Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

If the media doesn't pay more attention to these racist organizations instead of ISIS - since this is a domestic issue - then you know something sinister is going on. 

We get fed stories about terrorist organizations worldwide, but hardly get the coverage needed for what's going on right here at home. 

I'd like more information on Roof's family, and with that said, the judge saying they need sympathy? 


It's real out here.
I think they were following in MJG's footsteps.

Burning it while also wearing it like a jacket. There was an interview back around that time addressing why they used that cover, and Lil' Jon didn't say anything much different from how Kanye addressed it.
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If the media doesn't pay more attention to these racist organizations instead of ISIS - since this is a domestic issue - then you know something sinister is going on. 

We get fed stories about terrorist organizations worldwide, but hardly get the coverage needed for what's going on right here at home. 

I'd like more information on Roof's family, and with that said, the judge saying they need sympathy? 


It's real out here.
[h1]The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat[/h1]
growing right wing terror threat? Lol. It's been grown... How else could the OKC bombing have taken place? I still don't understand how the media at large & the avg joe think that got done by 2 dudes...
growing right wing terror threat? Lol. It's been grown... How else could the OKC bombing have taken place? I still don't understand how the media at large & the avg joe think that got done by 2 dudes...
it's something that's been there for a while now, but it also has increased
If the media doesn't pay more attention to these racist organizations instead of ISIS - since this is a domestic issue - then you know something sinister is going on. 

We get fed stories about terrorist organizations worldwide, but hardly get the coverage needed for what's going on right here at home. 

I'd like more information on Roof's family, and with that said, the judge saying they need sympathy? 


It's real out here.

Or ISIS is a sexier story? Especially cable news. It's about ratings.

Plus trayvon and mike browm were given mass amounts of time. That white girl murdered in aruba, Caitlin Jenner, octomom. It's more about making money than promotimg systematic oppression. You have courts and laws for that.

If americans really don't care about the black plight then why would a neews organization spend so much time on it? Clicks, ratings, tweets, and cash.
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nah it's way more than just ratings. "just ratings" is a cop out. it's way bigger than that

all of the major media outlets have ex governmental employees working for them dispensing the news wholesale on behalf of bigger interests - corporate & think tanks composed of even more people who have something to do with agencies who drive policy. that's out in the open. imagine the many other workers in media who are quietly getting checks from three-lettered agencies to drive public opinion
that's not even tin foil hat type stuff.

media drives culture, political discourse, public opinion
just cause they throw people a bone by covering stuff like trayvon or mike brown don't mean a thing. look how that ended up - black people were vilified. protesters became these ruthless thugs rioting and causing mass hysteria to the fabric of the democracy
Anyone notice how every time black people speak out against injustice, Uneducated racist people use the "but black people do it too" excuse ?

I'm reading this back and forth on Tumblr about the flag. And this guy's argument is a bunch of pics of black people holding the flag (mostly rappers) and "southern pride" :lol: what an idiot
racists want to drive the narrative. they want to be the judges of what is racist and what isn't while at the same time labeling others as racist because they're left out of the conversation

you often hear nonsense like: "you're the real racist because you're always bringing up race"

like if you don't bring up racism all of a sudden it's not there anymore and it ceases to exist. no more problems for people of color because the mainstream has decided it for you that racism isn't a valid argument. FOH
that's not even tin foil hat type stuff.

media drives culture, political discourse, public opinion

I just don't think you can do anything about the media. You have a better chance at changing the politicians, judges, laws etc even though that's extremely difficult if not nearly imposible as well.

Media is more a reflection of the public interest. Rush can't get those great ratings without people believing certain things already.
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i said this earlier, but if you're white and consider yourself as an ally of people who are calling out racism, you either have to be up at the front making noise for that cause. if you ain't that person you need to at the very least just keep your mouth shut, listen to their grievances and let them lead the way. no picking and choosing here. you don't get to criticize and tell people who are being subject to ill treatment how to go about their business while at the same time patting yourself on the back for having participated in a single sidewalk protest and then gone home to your safe surroundings
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Burning it while also wearing it like a jacket. There was an interview back around that time addressing why they used that cover, and Lil' Jon didn't say anything much different from how Kanye addressed it.

Oh damn didn't see the one he was wearing lol. They tripping
Until the Government denounces white supremacy  and its extending reach on all people of color in this society, then incidents like this will continue unabated. 

There needs to be a governmental acknowledgement of institutional racism in this country. 

Affirmative Action was a step, but even that's under attack. 

Never gonna happen.
Yeah I don't agree w Kanye take in the confed flag. Like I get it, but I feel like that's something you just don't even **** with.
Then Affirmative Action is deemed unconstitutional. 

How can you not acknowledge institutional racism, and then on top of that say Affirmative Action should be rid of? 

The us govt will never aknowledge what is ultimately their wrong doing. What we need is for the people to stop externalizing power to the govt by asking them to do things for us when they don't have our best interest at heart. The people are the ones who need to aknowledge governments role in white supremacy and to denounce the system as a whole. We still have masses of ignorant folks feeding the machine which is exactly what it's designed for. We need to empower ourselves and stop participating in a broken corrupt system. For those who believe in government let them have it. The ideologies shouldn't be forced on all of us.
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Good points. 

The only thing left is an all out onslaught against the people in the know. Because the people aware are not going to submit as easily. Times are serious out here. It's either the system is demolished, and built from the ground up for inclusion of all people, or this **** will have to crash eventually.  

This type of imbalance with one group as a majority exploiting minorities for votes to enrich a racist system will have to end soon. 

I don't know how the demise is going to come about, but I can't imagine another 200 years with this being the norm. 
The harsh realities of the system drove a couple of families I know off grid, to break away from the system as much as possible. If you depend on the beast, you are feeding the beast.
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