezinski, and Soros who are part of the establishment that's got us into our present mess of a country.

I'm being serious here when I say that if Obama said that he'd appoint Rev. Wright as Sec. of State or another post I'd applaud him for that and I'd jumped on the bandwagon faster than Diddy running to a Prison shower room. Seriosuly.

That would be real change.

Obama has shown me nothign thus far therefore I can only assume that he's spewing a bunch of empty rhetoric. Also, for the msot part that rhetoric doesn't adresses fundamental problems and is awfully vague.

so your blind and deaf i take it
I choose to look at actions rather than words.

Words are like a-holes...

Take Ron Paul as an example. His congressional record speaks for itself.

What has Obama done? Voted in favor of: Extending the Patriot Act, Telecom Immunity Act, Bailout

That doesn't look like change to me.

ron paul is a racist

Way to refute my points.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Because, people like Malcolm and Martin, AND Medgar Evars (who died after coming home from helping people register to vote) fought for this day.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]And to be just FORTY years removed from the civil rights movement and to have a man of color become president is unprecedented. Malcolm fought for equality in his own brand, and he wasn't killed by whites, he was killed by his very own people. Who, like you, were afraid of change and cynical of the ideas that Malcolm could bring forth.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]In essence, since you listen to Ghost so much, a bunch of "shark biters" was crampin' his style.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]My grandfather and great uncles were[/color] [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]beaten[/color] [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]in Richmond, Virginia for rallying to vote. I'm 25 years old, and I NEVER thought I would see this day. If anything you should show some respect for the people that helped put all of us in this position, not just black or white. That's why I get so upset when you say its all about race. Not once did that man ask the black vote to pick him because of his skin, it was because he was an American. The white right-wing voters put the emphasis on his race, not the BO camp.

I don't %*!# with Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, so I didn't vote just cause he was black, but because he has common sense.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I can't believe I'm getting upset over this on such a momentous day. I hope you got what you wanted.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]

They fought for the day you COULD vote for a black man if he was the best candidate in your opinion... not just so you could vote for someone because he wasblack. They fought for equality, not blind following and ignorance about the issues.

That's what you're not understanding.

Yes it's great to see a black man make it so far in politics considering where this country was 40 years ago - but you completely missed the point aboutwhat those men fought for. And that's what bugs me about this all. I think many of those men and women that fought for equality would be reallydisappointed in the way some people treated this election, so if you are gonna claim them as your heroes you better be holding up the same ideals they did...simply voting for any black man and not even knowing what he stands for is not holding up their ideals.
That is my thing though I never said anything about race beside the fact that (in my opinion) that is the only change he will bring. I agreethat yeah its a momentous occasion, seeing from where we came from, but I'm not convinced or happy or feel the slighest bit of pride hope or joy.

I don't feel pride because Obama in my opinion is a fake, nothing but a suit, a fraud, a sham, and a puppet who has no choice but to dancewhen the higher ups pull and jerk hsi strings
He can preach change and hope and what have you, but at the end of the day he has to play his position and act according to the script given to him.
For all of ya'll that aren't happy about this...I feel sorry you and I wish that you could feel what the rest of us are feeling.
Originally Posted by JCH3

^ In addition, let me ask this: Why does a flat tax rate not work? Meaning everybody gets taxed the same regardless of income and such. Therefore, those making less would pay less, and more=more.

It's not ideal but it sure is better than what we have now. Mostly because it'd get rid of much of the corruption and bureaucracy in the system now.

I'd be in favor.
They fought for the day you COULD vote for a black man if he was the best candidate in your opinion... not just so you could vote for someone because he was black. They fought for equality, not blind following and ignorance about the issues.

That's what you're not understanding
And what aren't you understanding?

