ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860


Coming from Chris Matthews?!?

That video is months old during the primaries, nice try T-Bone. I see you, like Jon McCain, are getting desperate to finds ways to bring Barack down. And like McCain, they are not working.

What are you talking about ?
I saw it for the 1st time today.

Also it's relevant because LOOK WHO SAID IT. I was literally in shock

And if you really want to go there.... FIND ME something Obama's done of any significance as a senator in the Illinois senate OR the US Senate besidesrunning for President. Go ahead.... I'll be waiting
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860


Coming from Chris Matthews?!?

That video is months old during the primaries, nice try T-Bone. I see you, like Jon McCain, are getting desperate to finds ways to bring Barack down. And like McCain, they are not working.

What are you talking about ?
I saw it for the 1st time today.

Also it's relevant because LOOK WHO SAID IT. I was literally in shock

And if you really want to go there.... FIND ME something Obama's done of any significance as a senator in the Illinois senate OR the US Senate besides running for President. Go ahead.... I'll be waiting
It's not what Obama has done it's what Obama WILL do for our Country that counts.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860


Coming from Chris Matthews?!?

That video is months old during the primaries, nice try T-Bone. I see you, like Jon McCain, are getting desperate to finds ways to bring Barack down. And like McCain, they are not working.

What are you talking about ?
I saw it for the 1st time today.

Also it's relevant because LOOK WHO SAID IT. I was literally in shock

And if you really want to go there.... FIND ME something Obama's done of any significance as a senator in the Illinois senate OR the US Senate besides running for President. Go ahead.... I'll be waiting
Ok find you saw it for the first time today but you should have been smart enough to check how old it was before you posted it, with your rep. of posting GOP propaganda you should have known that people are on high alert when it comes to your BS.

Secondly I know who said it, the other person on the show was a Clinton supporter, those where all Dems. on that show.

Finally you show yourself for the person you really are. I did not want to take it anywhere, it was obvious what you were trying to pull with this video. Clinton tried to bring down Obama with lack of experience, she failed, McCain tried to bring him down, he failed, and now you the third stooge is trying and guess what, you failed.

Obama is going to be President, post all your video and BS from now still election day 2016. Because that is the next time you will have a hope of seeing a Republican president.
There's still an election in 2012...
Originally Posted by Juan Baller

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

^ he is trying to say Obama will run 2 terms.
. oh your slow btw...
So Obama is going to run unopposed for re-election in 2012? [img]http://www.routertech.org/images/smiles/017.gif[/img]
the republicans are obviously going to throw out some strong social conservative to challenge the democrats seeing as how a "centrist"maverick couldnt get it done for them

on another note, i recently heard john mccain say "america didnt become the best nation in the world by having its citizens give their money to governmentand letting them decide what to do with it" - this guy must really think the federal government started in 1980
Saturday, October 18[table][tr][th=""]Race (Click to Sort)[/th] [th=""]Poll[/th] [th=""]Results[/th] [th=""]Spread[/th] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Rasmussen Reports[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 45[/td] [td]Obama +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby[/td] [td]Obama 48, McCain 44[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Hotline/FD[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 42[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Gallup (Traditional)*[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 47[/td] [td]Obama +2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Gallup (Expanded)*[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 46[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][/table]
i will say this Obama seems to be the most prepared to be in office right now.. All his plans are out in the open and knows exactly what he wants to do... Day1 Obama is ready.. Day 1459 McCain will be good and Palin never will be.

TBone you know what he has done in the senate becuase I know you've looked.
Obama hasn't "gained" ground in awhile, more like McCain "losing" ground. Obama has been hovering around 49-50% for a couple weeks.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama hasn't "gained" ground in awhile, more like McCain "losing" ground. Obama has been hovering around 49-50% for a couple weeks.

I guess people are starting to smarten up and realize McCain isn't exactly a good option. He was weaksauce in the debates.
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama hasn't "gained" ground in awhile, more like McCain "losing" ground. Obama has been hovering around 49-50% for a couple weeks.

I guess people are starting to smarten up and realize McCain isn't exactly a good option. He was weaksauce in the debates.

We'll see at election day. Those polls are irrelevant in my eyes considering people can say anything over the phone, but strictly looking at the polls,Obama's lead has been decreasing and will most likely continue.

Obama's performance wasn't that great in the debate either, he's just running out the clock.

