Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

People are concerned with gun control, it's a CONCEPT just like laws themselves, people who aren't adherent to these laws will purchase and use the guns illegally ANYWAY.

What society needs is a complete overhaul of what's actually important, we live in a pressurized society where it's about buying stuff we can't afford to impress people we don't like. It's disgusting and the cause of a lot of violent crimes and murder.

People were murdering before laws and the invention for the firearm, why will it change because a law says they can't do something?

Come on.

People were murdering before firearms, true. What they weren't doing was committing mass murders at theaters, temples, and middle schools.

It's not like we have to take all guns away from everybody. The problem is guns are too easily accessible.

Imagine of this guy had to jump through hoops to get those guns. Would he know where to get one? Would He would be be able to afford them?

He probably says eff it and kills himself long before he reaches the mass murder stage.
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Shoot that mother******** shoot him on sight!
And I hope that letter is not real, there is no way...how can life go on for those parents!?

this is the kind of stupid responses we get.

Did I cry today before from the headline and first sentence when the story broke at work?


Was i angry and wanted the head of the gun men or worse?


Do i think that kid in the picture is despicable and would love to see his *** get beat simply for expressing his first amendment rights?


But do I wish death upon him for saying something stupid?

Nope. We really start to lose ourselves fast, the way some of you people are talking is ridiculous.

A movie I'd recommend checking out would be "Sympathy for lady vengeance" See at the end of it if all you people talking about shoot this shoot that, revenge, revenge, revenge, kill this, kill that will sing the same tune after watching said film.

People need to calm the **** down. Gather their thoughts, and let all the facts come to surface. We got people throwing hatred to a twitter user who coincidentally has the same name. We're calling for the head of the brother because the news is so quick to publish a story first. Meanwhile he had his brothers I.D. And again we're forwarding tear jerk messages from "FB news feeds" with no source :rolleyes We gotta use our heads a little bit
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Come on.
People were murdering before firearms, true. What they weren't doing was committing mass murders at theaters, temples, and middle schools.
It's not like we have to take all guns away from everybody. The problem is guns are too easily accessible.
Imagine of this guy had to jump through hoops to get those guns. Would he know where to get one? Would He would be be able to afford them?
He probably says eff it and kills himself long before he reaches the mass murder stage.

Where? The same place people buy drugs from. In any medium sized city I'd imagine you could get an illegal gun within a few days. There is already a 3 day wait in most states for handguns.

Also what stops him from building a few pipe bombs using them?
Come on.
People were murdering before firearms, true. What they weren't doing was committing mass murders at theaters, temples, and middle schools.
It's not like we have to take all guns away from everybody. The problem is guns are too easily accessible.
Imagine of this guy had to jump through hoops to get those guns. Would he know where to get one? Would He would be be able to afford them?
He probably says eff it and kills himself long before he reaches the mass murder stage.
do we know that the gun was even his or registered in his name...? If lets say it was someone elses who was a good decent law abiding person and he taken/stole the guns... Often times in situations like this the shooter wasnt even the legal owner of the weapon and it belonged to someone else who has no ill intentions. Not to mention even if they were his... we cant ignored stereotypes.. the locations etc other factors that play a key role in the judgment of ppl.

Esp.. considering if you look at where alot of these random acts are occurring... many of these small quaint towns still kinda operate on the so called "good ole days" of the i know your ok/good ppl because your such and such kid... or the ill make the exception or you because im good friends with your parents etc...

Security and laws in general are nothing more but a deterrent for honest upstanding ppl,
People are concerned with gun control, it's a CONCEPT just like laws themselves, people who aren't adherent to these laws will purchase and use the guns illegally ANYWAY.

What society needs is a complete overhaul of what's actually important, we live in a pressurized society where it's about buying stuff we can't afford to impress people we don't like. It's disgusting and the cause of a lot of violent crimes and murder.

People were murdering before laws and the invention for the firearm, why will it change because a law says they can't do something?

Post makes no sense...and has nothing to do with the killings of today.

The individuals who commit these horrific acts operate on a different wave length. Somewhere the signs were overlooked as usual, and he was essentially a time bomb waiting to explode. Today, he exploded. SMH.

