Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

see my point about race was that security isnt up to par in the rich neighborhood... they always at the wrong place.. if they had set up a police force for their school district like they did mine.. then city cops would patrol the school area not saying on site but around the block and would've been a better response..
Theres a time and place for everything.

Now is not the time.
Norway views prison as a way to rehabilitate prisoners, not punish them.
No matter how crazy that sentence sounds. On the whole, their system works much better than ours

He also published a manifesto before the rampage as well talking about religious holy wars and things of that nature.
really??? is this much fire power needed to take down 2 ft - 3 ft kids??? smh he was ready for war
I'm not going to engage in the race discussion.

As a father, like many of you have stated, I can not imagine the devastation this would cause myself and family. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims.

Such a tragedy.
I want to hear still from teenagers growing up in this generation that back in the days this type of stuff happened...yeah u teenagers have nothing to say now.....this generation is officially the worst era to grow up in

I see your point but please don't pull the RACE card, pull the inadequate security and protection card, maybe that's a legit argument.
Norway views prison as a way to rehabilitate prisoners, not punish them.
No matter how crazy that sentence sounds. On the whole, their system works much better than ours
yeah theirs is actually doing what ours was supposed to do...

 then they turned the penal system into some sort of business..now all inmates are is a coin the piggy bank.

i wonder if the shooters own kid was injured..
This is why I just laugh at people who automatically think terrorists are only from the Middle East.

Americans terrorize their country more than anybody.

I can't even say how much this is bothering me today, little kids 5,6,7 years old having their life taken away.

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I see your point but please don't pull the RACE card, pull the inadequate security and protection card, maybe that's a legit argument.

My point exactly.

We over police the wrong campuses. If you got prison cameras, police and metal detectors at hood schools, might as well have them at all schools. Seeing as most of these shootings happen at schools that typically don't fall under the urban demographic.
Words can't even describe what I'm feeling right now.

Between this and the stories I'm becoming aware of from this thread, I just became physically ill. I threw up already. My heart is literally aching seeing this news, the photos, and whatnot.

The children, the parents, the faculty, I can't even imagine what they're going through. The human spirit can be an amazing or fragile thing. I hope all families and individuals directly affected by this can someday "move on." I'm not even sure if that's possible, nor am I sure if it's appropriate; better yet, I just hope they can cope and pick up the pieces to continue their lives. I'm not a parent, but I can kind of imagine what it's like based on my relationships with younger family members.

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