Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Marcus hopped on the **** train.
This is what X-tianity has done to black people over the centuries. Makes believers turn the other cheek, forgive and seek forgiveness for the people who commit acts of violence against them. It is a control mechanism that you will get your vengeance in the afterlife so don't bother doing anything about it right now. Just let them keep beating on you, god will take care of it.
Times and instances like this, it really tests my faith in God.

What logical reason in this universe is there for this to happen at a place of worship God?
I dig Marcus Stanley's fb post. I dont know what he says or stand for outside of that but that post is about pure love.
I'm sure MLK would agree. ( And outside of the Bible references, Malcolm X and Ghandi would too).
Love is what the world needs. Love that doesnt change based on seasons or emotions.
We all hate hate, dissect where its stems from and how manifests itself. But we never stop it.
But we only allow it to spread into us on a case by case basis when some heinous act allows us to
justify our hate. We need to extinguish it with love and understanding. Some of us are more damaged than others.
I'm not tryna enlighten anyone, I just understand dudes perspective.

I am ready for your flames.
I dig Marcus Stanley's fb post. I dont know what he says or stand for outside of that but that post is about pure love.
I'm sure MLK would agree. ( And outside of the Bible references, Malcolm X and Ghandi would too).
Love is what the world needs. Love that doesnt change based on seasons or emotions.
We all hate hate, dissect where its stems from and how manifests itself. But we never stop it.
But we only allow it to spread into us on a case by case basis when some heinous act allows us to
justify our hate. We need to extinguish it with love and understanding. Some of us are more damaged than others.
I'm not tryna enlighten anyone, I just understand dudes perspective.

I am ready for your flames.
If this were a Star Trek utopian society, or a Disney movie, yes I would agree. But this planet is closer to 1984 than Peter Pan
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Marcus hopped on the **** train.

This is what X-tianity has done to black people over the centuries. Makes believers turn the other cheek, forgive and seek forgiveness for the people who commit acts of violence against them. It is a control mechanism that you will get your vengeance in the afterlife so don't bother doing anything about it right now. Just let them keep beating on you, god will take care of it.

Let's not do this bruh...

...plenty of us out here that pray and will still swing a jawbone harder than Samson himself.

Wasn't nuthin' nonviolent about David and Goliath or Jericho - stop it please...
I dig Marcus Stanley's fb post. I dont know what he says or stand for outside of that but that post is about pure love.
I'm sure MLK would agree. ( And outside of the Bible references, Malcolm X and Ghandi would too).
Love is what the world needs. Love that doesnt change based on seasons or emotions.
We all hate hate, dissect where its stems from and how manifests itself. But we never stop it.
But we only allow it to spread into us on a case by case basis when some heinous act allows us to
justify our hate. We need to extinguish it with love and understanding. Some of us are more damaged than others.
I'm not tryna enlighten anyone, I just understand dudes perspective.

I am ready for your flames.
I wish we could neg rep on this forum for posts like this that indirectly encourage white supremacists and white extremists to keep killing those peace-loving Negroes.
I dig Marcus Stanley's fb post. I dont know what he says or stand for outside of that but that post is about pure love.

I'm sure MLK would agree. ( And outside of the Bible references, Malcolm X and Ghandi would too).

Love is what the world needs. Love that doesnt change based on seasons or emotions.

We all hate hate, dissect where its stems from and how manifests itself. But we never stop it.

But we only allow it to spread into us on a case by case basis when some heinous act allows us to

justify our hate. We need to extinguish it with love and understanding. Some of us are more damaged than others.

I'm not tryna enlighten anyone, I just understand dudes perspective.

I am ready for your flames.

I wish we could neg rep on this forum for posts like this that indirectly encourage white supremacists and white extremists to keep killing those peace-loving Negroes.
I said nothing about whites or blacks in my post. You are clearly focusing on the wrong things. What I was directly saying is that this is a call for human beings to love each other and the world we are blessed to live in.
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Nahhh that's not the rhetoric you send to a dude who just gunned down a chapel full of God fearing people. If Roof happened to see that post he probably got a good chuckle out of it.
Let's not do this bruh...

...plenty of us out here that pray and will still swing a jawbone harder than Samson himself.

Wasn't nuthin' nonviolent about David and Goliath or Jericho - stop it please...
Well then thats still the opposite of what the Bible directs x-tians to do. You aren't supposed to respond to violence with violence.

I am not anti X-tian, I am anti-religion period. But I'm not going to hijack to an anti-religion thread so I will leave it at that.
Let's not do this bruh...

...plenty of us out here that pray and will still swing a jawbone harder than Samson himself.

Wasn't nuthin' nonviolent about David and Goliath or Jericho - stop it please...

Well then thats still the opposite of what the Bible directs x-tians to do. You aren't supposed to respond to violence with violence.

