Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Can't fathom the thoughts of the parent's of the kids who have passed.

This is absolutely horrendous and hard to believe. R.I.P.
Called my brother, got my niece pulled out of school. Had my girl call her sister, Both my other nieces are out of school. I feel a little safer for now, but all in all this is beyond ****ed up.
it was 2 gunmen?

please ban guns
Banning guns is not the answer, nor is this the time to have that discussion. What happened today in CT is a horrific tragedy and I can't even fathom what the parents and family members of those lost/wounded today must be feeling. My heart aches for the victims of this senseless act of violence.
They just found a dead body in the home of the gunman. They think it might be his mother...

Early reports are that the shooter focused most of his attention on one classroom.
WTF.. What a effed up place to live in...America.. How can one get that mad to where he has to prove his point by taking out kids. Smh this **** is cray
So the second guy they nabbed just happened to be in the woods wearing camo and black clothing? Odd coincidence.
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