I don't see anything drastic happening if Obama becomes president, he wont be able to accomplish much on important issues.

National Health Care? Where will the money come from? Will never happen, why? AMA, ADA, and powerful influences from pharmaceutical and insurance companies.

Raising Income Tax Rate, Income/Payroll Tax, Capital Gains, Taxes on Dividends, and instituting an Estate Tax (death tax) in 2010 where he will be taxing adead person.

Tax breaks for 95%? Yeah that's good, until the companies start over pricing the cost of goods or better yet even laying off the worker, in which casethose "reimbursement checks" will just go to to cover the compensated mark ups in prices.

Over the next 2 years people will realize "Hey, up until the Dems took control of the House and Senate, the market was well over 14,000 points and then wevote them in and now looked what happened. Democrats were at the forefront of the scandal, like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, oh and don't forget BarackObama collected the most money from CountryWide and received second behind Chris Dodd at Fannie Mae.But eff it, George W. Bush is the devil, it's entirelyon him, it's all his fault, that crazy nut from Texas."
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama hasn't "gained" ground in awhile, more like McCain "losing" ground. Obama has been hovering around 49-50% for a couple weeks.

I guess people are starting to smarten up and realize McCain isn't exactly a good option. He was weaksauce in the debates.

We'll see at election day. Those polls are irrelevant in my eyes considering people can say anything over the phone, but strictly looking at the polls, Obama's lead has been decreasing and will most likely continue.

Obama's performance wasn't that great in the debate either, he's just running out the clock.

I don't see anything drastic happening if Obama becomes president, he wont be able to accomplish much on important issues.

National Health Care? Where will the money come from? Will never happen, why? AMA, ADA, and powerful influences from pharmaceutical and insurance companies.

Raising Income Tax Rate, Income/Payroll Tax, Capital Gains, Taxes on Dividends, and instituting an Estate Tax (death tax) in 2010 where he will be taxing a dead person.

Tax breaks for 95%? Yeah that's good, until the companies start over pricing the cost of goods or better yet even laying off the worker, in which case those "reimbursement checks" will just go to to cover the compensated mark ups in prices.

Over the next 2 years people will realize "Hey, up until the Dems took control of the House and Senate, the market was well over 14,000 points and then we vote them in and now looked what happened. Democrats were at the forefront of the scandal, like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, oh and don't forget Barack Obama collected the most money from CountryWide and received second behind Chris Dodd at Fannie Mae.But eff it, George W. Bush is the devil, it's entirely on him, it's all his fault, that crazy nut from Texas."

Here's your alternative... However you want to cut it.
[table][tr][td]RCP Average[/td] [td]10/10 - 10/17[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]49.6[/td] [td]43.1[/td] [td]Obama +6.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Rasmussen Reports[/td] [td]10/15 - 10/17[/td] [td]3000 LV[/td] [td]2.0[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby[/td] [td]10/15 - 10/17[/td] [td]1210 LV[/td] [td]2.9[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]44[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Hotline/FD[/td] [td]10/15 - 10/17[/td] [td]797 LV[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]42[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Gallup (Traditional)*[/td] [td]10/15 - 10/17[/td] [td]2572 LV[/td] [td]2.0[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]47[/td] [td]Obama +2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Gallup (Expanded)*[/td] [td]10/15 - 10/17[/td] [td]2263 LV[/td] [td]2.0[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]46[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]IBD/TIPP[/td] [td]10/13 - 10/17[/td] [td]1093 LV[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]47[/td] [td]40[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]GWU/Battleground[/td] [td]10/12 - 10/16[/td] [td]800 LV[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]LA Times/Bloomberg[/td] [td]10/10 - 10/13[/td] [td]1030 LV[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]41[/td] [td]Obama +9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]CBS News/NY Times[/td] [td]10/10 - 10/13[/td] [td]699 LV[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]53[/td] [td]39[/td] [td]Obama +14[/td] [/tr][tr][td]USA Today/Gallup (Traditional)*[/td] [td]10/10 - 10/12[/td] [td]761 LV[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]46[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]USA Today/Gallup (Expanded)*[/td] [td]10/10 - 10/12[/td] [td]1030 LV[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]52[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama hasn't "gained" ground in awhile, more like McCain "losing" ground. Obama has been hovering around 49-50% for a couple weeks.

