Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

This. I can understand
Your Job
Home of People you hate
Place of work of person who wronged you
ITS A ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. WTF. He was looking for easy targets.
Gun Laws need to be changed were you need psych evaluation to get a gun.
The Kid knew it what was happening and that he might be next. :smh:

What if mental healthcare was more affordable than buying a gun??
People are concerned with gun control, it's a CONCEPT just like laws themselves, people who aren't adherent to these laws will purchase and use the guns illegally ANYWAY.

What society needs is a complete overhaul of what's actually important, we live in a pressurized society where it's about buying stuff we can't afford to impress people we don't like. It's disgusting and the cause of a lot of violent crimes and murder.

People were murdering before laws and the invention for the firearm, why will it change because a law says they can't do something?
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why people post this stuff.
give an idiot attention so that you look like a better person when everyone agrees they're a jackass...?
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NO words can describe the stupidity. Unbelievable
attention seeker that's what he is nothing more
Cause thats def. gonna solve the problem.

Gun laws wont do **** unfortunately.
Legally it can change alot really. It could keep them out of hands of the ones who want to commit a crime.

Illegally t just means it alittle bit more harder by wont change much. Illegal means will always been hard if not impossible to completely stop.
Hell I want Guns owner to be equal to drivers license. You have to be tested and trained in safety. That way instructors can stop and auto deny those who might commit crimes.

What if mental healthcare was more affordable than buying a gun??

Then we would have to make it more socially acceptable to seek THAT kind of help.

You gotta remember most of the ones who do this

Are picked on and scrawny kids who've been pushed to a corner.

They cant talk to anyone without looking MORE weak then those who picked on them make them out to be.
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why people post this stuff.
give an idiot attention so that you look like a better person when everyone agrees they're a jackass...?

That wasn't my intentions but I understand what u mean, I will edit my post and remove it. I was just spreading the word about what I was seeing and how it was sickening.... NT isn't the place for this, perhaps /b/ is a better place
People are concerned with gun control, it's a CONCEPT just like laws themselves, people who aren't adherent to these laws will purchase and use the guns illegally ANYWAY.

What society needs is a complete overhaul of what's actually important, we live in a pressurized society where it's about buying stuff we can't afford to impress people we don't like. It's disgusting and the cause of a lot of violent crimes and murder.

People were murdering before laws and the invention for the firearm, why will it change because a law says they can't do something?


we need to educate people more about real life instead of just tryna pass test scores
Why even post that IG screenshot though? Why reply to it? SMH.

I'm sorry but until proven otherwise, I'm just gonna take that letter as a hoax. That has all the makings of some lame troll on the internet wanting attention.
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This. I can understand
Your Job
Home of People you hate
Place of work of person who wronged you
ITS A ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. WTF. He was looking for easy targets.
Gun Laws need to be changed were you need psych evaluation to get a gun.
The Kid knew it what was happening and that he might be next. :smh:
forreal man. I can't and won't ever understand how you can just kill some kids for what reason? If you mad at the world or hate your life there ain't any reason to walk up into a elementary school and just go on a shooting spree. F wrong with twisted people nowadays. It's just sickening. First walking up into a theater, next a mall, now an elementary school. You can't ever be at ease anymore. RIP to all the victims and their families for these heinous acts.
Why even post that IG screenshot though? Why reply to it? SMH. :smh:

I'm sorry but until proven otherwise, I'm just gonna take that letter as a hoax. That has all the makings of some lame troll on the internet wanting attention.

That's what I'm leaning towards as well. Seems a little too convenient considering the circumstances from today.

I'm still waiting on confirmation about the letter's authenticity. Can't find a reliable source anywhere on the net to back it up.
Such a horrible, sad day man.. i cant wrap my brain around any of this. none of this makes sense to me. ive got feelings of anger and sorrow combined but mostly just confusion... theres so many questions about the future.... this has to be some kind of unprecedented event in american history right?

where do we go from here? the shootings in aurora... wisconsin..etc... they were devastating and tragic but when the lives of 20 children are taken away... i feeel a certain kind of pain in my heart. as a country...something needs to happen. i cant sit here and postulate over answers because as of right now..i really dont feel like anything can change the inevitable. there will always be crazies in this world. and these crazies will find ways to carry out there demented visions.

as corny and ridiculous as this sounds...im so sad we dont have a batman in this world to protect innocent lives from people like that.

my hearts are with the families... theres not a goddamn thing you can say to someone who lost a child today. not a single thing. can yall imagine?

you woke your babies up this morning, made them breakfast, got them dressed, pack em up in your car and on the way to school..you make them laugh..they make you laugh...drop them off then go on your way . couple hours later, you learn that your child was murdered by a lunatic with a gun, along with 19 of their classmates. the feeling is so surreal. i seriously cried for these people.

what can you do for them? "everythings gonna be okay?
no, nothing is alright. everythings changed forever. the lives of everyone involved has tumbled into a slow-motion car crash.

what about the school? the young children that escaped gun-fire may be too young to comprehend the situation, and that may be a blessing in disguise...but the faculty cannot be in good mental health at the moment. i applaud the adults who acted swiftly and bravely in trying to protect the lives of the children. it takes serious courage to act at all. but that school is forever marked by tragedy.

i close my eyes and try and visualize the scene..i put myself in the shoes of the children.... of the staff that were in the room this lanza guy chose as his burial grounds... and all i get is tears man.

theres no amount of pain in my life that equates to the grief of the parents. all the problems i think i got are so miniscule. nobody i knew died today..but a part of me withered away with these babies. tell your kids you love them everyday.

i dont really believe in the existence of god...and i dont normally ask any questions... but whoever is up there..whatever supreme being is out there..why?
That wasn't my intentions but I understand what u mean, I will edit my post and remove it. I was just spreading the word about what I was seeing and how it was sickening.... NT isn't the place for this, perhaps /b/ is a better place

There's literally no point in posting in anywhere.
All it will do is spread more hate and ignorance.
I'm praying for the families, I'm praying for mine and I'm praying for all of you and yours. May God or whoever you pray to, be with us. 
Just saw on CNN that the Police lieutenant had to announce to the parents shortly after the events, that if they hadn't already been reunited with their children, they wouldn't be. Couldn't even imagine that scene...


And I'm not sure about that letter's authenticity.

I hope it isn't, can't even imagine.
RIP to those little souls and the adults who died. Such a sad day, such a wake up call to what we are living in. If I would have won that huge lotto jackpot, I would have given a chunk to this cause.
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