Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

this is depressing more than anything :smh:

Whats happening right in front of our faces..blatant and as literal as a situation can present itself

But Like Jon said, this country will do what it always has...nothing

treat it as...crazy happens sometimes so lets move on [emoji]128563[/emoji]
Storm front is interesting right now. Peep this comment from stormfront:

We should all remember what Dr. Pierce said was the primary product of racial diversity and multiculturalism - ALIENATION.

The Jewish controlled media is and will continue to blame "racism" for the incident and perhaps point the finger at WN as the source for this kid's rage.

The fact is THEY have created the society in which many, many people live alienated, unhappy, and unfulfilled lives with no purpose. Our people, our youth today are taught to hate their own people, history and heritage, and it should come as no surprise that some of these individuals become detached and are subject to losing their sanity in a manner such as the kid did here.

The only identity they are taught is ok to have is one where they work to atone for their supposed "privilege" as a White person. Meanwhile they see the sickness and rot all around them, they see the hate and the hypocrisy, the pressure builds and a few of these people lose their minds. Others get lost in drugs and alcohol, still others go the way of the goofball in Spokane, completely betray their race and deny even being White.

The Jewish media and establishment are 100% to blame for these events coming to pass.

We should proclaim that this kid's way was the way of the individual who has given up, who has resolved that all is lost and nothing can be made right again. How can one think an action such as this could lead to liberation, as Dr. Duke said today?

We should not be on our heels however, be loud and proud in proclaiming that we have, once again, been proven right.

More diversity and more multiculturalism will bring forth more alienation, and that alienation on the part of the people will see more violence and bloodshed. We have been saying it for years, the policies and principles in which this society is built are doomed to fail - and this is just that, a failed state. No amount of shiny junk in the malls or newly constructed suburban subdivisions will change this fact.

Racial separation, the real and authentic strength of unity on the basis of a common history and heritage is what will put an end to this sort of thing happening in America and in any other place in this world that is build upon the flawed and failed policy of racial diversity and multiculturalism.

We should be quick to reject the lie that this sort of thing, White people murdering Black people, is anything but the exception - and continue to highlight the reality of the outright and ongoing war on our people being carried out by Black thugs and criminals.

Also we should steel ourselves to the reality that the only way we rid ourselves of the poison of multiculturalism and diversity is straight at and right through the Jew.

And the rot the Jew has brought on our world will not be gotten rid of in a day or through one stupid stunt like this one, it will take hard work, dedication, courage and will, and the knowledge that violence or illegality in the present day will only lay us low.


The man wanted for a mass shooting at a Charleston, S.C., church Wednesday was the subject of a widespread manhunt that resulted in his capture Thursday in Shelby, N.C.

Just prior to news reports of his apprehension, a lone post was added to Roof’s Facebook page (which, as of this writing, has been shut down). The author, Marcus Stanley, is a gospel singer who was shot multiple times by a gang initiate. But he did not mention the violent act that left him partially paralyzed, instead sharing his deep concern for the obviously troubled man.

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Wait....you got Fox News people saying that the terrorist looks like a "light skinned black." People are agree with this too? I'm done. There's no getting thru to them.

Unreal man. Unreal.
When things like this happen I try not to look at fb, twitter, yahoo comments. It's an absolutely disgusting cesspool of ignorance. Sad part is a lot of them are our friends, Co workers, bosses, classmates, teachers and so on.

What really bothers me is when these things happen. All the non black people I know who like to toss around the N word thinking they have a pass, never speak up when these injustices happen.
If you go to Marcus Stanley's Twitter page, he's retweeting all the undercover racists who watch Fox News and are giving him props.  Negroes like him, who make us look weak so they can get paid are straight up endangering the rest of us with that soft-shoe tapdance talk.
I woke up this morning, and on my fb timeline I saw photos of the victims. I'm the last dude to shed tears but they just started flowing. They all looked like my family members. The anger I'm feeling is unimaginable. Seriously gone from this country in a few years.
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