Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

This really hit me man... What has the world come to....

Then you have ignorance like this...

Don't complain about being a minority and say whites are a problem when your ancestors chose to come here knowing they would be a minority.

— Hyley DiBona † (@HyleyLowly)

June 18, 2015

The only thing that bothers me about this picture is that they were in church (the house of the lord) praying while this happened, so I'm not understanding what prayer is solving. This religious stuff is not making since to me anymore and I really don't want to feel like that


Word. I've been battling w/ my faith for a while about what I was taught in regards to religion. I feel almost guilty because I'm teaching my children to have faith and everything but mine is in question :smh:

I'm tired of the tattooed bullseye on our backs man. Tired of us fighting for acceptance from a group that won't ever accept us.
How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?
I'm not black, I'm indian so just stating my ethinicty.

I think it absolutely matters. If a white person shoots up a church, reports come out that he was "troubled, quiet, didn't see this coming"

If a black person GETS gunned down by a cop "oh he was a thug, he smoked weed, he threw up gang signs"

The media is ****** ridiculous when it comes to this.
Most of the deranged maniacal mass murderers are troubled, quiet kids. They aren't the hs football teams qb popular jock types.
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"If you cant be black in church where can you be black in this country"

Said by one of clementas friends.
Most of the deranged maniacal mass murderers are troubled, quiet kids. They aren't the hs football teams qb.
The point is if it was a minority; he'd be a terrorist, or a thug, or evil.

How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?

Because the media is WAY more powerful than youre giving it credit for...

Terrorism invokes guilt by association...

Thats why Muslim famb get it so bad.. Because the label "terrorist" is a threat to the country.

Labeling this guy a terrorist would literally incriminate those that look like him: white males.

Media ain't trying to have that... You think some oil tycoon wants his son to be mistaken for Adam Lamza or something? Heck no.


When we a black man does something, all black men are considered thugs, criminals, gagsters, etc. It's been subconsciously infused into the minds of this country. So every time one of us gets killed, especially by police, we did something to justify it. They even have people looking at our children as if they are older than they are. The media is more powerful than you think.
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Glad they caught this POS.

fontaine fontaine

Damn she is dumb.

She doesn't even realize Italians were treated like Black people when they first came here.

I guess they should have just gone back to their home country by her logic :smh:
[thread="629313"]The only thing that bothers me about this picture is that they were in church (the house of the lord) praying when this happened, so I'm not understanding what prayer is solving. This religious stuff is not making since to me anymore and I really don't want to feel like that :frown: [/thread]

View media item 1587927

Bro they killed Jesus for saying he was the son of God. They threatened all that followed him. It happens. They're probably praying for peace. Understanding. Hope. When things get tough, it's a test of faith. I absoluely understand it is hard sometimes. Things don't make sense to you or I. But we are not on the same plane of thinking that God is. Like, he knew the Charleston shooting was going to happen before he even said 'Let there be light'. It is an extremely deep concept. But it is what it is. It is unfortunate that it happen at all, but it happening in a church, doesn't make me mad at God, it makes me angry at the demon's pulling the strings. IT was a disrespect to God by killing his children while they worshiped him. After a school shooting, do you lose faith in the education system?
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How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?

The wording and description is honestly a big piece when your explaining a situation to a group of people who look to you for information. As a black man in america i'm already numb to knowing how the media rushes to portray things between blacks & whites and i personally don't let it bother me much because i already know the outcome.

However to those who haven't noticed the pattern using the phrase "soft voiced" or "troubled" paints an entirely different picture than using the word "Thug" or "terrorist". Those words immediately put you in the light of being a horrible person, cut throat, A CRIMINAL

Troubled, mentions of a bad family set up, being bullied etc etc (Usually terms they use when these white terrorist are being explained) all are used to project a victim like response from the public to the agitator. In the court of public opinion those words are used to not label him as a monster, while on the other hand men who have done nothing but be black & get shot are criminalized through words every day.

The power of words in racial matters has always been relevant, hell i mean look at are skin ? nobody is truly white or black, many varying shades but we all seem to be some form of brown or tan/peach

Yet when developing "Race" the color descriptions were set to black & white. ONLY because black & white together have always been used to indicate a difference and separation

The Word white is synonymous with Purity, Cleanliness, Heaven, Light, Good
The Word black is synonymous with Evil, Filth, Darkness, Fear, Unknown

now look at those description of the words & how they are very similar to the PERCEPTION that has been laid upon black people and white people in this world
Most of the deranged maniacal mass murderers are troubled, quiet kids. They aren't the hs football teams qb popular jock types.

Tell that to Kendrick Johnson's family

Imagine that... The pastor that was shot had 2 kids... He was shot 2 days before Father's Day... Heartbreaking man. 
The point is if it was a minority; he'd be a terrorist, or a thug, or evil.

White=Quiet. :smh:
I think calling this kid a thug would be a bit of an understatement. I could see labeling him a terrorist since it seems he did do it because of his racist ideology. Im not really concerned with what the media labels someone though - I'm more upset and concerned that this kind of **** happens.
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The point is if it was a minority; he'd be a terrorist, or a thug, or evil.

I think calling this kid a thug would be a bit of an understatement. I could see labeling him a terrorist since it seems he did do it because of his racist ideology. Im not really concerned with what the media labels someone - I'm more upset and concerned that this kind of **** happens.
Well same here I agree with you i'm upset as well, but the media controls the common persons perception, and it's sad as ****

These labels NEED to be put on the white man too.
Very quite
Soft spoken
Would never do something like this
Mentally ill
Picked on

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