Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Michael Moore Calls For “Strict Gun Control” After School Massacre

Michael Moore[emoji]10004[/emoji]

The way to honor these dead children is to demand strict gun control, free mental health care, and an end to violence as public policy.

14 Dec 12

Piers Morgan implies that all handguns should be banned

Paul Joseph Watson
December 14, 2012

Film maker Michael Moore quickly seized upon the tragic school massacre in Connecticut to call for “strict gun control,” while CNN host Piers Morgan implied that all handguns should be banned.

Liberal talking heads wasted no time at all in exploiting the horrendous events this morning at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, where 18 children were amongst the 27 killed, to push their political agenda.

“The way to honor these dead children is to demand strict gun control, free mental health care, and an end to violence as public policy,” tweeted Michael Moore, whose 2002 film Bowling For Columbine was a poster child for firearms regulation.

CNN host Piers Morgan implied that even handguns should be banned in America when he tweeted, “This is America’s Dunblane. We banned handguns in Britain after that appalling tragedy. What will the U.S. do? Inaction not an option.”

However, Morgan is seemingly ignorant of the fact that the decision to ban handguns in Britain did nothing to lower gun crime. In the six years following the ban, gun crime more than doubled.

“Nothing happened after Aurora, now it MUST,” Morgan preached in a subsequent tweet, adding, “This is now President Obama’s biggest test – will he have the courage to stand up to the American gun lobby?”

Morgan also recently went on the offensive against the Second Amendment in the aftermath of the murder/suicide involving Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher and his girlfriend, remarking that it was, “Quite incredible that Bob Costas makes an impassioned plea for less handguns, and Americans go crazy with indignation. He’s 100% right.”

Given the recent all time record high in Black Friday gun sales amidst fears that Barack Obama will use his lame duck term to take a bite out of the second amendment, today’s tragedy in Connecticut is only likely to spur more firearms purchases by law-abiding Americans. Following the July ‘Batman massacre’ in Aurora Colorado, gun sales spiked by almost double normal figures.
It's ******g kids man
Kids that have experienced absolutely nothing in life.
Potentials to be leaders of the future just shot down by a psycho
I don't think it's even hit me yet because this is the most tragic of all recent shootings
agreed and not to sound like a debbie downer but adults were involved and killed as well.

as we have talked about in recent threads and society has in general.... despite how others feel about it, something needs to be seriously done about the gun violence and the easy accesability of guns in this country.

I mean it seriously is getting out of hand. I know this is a huge tragedy, but why does it take something like this for ppl to wake up. Its tons of deaths, granted not of this magnitude, occur daily at the hands of ppl who are granted a gun simply because of an old outdated amendment.

I understand ppl saying we need guns for protection etc...and i am a gun owner as well. but lets be hinest how many times in general have we needed as a society to use a weapon as a means of defense vs... weapons being used as a means to create havoc/horrific crimes.

I dont know all the answers, but the current state as far as gun ownership is far to lax and to many ppl who intentions of evil have access to them... and the cons so far outweight the pros by far.

As a father i can only imagine and cant even began to fathom what the parents of the killed children are going thru, or what the children who parents died are going thru...
Enemies of Second Amendment Will Exploit Connecticut Shooting
December 14, 2012

A horrific shooting at a Connecticut elementary school claiming the lives 27 people, including 18 children, will undoubtedly be used by the government and its establishment media to cynically push for a further rollback of the Second Amendment, especially following the concealed carry victory in Illinois.
The suspected gunman – who was either killed or took his own life – was the father of one of the students, according to CBS News. Because the rampage occurred this morning, there are still very few details about the gunman or his motivations.

As we have documented on numerous occasions, many of the mass casualty shootings in the United States have the hallmark of being perpetuated by mind controlled assassins or are attributed to mind controlled patsies.

From neuroscience student James Holmes‘ suspicious military psychiatrist to Jared Loughner‘s fascination with mind control – mirroring that of Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris and Klebold – the narrative on recent mass shootings share unmistakable similarities.