I am not anti X-tian, I am anti-religion period. But I'm not going to hijack to an anti-religion thread so I will leave it at that.

All good my G - let's save this discussion for another thread...

I said nothing about whites or blacks in my post. You are clearly focusing on the wrong things. What I was directly saying is that this is a call for human beings to love each other and the world we are blessed to live in.
It doesn't matter whether or not you addressed race.   Race became the central issue when he stood up and said 'I'm here to kill black people.'   HE was 'focused on the wrong things.'  That kumbayaa stuff is what white supremacists and fake white liberals  (frankly, the same thing) feed to black people to keep them passive and *****-made.  And frankly you look funny in the light for promoting that fake BS. 

Black folks are getting massacred openly by white supremacists and you're telling them to calm down and spread love in response.  You might be pretending not to understand but I want the viewing public to understand how ludicrous you sound.
I said nothing about whites or blacks in my post. You are clearly focusing on the wrong things. What I was directly saying is that this is a call for human beings to love each other and the world we are blessed to live in.

It doesn't matter whether or not you addressed race.   Race became the central issue when he stood up and said 'I'm here to kill black people.'   HE was 'focused on the wrong things.'  That kumbayaa stuff is what white supremacists and fake white liberals  (frankly, the same thing) feed to black people to keep them passive and *****-made.  And frankly you look funny in the light for promoting that fake BS. 

Black folks are getting massacred openly by white supremacists and you're telling them to calm down and spread love in response.  You m
ight be pretending not to understand but I want the viewing public to understand how ludicrous you sound.

I only look funny in the light to you because you are covered in darkness.
People who respond differently to different groups based on color clearly have a serious problem
and share a skewed inaccurate perspective.
But you cant kill them all, and the hatred you hold on to doesn't bother them either.
You just become the other side of the coin. They hate your cus of color, you hate them cus of how they respond to your color.
And the cycle will continue. Love and understanding creates the only breeding ground where true change can happen.
I understand these situations more than you know. Maybe someday you will too.
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 Shooter Told Friends He "Wanted To Start A Civil War"


An undated Facebook photograph of Roof shows him wearing a jacket with two patches. One is a pre-apartheid-era flag of South Africa, and the other is the flag for Rhodesia, the previously white-ruled country now called Zimbabwe.

View media item 1589121

Look at this piece of **** he should be burned alive.

And did somebody really say he looked like a lightskin black dude???? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!?

Glad that dumb ***** got fired from the theater somebody needs to come for her ***
one girl on my facebook feed said something along the lines of "this guy is mentally ill and he didn't run from the cops and he's still alive, mike brown and freddie gray were in mentally good health and they ran and that what got them killed"

ive always said that where you grew up shapes how you institutionally react law enforcement. Do you think its a coincidence that the places where these unarmed black men are being killed have precincts known for corruption, racial bias, and brutality towards black people. Like to the point you know that if you dont get out of there now theyre about to make your life hell. Thats basic fight or flight. People in the suburbs dont have to deal with those types of interactions so they never have to associate police presence with danger.
Nahhh that's not the rhetoric you send to a dude who just gunned down a chapel full of God fearing people. If Roof happened to see that post he probably got a good chuckle out of it.

To the guys trying to turn the other cheek...

Imagine if this was 9 babies being kidnapped and raped.  Would that kumbaya **** be cool?  If not why the hell are you trying to pass that on here.  
one girl on my facebook feed said something along the lines of "this guy is mentally ill and he didn't run from the cops and he's still alive, mike brown and freddie gray were in mentally good health and they ran and that what got them killed"

ive always said that where you grew up shapes how you institutionally react law enforcement. Do you think its a coincidence that the places where these unarmed black men are being killed have precincts known for corruption, racial bias, and brutality towards black people. Like to the point you know that if you dont get out of there now theyre about to make your life hell. Thats basic fight or flight. People in the suburbs dont have to deal with those types of interactions so they never have to associate police presence with danger.

Hope you deleted her

Her mindset is running from cops > killing 9 people and running from cops=kill on site

She got some serious problems
You can have white friends (which of course there is nothing wrong with it) all day, talking about ball games and hot woman, Xbox. Situations like this will let you know who you may have to cut off or keep around. Sad yes, but you won't see eye-to-eye on serious matters with most.
I've been watching a lot of youtube videos about the confederate flag...there are a few really interesting documentaries on there.

Y'all ever heard of this HK Edgerton guy?
Was trying to read about him on the southernheritage411 website, but couldn't get it to load for some reason.   
This clown is the true living Uncle Ruckus.  On 2nd thought, he's more like Clayton Bigsby. 

"I only have one thing to say." 

"God bless you and God bless Dixie"
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On his Facebook page, Roof displayed the flags of defeated white-ruled regimes, posing with a Confederate flags plate on his car and wearing a jacket with stitched-on flag patches from apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia, which is now black-led Zimbabwe.
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