Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

"Light skinned black" rocking the Mo from Three Stooges cut. yeah ok. these cuts online be wilden out with the trolling

Seriously? I blame Rachel, any white person can all of a sudden be black when convenient. The delusion of white supremacists and the lengths they go to defend their action is amazing.

Exactly why I had a problem with the stupid *** black MEN giving her a pass. You can't be giving them a pass because they'll run with that ****
I also HATE that the college student who lost his mom forgave this white supremacist publicly. Black people gotta stop this **** man because I haven't seen one white person on the news condemning white people saying "we gotta do better as white people"

Even in horrific tragedy ******* negros gotta be on this ********
I've been coming across mad hateful comments.

Damn, nine black people are killed, and somehow they're at fault?

I can't listen to those dudes. I don't know how I did in the past (8 years ago). :smh: @ myself for wanting to believe just because he might have been right about a few things. 911 was his hook.

Alex Jones is a piece of ****. Came to that conclusion a while back. He uses fear to sell **** and he's just as racist with his denial of racism as the outright "go back to Africa" yellers.
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I still find it crazy how "threatening" us blacks are to the masses. Granted some of us with the hood mentality are reckless, and engage in behavior that is unsavory. Gang banging, drug dealing etc. But how many of us are shooting up schools, movie theaters, and churches. Massacring innocent children, innocent woman and men?

I would be more terrified of those sociopaths, than some run of the mill wannabe hood dude any day. Makes no sense that we are considered such a threat. When you look the way these guys are apprehended compared to us. We scare the **** out of everyone, but those dudes are treated like they are harmless :smh:. Boggles my mind
He seemed to be on point with 9/11, and he would have Professor McGriff on his show at times.

But when pressed on issues dealing with racism he never had anything substantial to say.

Most of those conspiracy dudes are hush on matters of institutional racism.

Meth had a good post yesterday, in that during times of economic hardship there's the scapegoating of a group of people in blaming them for societal ills.

The bigger issue will continue to be institutional racism, but I don't know how the majority tackles issues as such with sincerity when we're viewed as only 12% of the population. There will only be marginal advancements in the form of tokenism.

Our power in the realm of entertainment and sports is fleeting.
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I said nothing about whites or blacks in my post. You are clearly focusing on the wrong things. What I was directly saying is that this is a call for human beings to love each other and the world we are blessed to live in.

It doesn't matter whether or not you addressed race.   Race became the central issue when he stood up and said 'I'm here to kill black people.'   HE was 'focused on the wrong things.'  That kumbayaa stuff is what white supremacists and fake white liberals  (frankly, the same thing) feed to black people to keep them passive and *****-made.  And frankly you look funny in the light for promoting that fake BS. 

Black folks are getting massacred openly by white supremacists and you're telling them to calm down and spread love in response.  You m
ight be pretending not to understand but I want the viewing public to understand how ludicrous you sound.

I only look funny in the light to you because you are covered in darkness.
People who respond differently to different groups based on color clearly have a serious problem
and share a skewed inaccurate perspective.
But you cant kill them all, and the hatred you hold on to doesn't bother them either.
You just become the other side of the coin. They hate your cus of color, you hate them cus of how they respond to your color.
And the cycle will continue. Love and understanding creates the only breeding ground where true change can happen.
I understand these situations more than you know. Maybe someday you will too.

I can't find the interview (I'm guessing nobody uploaded it yet, msnbc hasn't yet) that was bit earlier than this where he was talking with an older black man (I missed when he introduced him) where dude just kept it 100% real. This is clearly an act of terrorism but he just straight up said if we're not gonna talk about the white supremacist ideology prevalent in the south and have a discussion about the real problems it makes no sense to continue to overuse the word terrorism and racism to the point they have no real meaning.

