Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

So he killed his brother, drives 80 miles then kills his mother who's a school teacher, then kills innocent kids.. Evil... just plain Evil..
It's sad that your attention is deferred to somewhere else with this glaring tragedy in your face.
smh you mustve just came in the thread i displayed useful information and pictures... but i also dont like to leave things unattended so if someone addresses me or make a statement that arouse me then i will have to respond
You have trouble understanding why someone could possibly be waking up at 3pm EST... How are you going to understand a mass murderers motivations?

Get the hell out of here... Criminal minds.........
i dont understand how he waking up at 3.. because its too much money to be made, i got that mentality... thats how the streets raised me....
What the **** are you talking about? Seriously? 

First you try to make it a race thread, then you post a random guy's twitter just because he has the same name as the shooter, and now you're talking about waking up early because thats how the streets raised you.

I've never seen one guy try so desperately to derail a thread in my life.
as a parent i think it would make me feel worse that he killed himself. This would be one scenario where id do my all to take justice into my own hands.

man my heart goes out to the families
Man. My world has been rocked. 

I'm speechless. 

I'm not gonna even watch the media coverage.

Just gonna let you guys fill me in.
What the **** are you talking about? Seriously? 

First you try to make it a race thread, then you post a random guy's twitter just because he has the same name as the shooter, and now you're talking about waking up early because thats how the streets raised you.

I've never seen one guy try so desperately to derail a thread in my life.
it was the right dude, and race is one of the first thing i see, like right now all i see is white cops on cnn talking to us.... but forreal where is the 2nd dude
If you stop even responding to him he'll eventually stop, just ignore his posts...

I'll never understand how someone could ever be pushed to this level. You have to lose absolute faith in anything.

I've been walking around with chills all day, just thinking about how traumatized these kids are going to be for the rest of their lives. I lived really close to the Towers and know kids who were ****** up for a long time after 9/11, I can only imagine these kindergarden kids are going to have to deal with this for the rest of their lives. Loss of innocence to the fullest.
We have people my age looking up to Chief Keef for guidance


these 90 babies are REALLY f'n stupid, but I haven't met a single 1 of them saying Chief Keef was their idol/role model. why do people always bring rap music/movies into this type of stuff anyway? IT WAS A MENTALLY UNSTABLE DUDE KILLING PEOPLE (possibly pre-meditated, but we'll find that out when it goes to trial) THAT WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS ACTIONS. nobody that does these public shootings ever blame it on a rap album/movie, so why do everyday Americans do it? :smh:
CNN said his brother, but as with anything like this sometimes the details are sketchy at first.
they dont even know... they been saying they got the lil brother in custody and all that... just wait til the final report
they dont even know... they been saying they got the lil brother in custody and all that... just wait til the final report

True, im just trying to wrap my head around what this sick bastard did... so sad...
thinking about this angers me so much. I have 4 nieces and a nephew and I can't wrap my mind around any of this...I just can't.
dro420 is getting a kick outta all this :smh:

Leave it alone dude, we get it, you could care less about today's events. It's all about you right now. Take that elsewhere... Some of use have kids, nieces, nephews, parents , AND FEELINGS UNLIKE YOU! We all troll but this is not the time or the place.
Enemies of Second Amendment Will Exploit Connecticut Shooting
December 14, 2012

A horrific shooting at a Connecticut elementary school claiming the lives 27 people, including 18 children, will undoubtedly be used by the government and its establishment media to cynically push for a further rollback of the Second Amendment, especially following the concealed carry victory in Illinois.
The suspected gunman – who was either killed or took his own life – was the father of one of the students, according to CBS News. Because the rampage occurred this morning, there are still very few details about the gunman or his motivations.

As we have documented on numerous occasions, many of the mass casualty shootings in the United States have the hallmark of being perpetuated by mind controlled assassins or are attributed to mind controlled patsies.

From neuroscience student James Holmes‘ suspicious military psychiatrist to Jared Loughner‘s fascination with mind control – mirroring that of Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris and Klebold – the narrative on recent mass shootings share unmistakable similarities.

Moreover, like the Colorado shooting, there are reports surfacing that there was a second shooter at the school in Connecticut, a detail that will, if confirmed, dispel the current report that the shooter was a father of a student and possibly engaged in some sort of violent vendetta or suffering from psychosis. The latter will feed into the latest government gun-grabbing scheme — to deny firearms to people who are suffering from mental illness and PTSD.

Infowars.com will watch this story and report to our readers any crucial details either ignored or glossed over by the corporate media.
First of all I can't express with words how my heart goes out to the children,the families of the victims and to the shooter who has changed the course of each and everyone of those families lives,including his own,forever.

I've sorta looked over a few of the responces from Niketalker's in thread I won't even indulge in what has already been said.But I will say that in every tragedy that happens there's usually a reaction for that action and I hope that reaction doesn't cause people to do what has been done in the past and that is to turn that hurt,anger,hate and fustration into another tragic event that was brought on by people's unthoughtful, recklessness in judgement during a time such as this .

I know that this will turn into a war between the people who believe in their 2nd amendment rights and the people who beleive that,that right is what's part of the problem.Im not for nor against either side,personaly,but I do beleive in case's like this one,it just couldn't be prevented with or without firearms,it was ment to happen either way.You can look at your local news channel or CNN and see the S.W.A.T team,local police department and even the F.B.I on the scene and their there now to do their jobs but alot of us have to understand that they come after something has happen,hardly ever before something happens,but after.Because we aren't in the position yet to foresee what will happen before it happens and even if we could,would we be able to be at all places at all times to stop this type of stuff from happening?I doubt it.
At times like this one,people feel like,"what if?...." and theres nothing wrong with throwing that into the equation because " what if...one of those teacher's working at that school would of been in possession of an legal firearms?"maybe there would of been a better outcome or maybe not.It's something that we no one will ever know,now.I said all of that to say that I hope no one,no groups or individual used this shooting as an example to advocate for or against the right to carry arms.

Finally, Life,good & bad,the beatuty & the beast....I hope,maybe that everytime something like this happens it forces American's to first look in the mirror and be thankful at what they see and secondly maybe tommorro they will wake up and be a little less worried about things that don't really matter,a little less judgemental,a little less racist,a little less angry,and just a little less of everything that shortens the quality of ones life.And in no way am I saying,that things will co-exist in a peaceful world tommorro,nor will the harsh realities of today and of the past simply vanish but it's something that everyone should strive for.
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