I really don't get some of you dudes posting in here with the bs, especially related to a massacre like this.
Man i just watching these kids talk about the shooting, so sad 
[COLOR=#red]Connecticut Shooter Adam Lanza: 'Obviously Not Well'[/COLOR]

Adam Lanza of Newtown, Connecticut was a child of the suburbs and a child of divorce who at age 20 still lived with his mother.
This morning he appears to have started his day by shooting his mother Nancy in the face, and then driving to nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School armed with at least two handguns and at least one semi-automatic rifle.

There, before turning his gun on himself, he shot and killed 20 children, who President Obama later described as between five and 10 years of age. Six adults were also killed at the school. Nancy Lanza was found dead in her home.
A relative told ABC News that Adam was "obviously not well."
Family friends in Newtown also described the young man as troubled and described Nancy as very rigid. "[Adam] was not connected with the other kids," said one friend.

State and federal authorities believe his mother may have once worked at the elementary school where Adam went on his deadly rampage, although she was not a teacher, according to relatives, perhaps a volunteer.
Nancy and her husband Peter, Adam's father, divorced in 2009. When they first filed for divorce in 2008, a judge ordered that they participate in a "parenting education program."

Peter Lanza, who drove to northern New Jersey to talk to police and the FBI, is a vice president at GE Capital and had been a partner at global accounting giant Ernst & Young. Adam's older brother Ryan Lanza, 24, has worked at Ernst & Young for four years, apparently following in his father's footsteps and carving out a solid niche in the tax practice. He too was interviewed by the FBI. Neither he nor his father is under any suspicion.
"[Ryan] is a tax guy and he is clean as a whistle," a source familiar with his work said.

Police had initially identified Ryan as the killer. Ryan sent out a series of Facebook posts saying it wasn't him and that he was at work all day. Video records as well as card swipes at Ernst & Young verified his statement that he had been at the office.
Investigators are looking into whether Adam Lanza was carrying his older brother Ryan's identification at the time of the shooting, which may have caused the confusion. Neither Adam nor Ryan has any known criminal history.

Bodies still at the school.

Coroners have been handed pictures by parents to identify the kids.

1 police officer talking to each parent, officers couldn't take it, break away from parents to cry.

1 kid who saw the whole thing said the gunman never said a word.
People are concerned with gun control, it's a CONCEPT just like laws themselves, people who aren't adherent to these laws will purchase and use the guns illegally ANYWAY.

What society needs is a complete overhaul of what's actually important, we live in a pressurized society where it's about buying stuff we can't afford to impress people we don't like. It's disgusting and the cause of a lot of violent crimes and murder.

People were murdering before laws and the invention for the firearm, why will it change because a law says they can't do something?
Post makes no sense...and has nothing to do with the killings of today.
The individuals who commit these horrific acts operate on a different wave length. Somewhere the signs were overlooked as usual, and he was essentially a time bomb waiting to explode. Today, he exploded. SMH.
I really don't get some of you dudes posting in here with the bs, especially related to a massacre like this.
Slow your horses there, learn to DECODE someone's message, it's basic communication skills. 

I'm sure others will agree, your response SOLIDIFIED the very statement I was trying to make, us as Americans run around thinking we're elite and everyone we come across needs to catch up to us, opposed to LISTENING. We just to force our own opinion down someone's throat, which you just did.

We spend our lives working towards unobtainable goals without ever stopping to listen to someone else's message...unfortunately sometimes it's our own kids or loved ones, and in some cases BLAM! they snap and break, like today.
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I saw a twitter that thousands of followers just post the letter..... Uh oh that's it I'm torn about it now if its true
I want to express the sorrow I feel for the families of the children. Do you know how hard this must be? Especially 11 days from Christmas. :smh: :smh: :smh:

I cant believe that two mass murders happened within six months of each other. I posted on my FB that we need tighter gun control laws. One of my friends disagreed strongly and we had a back and forth debate about it :rolleyes For every person who carries a gun responsibly, there are two more who want to be Dirty Harry and cant decipher real life from a video game. Real talk, life is so crazy that now I can't help but wonder in the back of my head that wherever i do, I or someone I love could be the next to die for simply minding their own business and attempting to live their everyday life.
What irks me is it seems the mom was just as sheltered and could have prevented this

What I dont understand is why his mother, a schoolteacher (whom I assume was in her mid 40's-50's) had two handguns and a semi-automatic rifle in a house with a mentally unstable son.