The brothers name is Kevin Alexander & here's the interview you referring too :

I would suggest everybody take a look at it . If somebody could embed it for me it would be appreciated.
This poisonous master-class mentality did not die with the abolition of slavery—it continued, in new forms. In particular, each wave of immigrants that came over from Europe had to “fit itself into” the dominant relations of American society—they had to find an “economic niche” (usually toward the bottom rungs of the working class, at least at first) and they had to work out a relation to the dominant political and cultural superstructure of society. In doing so, these white immigrants often tried to distinguish themselves from Black people—and this often exploded into the open antagonism of white mobs rampaging against Black people and even lynching them—yes, in the northern cities as well as the South, as these immigrant communities defined themselves as “full-blooded” white Americans in violent opposition to Black people. This system reinforced the master-class mentality among northern whites with petty, but not insignificant, privileges in jobs and housing. And this became a major double-barreled shotgun for the capitalist ruling class: it blinded these white people and immigrants to their most fundamental interests as members of the proletariat, turning their anger away from the system that actually exploited and oppressed them, and turning it against the most oppressed and exploited people in society. And it gave them an “identity” as white Americans, with a set of expectations and entitlements to go with it—and to defend. A minority of whites opposed this madness, and took up revolutionary or radical or even just decently humane positions; but while very important—and we’ll return to its significance later—this sort of stand was far too uncommon. (A secondary, but important, effect of this master-class mentality among whites of all classes was to partly obscure the class character of the oppression of the masses of Black people—their position and role as viciously exploited proletarians, within the overall working class of the U.S.—and the many and close links between this class exploitation of large numbers of Black people, as part of the proletariat, and the national oppression of Black people as a people.)

I still find it crazy how "threatening" us blacks are to the masses. Granted some of us with the hood mentality are reckless, and engage in behavior that is unsavory. Gang banging, drug dealing etc. But how many of us are shooting up schools, movie theaters, and churches. Massacring innocent children, innocent woman and men?

I would be more terrified of those sociopaths, than some run of the mill wannabe hood dude any day. Makes no sense that we are considered such a threat. When you look the way these guys are apprehended compared to us. We scare the **** out of everyone, but those dudes are treated like they are harmless :smh:. Boggles my mind

Their fear is a combination of stereotypes, guilt, and media/propaganda.
Their fear is a combination of stereotypes, guilt, and media/propaganda.
Enemies of righteousness...

The enemies of righteousness want to do everything they can to keep the Black man and woman away from the true and proper understanding of their great past and prophetic destiny, and have worked to breed self-hatred into the minds of Black people globally under the power of White supremacy in all systems whether religious, scientific or educational, he continued.
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White fear/ guilt is rooted in the fact that blacks have yet to seriously retaliate to all the fd stuff that the KNOW they have done to us. They know if they were black people they would have been extremely violent a long time ago. They're really not understanding why blacks haven't done anything yet. So they prepare, buy guns and train for the day when blacks are all fed up. The logically know it makes sense for blacks to fight back. They are curious as to how blacks can still to this day be a loving and kind and accepting people even after all this. It's like watching a bully picking on a kid for years and everpne is waiting for the kid to pop
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Just read that the Governor of SC will be pushing for the death penalty hard. That's for another discussion but I just found some of her comments on hate crimes a little ironic coming from the fact that they still proudly fly the treacherous Confederate flag on their capitol and still honor Confederate generals with street names...:rolleyes. Thought it was funny that she's speaking out against issues that she's lowkey complicit in :smh:.
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I also HATE that the college student who lost his mom forgave this white supremacist publicly. Black people gotta stop this **** man because I haven't seen one white person on the news condemning white people saying "we gotta do better as white people"

Even in horrific tragedy ******* negros gotta be on this ********
I agree. We need to finally stand up and put an end to this bs we're faced with on the daily. What in the hell did we even do to white people to have our men slain like dogs by police officers, and fools like this guy all throughout American history? We can't keep suppressing our true feelings when **** like this happens all too often. The last thing we need to do is to forgive these racist freaks who will kill us in an instant with no remorse. 
Just read that the Governor of SC will be pushing for the death penalty hard. That's for another discussion but I just found some of her comments on hate crimes a little ironic coming from the fact that they still proudly fly the treacherous Confederate flag on their capitol and still honor Confederate generals with street names...
. Thought it was funny that she's speaking out against issues that she's lowkey complicit in
All of them (politicians) are complicit by way of institutional racism. 
Although the US & SC state flags are at half mast, the conferderate flag has not been lowered... The general assembly must vote approval...
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