Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

But both names are from the same town tho.....


what are the chances?

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It just really penetrated my mind that Xmas is so damn close and parents have to go through this. And then the children of the adults who passed.... Losing parents at this time of the year and losing kids.

I don't know how I would handle. :smh:
I'm positive that this has everything to do with psychoactive drugs. 

They put these types of kids on these drugs at a young age and they become dependent on them. They walk around like zombies. 

Of course you won't hear the media mention it much because too much ad money comes from Big Pharma. 

This has been known for a while. Among a subset of those taking psychoactive/antidepressants, the inclination towards violence and/or suicide is greatly increased. 
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It just really penetrated my mind that Xmas is so damn close and parents have to go through this. And then the children of the adults who passed.... Losing parents at this time of the year and losing kids.

I don't know how I would handle. :smh:

Went through my mind too :smh: I just hope that community comes together and helps bring those affected up in any way and give them strong support systems....I'm almost crying myself watching this....the most innocent of all society, little children good lord
I agree with the commentator on NPR right now saying that whenever something like this happens, the media should not publish their names to keep them from becoming famous for their crime.
That Facebook has to be him, they just referenced it on CNN

Police have his two roommates in Hoboken in questioning right now
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All these shootings just don't feel right man.

I can't be the only one feeling like all these events are by design to do away with the 2nd Amendment.

Too many shock and awe type shootings have happened lately.

*Double flame suit ready*

It can't be . . . nobody would sink that low to kill innocent children to push an agenda.

RIP. And may whomever responsible burn in hell.
This is really heavy on my heart. I cant shake thinking about this. I mean 20 innocent kids. It makes no sense. But what bothers me most is people using this a platform for themselves. People take a step back and stop being selfish, and morn for these kids. They did nothing to anybody!!!
I'm positive that this has everything to do with psychoactive drugs. 

They put these types of kids on these drugs at a young age and they become dependent on them. They walk around like zombies. 
Of course you won't hear the media mention it much because too much ad money comes from Big Pharma. 

This has been known for a while. Among a subset of those taking psychoactive/antidepressants, the inclination towards violence and/or suicide is greatly increased. 

Thats a good point
:x :smh: just the state of this world today. RIP to the victims. Tragedy is an understatement. :frown: It's just so hard to grasp the thought that someone would open fire in an elementary school :smh: :x
Y'all dudes seriously have absolutely no class to bring up crass topics like gun laws and second amendment rights at a time like this. These kids were killed less than five hours ago. Have some respect and take it somewhere else.


I'm not an advocate for gun control, but this isn't a memorial for the family of the victims, no one is an NTer
when and where is "the right time" to talk about the surrounding issues?
:smh: As a parent with two kids of 4 and 2, I'm so loss in this tragic. I can't even imagine what the families are going through...How can you kill your mom and start shooting at the helpless kids. They never had a chance man! F this coward and sure as hell god puts him in his place!

I can't wait to go home and see my kids...
The guy's name is Adam Lanza. He was carrying his brother's ID at the time, which is why people thought it was Ryan.

If your name is Adam Lanza and you're on social networks, better deactivate them before the mob starts coming after you
What a shame. This clown should burn in hell. He killed innocent little children and his own mother :smh:
I'm not an advocate for gun control, but this isn't a memorial for the family of the victims, no one is an NTer
when and where is "the right time" to talk about the surrounding issues?
Exactly. This is absolutely the time to talk about gun control. It would be disrespectful not to.
It can't be . . . nobody would sink that low to kill innocent children to push an agenda.

RIP. And may whomever responsible burn in hell.
it does seem kinda extreme and to many a farfetched idea... but seeing the history of this country and some of the things that has occured.... involving death/killing etc....of the ppl and its citizens. I wouldnt totally dismiss it and completely place it out the realm of conversation. I do think its to soon to bring this in the equation seeing its fresh andd feelings/emotions are still fresh in many ppl minds and hearts... But even in the case of 911... although i didnt immediately speak on it... i did have a thought resonating in my mind that the govt... or some higher power/influence played a hand in those events.
my heart goes out to the family today.. RIP to all those children lost today.

but with Aurora, the Wisconsin shooting, Jovan Belcher, the Oregon mall shooting and now the elementary school now.... it's time to start focusing about mental health issues than gun control
20 kids are dead now. I'm pissed, angry and sad. Most of them were kindergarteners and they say he shot them one by one. He obviously was jealous of his mother's relationship with those innocent kids. Just imagine those parents walking into their house and looking at their deceased kids presents and breaking into tears instead of joy in 11 days.

R.I.P angels and sick **** rot in hell!
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