I guess people are starting to smarten up and realize McCain isn't exactly a good option. He was weaksauce in the debates.

We'll see at election day. Those polls are irrelevant in my eyes considering people can say anything over the phone, but strictly looking at the polls, Obama's lead has been decreasing and will most likely continue.

Obama's performance wasn't that great in the debate either, he's just running out the clock.

I don't see anything drastic happening if Obama becomes president, he wont be able to accomplish much on important issues.

(1) National Health Care? Where will the money come from? Will never happen, why? AMA, ADA, and powerful influences from pharmaceutical and insurance companies.

(2) Raising Income Tax Rate, Income/Payroll Tax, Capital Gains, Taxes on Dividends, and instituting an Estate Tax (death tax) in 2010 where he will be taxing a dead person.

(3) Tax breaks for 95%? Yeah that's good, until the companies start over pricing the cost of goods or better yet even laying off the worker, in which case those "reimbursement checks" will just go to to cover the compensated mark ups in prices.

(4) Over the next 2 years people will realize "Hey, up until the Dems took control of the House and Senate, the market was well over 14,000 points and then we vote them in and now looked what happened. Democrats were at the forefront of the scandal, like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, oh and don't forget Barack Obama collected the most money from CountryWide and received second behind Chris Dodd at Fannie Mae.But eff it, George W. Bush is the devil, it's entirely on him, it's all his fault, that crazy nut from Texas."
1. If you actually took the time to educate yourself on the issues from BOTH sides in this election, like actually read up a bit on Obama'shealth plan without injecting your biases, you'd understand that to throw the stump-speech catchphrase "national healthcare" out there is grosslymisleading and over-simplifying Obama's approach to healthcare. But I understand that would require a modicum of objectivity and tolerance of an opposingviewpoint.

2. Again, more hyperbole and emotion-baiting (i.e. "death tax"). Taxing a dead person? Not exactly, although using that phrase certainly serves themisleading purpose of evoking anger over taxing somebody because they died. You are actually taxing the estate, or more precisely from a practical matter thebeneficiaries who take under the will or relevant intestacy framework.

Even with an estate tax in place, there are still a multitude of frameworks estate planners can and do utilize to minimize tax exposure (presently only estatesgreater than $2million are subject in the first place), and in many cases eliminate it altogether altogether, such as unified credits, revocable andirrevocable trusts, pour-over wills, gradual inter vivos gifting, etc. And if you look at the origins of the estate tax in this country, you'll find thatit arose both out of the practical necessity of the times and is also somewhat reflective of some of the underlying notions inherent to this country'sfounding. In short, during WWII the fed had to figure out another way to increase revenue beyond the common income tax, etc., and they came up with the estatetax - with two main policy considerations, the first of which was to generate revenue. The second was to mitigate aristocracies (which actually relates allthe way to the founding of this country).

3. Again, more assertions without any indicia of support. I'm not saying none exists, because there is certainly legitimate discussion to be had on themerits of both economic approaches in this country, but you'd rather just throw crap to the wall and hope something sticks.

4. Correlation does not invariably equal causation. Just as you can say we didn't start to see everything go downhill until after the Dems took control ofthe House and Senate, I can just as vehemently argue that it was all the Republican's fault for screwing up left and right for half a decade and theimpacts of it just happened to fully "trickle down" until after they lost control. (see, that even has a pejorative partisan label and everythingthrown in!)

Unfortunately, as has already been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, you continue to lack any sort of legitimacy to what you bring to the table. And really,the worst part is that there ARE legitimate, rational, intelligent arguments to be made why "liberal" policies don't work and why"conservative" policies do. But damn dude, you don't even TRY to bring anything like that to the discourse.
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama hasn't "gained" ground in awhile, more like McCain "losing" ground. Obama has been hovering around 49-50% for a couple weeks.

I guess people are starting to smarten up and realize McCain isn't exactly a good option. He was weaksauce in the debates.

We'll see at election day. Those polls are irrelevant in my eyes considering people can say anything over the phone, but strictly looking at the polls, Obama's lead has been decreasing and will most likely continue.

Obama's performance wasn't that great in the debate either, he's just running out the clock.

I don't see anything drastic happening if Obama becomes president, he wont be able to accomplish much on important issues.