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I don't %*!# with Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, so I didn't vote just cause he was black, but because he has common sense


Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Because, people like Malcolm and Martin, AND Medgar Evars (who died after coming home from helping people register to vote) fought for this day.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]And to be just FORTY years removed from the civil rights movement and to have a man of color become president is unprecedented. Malcolm fought for equality in his own brand, and he wasn't killed by whites, he was killed by his very own people. Who, like you, were afraid of change and cynical of the ideas that Malcolm could bring forth.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]In essence, since you listen to Ghost so much, a bunch of "shark biters" was crampin' his style.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]My grandfather and great uncles were[/color] [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]beaten[/color] [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]in Richmond, Virginia for rallying to vote. I'm 25 years old, and I NEVER thought I would see this day. If anything you should show some respect for the people that helped put all of us in this position, not just black or white. That's why I get so upset when you say its all about race. Not once did that man ask the black vote to pick him because of his skin, it was because he was an American. The white right-wing voters put the emphasis on his race, not the BO camp.

I don't %*!# with Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, so I didn't vote just cause he was black, but because he has common sense.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I can't believe I'm getting upset over this on such a momentous day. I hope you got what you wanted.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]

They fought for the day you COULD vote for a black man if he was the best candidate in your opinion... not just so you could vote for someone because he was black. They fought for equality, not blind following and ignorance about the issues.

That's what you're not understanding.

Yes it's great to see a black man make it so far in politics considering where this country was 40 years ago - but you completely missed the point about what those men fought for. And that's what bugs me about this all. I think many of those men and women that fought for equality would be really disappointed in the way some people treated this election, so if you are gonna claim them as your heroes you better be holding up the same ideals they did... simply voting for any black man and not even knowing what he stands for is not holding up their ideals.

You did not read his post? He said "[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I don't %*!# with Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, so Ididn't vote just cause he was black, but because he has common sense."

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

That is my thing though I never said anything about race beside the fact that (in my opinion) that is the only change he will bring. I agree that yeah its a momentous occasion, seeing from where we came from, but I'm not convinced or happy or feel the slighest bit of pride hope or joy.

I don't feel pride because Obama in my opinion is a fake, nothing but a suit, a puppet who has no choice but to dance when the higher ups pull and jerk hsi strings
He can preach change and hope and what have you, but at the end of the day he has to play his position and act according to the script given to him.
Please take Malcolm out of your avy.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I just want to make sure everyone understands something:

I am EXTREMELY proud to say I live in a country that has elected a black president despite its horrible history. I think Obama is a personable politician, and really like the idea of a young family in the white house.

I just don't understand why $250k is the cutoff. People making $500k or less and living in New York are not buying boats and mansions. We are making enough so our kids can live in a decent house, so we can send them to and pay for a good college education and take vacations once a year. Go after those that have millions, those who it doesn't really hurt. $500k in Topeka, Kansas is alot different than $500k in NYFC....that's all I'm saying.

HOV.. sorry for the gaffe on your home value.. I saw it posted by someone.. I thought they were quoting you.

Loopholes aren't cheating the government. They are exactly what they are. Loopholes were created by the government for people to take advantage of. Just like Grants and tax codes which were written.

I too don't believe $250K makes ANYONE rich. However, i will be using every tax code LOOPHOLE possible to make sure I am not taxed down to another meansof living. i think you see the Blanket but it's the sheets under that you should take solace in.

For me BARACK being Black is only a part of everything. Him being in office benefits me NOT AT ALL Financially. Him being in office does mean me telling mykids they can be President one day isnt just something to say. It's actually possible.

I personally feel folks (Big Businesses) making Multi Millions are a year are who he should have been aiming at, not even self made millionaires, because BigBusinesses get Credits, and everyone else has to figure out how to circumvent OR use the Tax Codes and Loop Holes Provided.

Just take a step back.. assess the situation and move forward. For all we know, the Dems who have alot of money in their pockets as well as the Republicanswill shoot that threshold down and it will be raised and stipulations will be put in place.

You have to depend on your representatives sometimes to act on your behalf too. Barack said last night. He will listen. So speak.
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