She likely didn't even have the arm-strength to hold a rifle like that and shoot it. I'm having a hard time believing those guns were really FOR her even though they were registered to her

Edit: By the way this isn't a "we need more gun control" type of posts. I'm just saying from a logical standpoint it doesn't make sense.
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I know this is unrelated but,
Adam Lanza of Newtown, Connecticut was a child of the suburbs and a child of divorce who at age 20 still lived with his mother.
is that supposed to be abnormal? I'd think most 20 year olds live with their parents..

I want to express the sorrow I feel for the families of the children. Do you know how hard this must be? Especially 11 days from Christmas. :smh: :smh: :smh:

I cant believe that two mass murders happened within six months of each other. I posted on my FB that we need tighter gun control laws. One of my friends disagreed strongly and we had a back and forth debate about it :rolleyes For every person who carries a gun responsibly, there are two more who want to be Dirty Harry and cant decipher real life from a video game. Real talk, life is so crazy that now I can't help but wonder in the back of my head that wherever i do, I or someone I love could be the next to die for simply minding their own business and attempting to live their everyday life.
:stoneface: We're talking about two mass shootings in a 6 month period caused by ~0.000001% of the gun-owning population, aka two people.

TWO people out of the millions of gun-owners. I think a little more rationality is in order here.
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Watching 20/20 and they keep referring to Adam as a guy with a broken soul.
Get out of here with that BS. I'm not trying to hear that.
This coward gets no sympathy from me.
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I know this is unrelated but,
is that supposed to be abnormal? I'd think most 20 year olds live with their parents..

I read that same line like.. "wut?" He's only 20, they're making it sound like he was a 40 year old still living with his mom and just snapped. Get outta here with that.
I gotta go, but before I leave I will say this in context with my two previous responses ...the guy blasted away his MOTHER'S students, most likely jealousy was the motive. He felt like she gave more attention the KIDS then her own (him).

Like I said, pressurized society, teachers and teacher's assistants make non-competitive wages she was probably never at home to see warning signs. So he BROUGHT his issues to HER attention.

Like Malik said, proving my other point, people who want guns WILL obtain them, laws or not ...we don't need gun control, we need to start teaching communication in grade school curriculum.
Watching 20/20 and they keep referring to Adam as a guy with a broken soul.
Get out of here with that BS. I'm not trying to hear that.
This coward gets no sympathy from me.


I have NO sympathy for a coward who could honestly look at a 5 year old child, a child that can barely spell their own name and knows their ABCs, and decides he can murder them.

I hope this son of a b***h burns in the deepest, hottest, most unbearable form of hell :smh:
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Watching 20/20 and they keep referring to Adam as a guy with a broken soul.
Get out of here with that BS. I'm not trying to hear that.
This coward gets no sympathy from me.

It's always some sob story about "I would never think he would do this". :smh:

What people fail to realize is people who commit these mass shootings are very rarely hardened criminals with a extensive rap sheets. I don't know why ANYBODY still expects to hear it was a 5-time felon who was the shooter.
The mental health of the citizens in this country needs to be addressed. That is the big picture. It is easy for us to wonder how the hell could someone do that, well obviously they weren't all there from a mental standpoint.

But yea man, all of those parents having to put their kids to rest. Wow man
Watching 20/20 and they keep referring to Adam as a guy with a broken soul.
Get out of here with that BS. I'm not trying to hear that.
This coward gets no sympathy from me.

Man if it was a black dude they would paint that brother as if he were Adolf Satan in the flesh.
Where? The same place people buy drugs from. In any medium sized city I'd imagine you could get an illegal gun within a few days. There is already a 3 day wait in most states for handguns.

Also what stops him from building a few pipe bombs using them?

Drugs are not guns. You don't buy drugs to commit mass murders. How man drug dealers are going to really jump into the gun business? 1. They would not be as in demand as drugs. 2. They aren't as easy to move as drugs.

We really cannot stop the production of drugs, nor even slow it down. We can significantly decrease the production of guns.

I'd take my chances with these nuts trying to build pipe bombs than just being able to pull out a gun and start spraying.

do we know that the gun was even his or registered in his name...? If lets say it was someone elses who was a good decent law abiding person and he taken/stole the guns... Often times in situations like this the shooter wasnt even the legal owner of the weapon and it belonged to someone else who has no ill intentions. Not to mention even if they were his... we cant ignored stereotypes.. the locations etc other factors that play a key role in the judgment of ppl.

Security and laws in general are nothing more but a deterrent for honest upstanding ppl,

That's just as bad imo. If you are a responsible gun owner you wouldn't let people have access to your guns. You don't deserve to own guns if you can't take care of them.
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