ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Anyone feel sort of a natural buzz? I can't stop smiling.

Get out and VOTE!! I'm going to be the first person to apply for an internship at the white house!! WHOOP!
Originally Posted by Essential1

You don't vote just on what benefits you, you also have to take into account what benefits the country as a whole because what affects others affects you.

Yes sir.

I'm nervous as hell about this election. Nothing should be taken for granted. I'm hoping Gideon Yago is right and the Young vote (18-24) turnout
shatters the social balance as we know it. I'm guessing around 30 million young voters.

Anyways, good luck voting to all. I hope to get mine done today.
I think what these polls lack is an analysis on new voter registrations including the minority vote. Millions of colored folks will be voting most of whom arevoting for the first time. How many young voters are voting for the very first time? It will not be the same demographic of voters this election. Obama hasenergized this country and we'll know in less than one day the impact this man has made to America. We're living in history folks.

Also, all this hype about McCain getting an upset in PA I think is just to scare voters. Look at this stat...

[h1]PA Voter Registration Surpasses 8.75 Million, Sets New Record[/h1]

Last update: 2:18 p.m. EST Nov. 3, 2008

HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov 03, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Department of State Urges Voters to Prepare for Tuesday, Vote During Off-Peak Times to Avoid Long Lines

A record-setting 8,758,031 Pennsylvanians are registered to vote at one of the state's more than 9,300 polling places in tomorrow's General Election, Secretary of the Commonwealth Pedro A. Cortes said today as he urged those going to the polls to prepare and vote during off-peak times to avoid long lines.

The Pennsylvania Department of State estimates that up to 80 percent of those registered to vote will cast a ballot tomorrow. With such a large turnout anticipated, Cortes said adequate preparation by voters and, when possible, going to the polls between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. will help ensure a smooth election with minimal wait.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Additional final voter registration statistics follow that reflect the period between Jan. 1 and Nov. 3, 2008.

* 8,758,031 total registered voters:

-- 4,480,691 registered as Democrats

-- 3,243,391 registered as Republicans

NOTE: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Pennsylvania's 2007 voting age population is 9,646,036.

* 712,925 approved new voter applications were processed since January 2008:

-- 427,479 registered as Democrats

-- 144,118 registered as Republicans
We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that"you're racist" argument.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that "you're racist" argument.
So racist and sexist?
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that "you're racist" argument.
So racist and sexist?
It wasn't only slaves or women who weren't allowed to vote. So folks could save that "racist and sexist" argument.
I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simplybeing a citizen (natural born or naturalized).
I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simply being a citizen (natural born or naturalized).

So what should the new criteria be then??
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that "you're racist" argument.
So racist and sexist?
It wasn't only slaves or women who weren't allowed to vote. So folks could save that "racist and sexist" argument.
I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simply being a citizen (natural born or naturalized).

What? How about only college educated? How about only those who can pay a fee to vote? Pathetic.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simply being a citizen (natural born or naturalized).

So what should the new criteria be then??

That's the hard part.

Ex-Felon's (state specific) can't vote. No outcry there, eh? So we do have rules in place against voting.
Rules should be state specific though as they are now.
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that "you're racist" argument.
So racist and sexist?
It wasn't only slaves or women who weren't allowed to vote. So folks could save that "racist and sexist" argument.
I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simply being a citizen (natural born or naturalized).

What? How about only college educated? How about only those who can pay a fee to vote? Pathetic.
Elections that have been spectacles (for some time now) are pathetic too.


u kidding me right?
Uh no.

There were voting restrictions in Ancient Greece. This isn't a racist thing. History goes back further than the founding of America.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that "you're racist" argument.
So racist and sexist?
It wasn't only slaves or women who weren't allowed to vote. So folks could save that "racist and sexist" argument.
I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simply being a citizen (natural born or naturalized).

What? How about only college educated? How about only those who can pay a fee to vote? Pathetic.
Elections that have been spectacles (for some time now) are pathetic too.


u kidding me right?
Uh no.

There needs to be something in place, on top of the standards we have now. That is more apparent than ever.
For those who think the current requirements are sufficient are kidding themselves.

A good start is High-school Diploma or GED
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that "you're racist" argument.
So racist and sexist?
It wasn't only slaves or women who weren't allowed to vote. So folks could save that "racist and sexist" argument.
I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simply being a citizen (natural born or naturalized).

What? How about only college educated? How about only those who can pay a fee to vote? Pathetic.
Elections that have been spectacles (for some time now) are pathetic too.


u kidding me right?
Uh no.

There needs to be something in place, on top of the standards we have now. That is more apparent than ever.
For those who think the current requirements are sufficient are kidding themselves.

A good start is High-school Diploma or GED
I thought I was going to be alone on this one.