(1) National Health Care? Where will the money come from? Will never happen, why? AMA, ADA, and powerful influences from pharmaceutical and insurance companies.

(2) Raising Income Tax Rate, Income/Payroll Tax, Capital Gains, Taxes on Dividends, and instituting an Estate Tax (death tax) in 2010 where he will be taxing a dead person.

(3) Tax breaks for 95%? Yeah that's good, until the companies start over pricing the cost of goods or better yet even laying off the worker, in which case those "reimbursement checks" will just go to to cover the compensated mark ups in prices.

(4) Over the next 2 years people will realize "Hey, up until the Dems took control of the House and Senate, the market was well over 14,000 points and then we vote them in and now looked what happened. Democrats were at the forefront of the scandal, like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, oh and don't forget Barack Obama collected the most money from CountryWide and received second behind Chris Dodd at Fannie Mae.But eff it, George W. Bush is the devil, it's entirely on him, it's all his fault, that crazy nut from Texas."
1. If you actually took the time to educate yourself on the issues from BOTH sides in this election, like actually read up a bit on Obama's health plan without injecting your biases, you'd understand that to throw the stump-speech catchphrase "national healthcare" out there is grossly misleading and over-simplifying Obama's approach to healthcare. But I understand that would require a modicum of objectivity and tolerance of an opposing viewpoint.

2. Again, more hyperbole and emotion-baiting (i.e. "death tax"). Taxing a dead person? Not exactly, although using that phrase certainly serves the misleading purpose of evoking anger over taxing somebody because they died. You are actually taxing the estate, or more precisely from a practical matter the beneficiaries who take under the will or relevant intestacy framework.

Even with an estate tax in place, there are still a multitude of frameworks estate planners can and do utilize to minimize tax exposure (presently only estates greater than $2million are subject in the first place), and in many cases eliminate it altogether altogether, such as unified credits, revocable and irrevocable trusts, pour-over wills, gradual inter vivos gifting, etc. And if you look at the origins of the estate tax in this country, you'll find that it arose both out of the practical necessity of the times and is also somewhat reflective of some of the underlying notions inherent to this country's founding. In short, during WWII the fed had to figure out another way to increase revenue beyond the common income tax, etc., and they came up with the estate tax - with two main policy considerations, the first of which was to generate revenue. The second was to mitigate aristocracies (which actually relates all the way to the founding of this country).

3. Again, more assertions without any indicia of support. I'm not saying none exists, because there is certainly legitimate discussion to be had on the merits of both economic approaches in this country, but you'd rather just throw crap to the wall and hope something sticks.

4. Correlation does not invariably equal causation. Just as you can say we didn't start to see everything go downhill until after the Dems took control of the House and Senate, I can just as vehemently argue that it was all the Republican's fault for screwing up left and right for half a decade and the impacts of it just happened to fully "trickle down" until after they lost control. (see, that even has a pejorative partisan label and everything thrown in!)

Unfortunately, as has already been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, you continue to lack any sort of legitimacy to what you bring to the table. And really, the worst part is that there ARE legitimate, rational, intelligent arguments to be made why "liberal" policies don't work and why "conservative" policies do. But damn dude, you don't even TRY to bring anything like that to the discourse.

If this weren't the internet, I'd buy you lunch.
Oh, and also, (sorry for the double post), if Obama does happen to win, get ready to hear a whole lot more "SEE?? Obama hasn't accomplishedanything!!!" rants from your Republican friends.

It's likely that NO ONE can solve the problems we face right now. I don't particularly believe that Obama is capable of fixing these problems in 4short years, but I trust his abilities a whole hell of a lot more than I trust John McCain's. So before you go saying "Obama hasn't fixed%#+%" understand that we see this BS coming from you a mile away, and it's not fooling anyone.
Although I still believe Obama is going to win... it's amazing he's not putting this away, and his lead is actually shrinking (seetoday's poll avg being 4.8% as opposed to the overall average being 6.5%)....

Sunday's Zogby poll....

Obama = 47.8%
McCain = 45.1%
Obama = +2.7%

ZOGBY 3 day average = Obama +3.87%
ZOGBY 5 day average = Obama +4.18%
ZOGBY 7 day average = Obama +4.49%

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Although I still believe Obama is going to win... it's amazing he's not putting this away
Give it a rest with the Conservative spin. No speculation necessary... let the numbers speak for themselves.
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