Moreover, like the Colorado shooting, there are reports surfacing that there was a second shooter at the school in Connecticut, a detail that will, if confirmed, dispel the current report that the shooter was a father of a student and possibly engaged in some sort of violent vendetta or suffering from psychosis. The latter will feed into the latest government gun-grabbing scheme — to deny firearms to people who are suffering from mental illness and PTSD.

Infowars.com will watch this story and report to our readers any crucial details either ignored or glossed over by the corporate media.


Pig Love can you just make a separate thread? I really don't want to hear about mind control and the anti-2nd amendment conspiracy theorist so soon.

Make your own seperate thread please, so everyone else can ignore it. Thanks
Crazy world we live in these days. Just a couple days ago a few jewelry robbers flee to a Cal State Fullerton campus and SWAT was mobilized. The shooting in an Oregon mall. I fear it will only get worst. Govt should seriously consider allowing civilians to carry concealed weapons.
This must be the dumbest post I've seen in Niketalk for all the years I've been a member (since 2003 but with different accounts).

Mods: Since we have "Rep" buttons, please add "Fail" buttons as well.

God damn, sundoobie, you fail in life.
Y'all dudes seriously have absolutely no class to bring up crass topics like gun laws and second amendment rights at a time like this. These kids were killed less than five hours ago. Have some respect and take it somewhere else.
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Crazy world we live in these days. Just a couple days ago a few jewelry robbers flee to a Cal State Fullerton campus and SWAT was mobilized. The shooting in an Oregon mall. I fear it will only get worst. Govt should seriously consider allowing civilians to carry concealed weapons.

This must be the dumbest post I've seen in Niketalk for all the years I've been a member (since 2003 but with different accounts).

Mods: Since we have "Rep" buttons, please add "Fail" buttons as well.

God damn, sundoobie, you fail in life.

Isn't even the dumbest thing posted in the thread let alone all of NT

He killed his biological father at a secondary scene, his home in NJ.

Then drove down to CT, to the school, where he killed the principle and other administrators.

He then proceeded to the class where his mother teaches and killed her, along with the students in the class.

His brother is in custody, being questioned. Whether he is an accomplice, we don't know. He's just a person of interest at this moment in time.

Also, his gf and friend are missing.

Confirmed: 20 children dead, 7 adults including the killer/shooter.


They've found 2 bodies in the home of the mom...


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Pig Love can you just make a separate thread? I really don't want to hear about mind control and the anti-2nd amendment conspiracy theorist so soon.
Make your own seperate thread please, so everyone else can ignore it. Thanks

Read the fifth post in the thread.

Don't worry about what I and numerous other people think.
The thing with this is justice can't be served.

Just the definition of a tragedy where absolutely everyone loses.

And to think this was all avoidable if it weren't for the selfish motives of one man :smh:
Read the fifth post in the thread.
Don't worry about what I and numerous other people think.
Its one thing to talk about guns in response to a shooting, or the 2nd amendment in regards to guns. Your posting about mind control and conspiracy theories?

There are a lot of conspiracy theorist out there, as we as a lot of people that umm want to know more about this mind control, but then there is the rest of us. I'm sorry if this offends you.
I was trying to respond to that dave chapelle vid posted but it didn't get quoted for some reason. anyways just ignore this
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The hell is wrong with people now a days? In b4 liberals bring up gun laws.. Isn't time for that now.

Gettin worried about what might happen on december if goons are out doing horrible stuff like this..
Y a thread as sensitive as this gotta go to race in every page.
Grow up

jesus christ, he was describing the man, it wasn't about race until YOU made it so.
If I saw this woman on CNN, am I sexist now?
Saying "this white man" is just saying that, the man that was white.

Nothing about that post was in anyway making this about race
how is stricter gun laws gonna prevent something like this from happening again? It's not like a guy justs walks in to a gun store and says "I want to buy a gun to shoot up a school". The most clean cut college kid with no priors can walk in and buy one. But on the other end, you dont know how it would affect society to let anyone who wants one and has no priors be able to obtain one either so it comes off as lose-lose
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