I concur.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that "you're racist" argument.
So racist and sexist?
It wasn't only slaves or women who weren't allowed to vote. So folks could save that "racist and sexist" argument.
I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simply being a citizen (natural born or naturalized).

What? How about only college educated? How about only those who can pay a fee to vote? Pathetic.
Elections that have been spectacles (for some time now) are pathetic too.


u kidding me right?
Uh no.

There were voting restrictions in Ancient Greece. This isn't a racist thing. History goes back further than the founding of America.

And there was slavery in ancient Greece. Are you for that as well?
i agree ... just because youre 18 and a citizen shouldnt give you the right to vote ... i dont know what the alternative can be, but there is going to behundreds of thousands voters this year who dont know a damn thing about politics and just voting because obama is black (either for or against him) im sittingwith 3 people right now who are voting for obama and the first thing out there mouth when i asked them why was "change" ... LOLOLOLOLOL
wow...yall some elitist bastards..

what the hell makes you think you are more qualified to vote because youre college educated..thats dumb..the average american doesnt even have a college degreeso its dumb to not have them participate. they will be the ones most effected in the long term.

we all have our reasons for voting for barack or for mccain..but you cant chastize someones reasoning.its their personal right to vote for someone for whateverreason they want. they already exclude ppl with felonies which in my opinion is ******ed..our prison system is meant to rehilbilitate however the right to voteis taken away from you as soon as you hit the streets

im sitting with 3 people right now who are voting for obama and the first thing out there mouth when i asked them why was "change" ... LOLOLOLOLOL
go to any affluent suburban area and i can find you 10 mccain supporters who dont know a damn thing about his policies

as a citizen of the U.S you are an adult at the age of 18. that gives you many rights. the right to work as a fulltime employee etc...so why wouldnt you havethe right to vote..im not seeing the point guys. who are you to criticize someones reasoning for a vote..who knows what they have been through
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

We're going to become a Banana republic.
This is why the right to vote was very limited at first. It wasn't only slaves who weren't allowed to vote (obviously). So people could save that "you're racist" argument.
So racist and sexist?
It wasn't only slaves or women who weren't allowed to vote. So folks could save that "racist and sexist" argument.
I'm not saying that we should go back to 18th or19th century or mid early-mid 20th century standards but there should be more of a standard than simply being a citizen (natural born or naturalized).

What? How about only college educated? How about only those who can pay a fee to vote? Pathetic.
Elections that have been spectacles (for some time now) are pathetic too.


u kidding me right?
Uh no.

There were voting restrictions in Ancient Greece. This isn't a racist thing. History goes back further than the founding of America.
And there was slavery in ancient Greece. Are you for that as well?

Greece also gave us the concept of a "Republic". You want to switch to a Monarchy now?
Just because there was slavery in Greece doesn't discredit all Greek concepts. In fact much of your life today is derived from Ancient Greek culture.
Originally Posted by solnevins

wow...yall some elitist bastards..

what the hell makes you think you are more qualified to vote because youre college educated..thats dumb..the average american doesnt even have a college degree so its dumb to not have them participate. they will be the ones most effected in the long term.

we all have our reasons for voting for barack or for mccain..but you cant chastize someones reasoning.its their personal right to vote for someone for whatever reason they want. they already exclude ppl with felonies which in my opinion is ******ed..our prison system is meant to rehilbilitate however the right to vote is taken away from you as soon as you hit the streets

Everyone's been given the right to vote in order to lessen uprisings/ revolutions. Voting is not as "powerful" as people think. Diluting the votemakes it even less "powerful".
Chopping heads off is way more powerful. Believe it or not.

This country is as corrupt as ever. Are there even hints of any uprisings? The powers just have the people playing their game.
Why are people less mind +#*++! and brainwashed in totalitarian states? Is there a positive relationship between being mind +#*++! and having the right tovote?
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

i agree ... just because youre 18 and a citizen shouldnt give you the right to vote ... i dont know what the alternative can be, but there is going to be hundreds of thousands voters this year who dont know a damn thing about politics and just voting because obama is black (either for or against him) im sitting with 3 people right now who are voting for obama and the first thing out there mouth when i asked them why was "change" ... LOLOLOLOLOL

whats wrong with that?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol@since a black nominee is going to win, NOW theres an outcry to need criteria other than being "american" to vote.

stop being salty.

all american citizens of age are allowed to vote.

stop your whining.

Lol nothing.
I've been saying this since before Obama even came on the scene.

I'm already ready for the "Oh.. is it because obama is black?" arguments for the next 4 years.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol@since a black nominee is going to win, NOW theres an outcry to need criteria other than being "american" to vote.

stop being salty.

all american citizens of age are allowed to vote.

stop your whining.

as ive said for the last 10 days...

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