Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Marlow Stern‏@MarlowNYC

AP: Suspect used .223 caliber rifle. This is a picture of a .223 rifle. This is legal. #NRA #PrayForNewtown


Anyone remember what I said in the Oregon shooting thread the other day?

Lemme guess, this gun should be legal for "protection".

Wanna own a gun, own one. A nice hand gun or something. Guns like this, that can be used to apparently shoot masses of children in mere seconds, we don't need these to be available to anybody. This gotta stop.

There coulda been 20 cops on that campus, this gun would fire off enough rounds to hurt plenty of kids before the cops could fire back at him. :smh:
not trying to set no body off...

Yeah you are, now just shut up or at least have the decency to make a separate thread to discuss your views on race and gun control, if people want to argue with you it can be done there...stop trying to rustle jimmies here, the news are upsetting enough.
Marlow Stern‏@MarlowNYC

AP: Suspect used .223 caliber rifle. This is a picture of a .223 rifle. This is legal. #NRA #PrayForNewtown

As if there isnt already a special place in hell for this POS for mowing down innocent children in a school, using THAT type of ******G gun needs to have him spening the rest of eternity in hell getting the same **** at Hitler.

As others have said, just do away with guns all together. :smh:
everyone please stop replying to this braindead troll, he's obviously just trying to get a rise out of people.

anyone hear any details about the 2nd shooter in custody? if true, atleast that punk doesnt get to take the easy way out. probably a good time to have the first public execution via torture assuming hes tried and found guilty.
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This is why I just laugh at people who automatically think terrorists are only from the Middle East.
Americans terrorize their country more than anybody.
I can't even say how much this is bothering me today, little kids 5,6,7 years old having their life taken away.

This is really why agencies have been focusing their attention towards domestic terrorist. I can understand having a gun or two but go browse through some gun forums. I'm like wtf are dudes getting ready for? you can only hold two at a time at most.

Even if we did have serial repeat homefront attacks from domestics, how long do you think it would take the media/ gov't to publicly admit it? It would be in security interest to make them appear as isolated incidents to stave off panic.
Y'all fell for the trap. Discussing what gun he used instead of what he did. He could have done the same amount of damage with a 9mm and multiple clips of ammunition.

I'm done though. Between this, Facebook and Twitter, there are too many people toting their agenda.
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its sad to think about the kids who survived and will have to back to this place that has such awful memories and that they won't see their friends and classmates and teachers.
Anyone remember what I said in the Oregon shooting thread the other day?
Lemme guess, this gun should be legal for "protection".
Wanna own a gun, own one. A nice hand gun or something. Guns like this, that can be used to apparently shoot masses of children in mere seconds, we don't need these to be available to anybody. This gotta stop.
There coulda been 20 cops on that campus, this gun would fire off enough rounds to hurt plenty of kids before the cops could fire back at him. :smh:

Not to mention what cop will actually have the courage to engage in a gun battle when someone is firing back at you with something like this...meanwhile all you have is a 9mm
lol the race card wasnt meant to set a fire, yall just took it the wrong way .. i was just saying look all those kids is white

Why the **** does it matter what race they are? You are an idiot, plain and simple. You been trying to get a reaction out of people from the moment you posted. Well, guess what...you got one. I got no respect for people like you who can't see past skin color in the events of a national tragedy. Like it was stated elsewhere, if you are trolling...you're doing a great job of it. If you're really that dense and believe what you're typing, make a separate thread out of respect for the people who are coming in here legitimately upset over the events of today. Your .02 are really not needed.
Y'all fell for the trap. Discussing what gun he used instead of what he did. He could have done the same amount of damage with a 9mm and multiple clips of ammunition.

I'm done though. Between this, Facebook and Twitter, there are too many people toting their agenda.


Seriously. This story just broke. Can people have a little respect and put a moratorium on their political agenda for a few hours?
thats really sad when kids in effin elementary school arent safe..

do we really need to school kids inside of fortresses and whats next shooting up hospitals..this is all wrong and sad..

guns are a double edged sword tho..wish we didnt need to resort to shooting each other.
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