Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

I was just wondering man, like, how could the people who lost loved ones in the shootings ever go back to believing in God? I mean seriously. How can God allow that to happen to people who went to HIS place of worship? It's mind boggling to me man. And I grew up in the church/Christian.
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Ta-Nehisi Coates  ‏@tanehisicoates   5h5 hours ago

Very few people called on Americans to "forgive"Al Qaeda.

Ta-Nehisi Coates  ‏@tanehisicoates   5h5 hours ago

So the divine call for "forgiveness" and "love" is selective. And tends to fall hardest on certain people.

Ta-Nehisi Coates  ‏@tanehisicoates   5h5 hours ago

Can't remember any grand campaign to "love" and "forgive" in the wake of ISIS beheadings.

Shaun King  ‏@ShaunKing   50m50 minutes ago

The urgent push for black forgiveness of white violence, which whites don't do for terrorists has its roots in the fear of a black rebellion
Here you have an incident where these supremacists are trying to incite a race war..... And dudes still making posts about how white people fear a black "rebellion" lol.
Until the Government denounces white supremacy  and its extending reach on all people of color in this society, then incidents like this will continue unabated. 

There needs to be a governmental acknowledgement of institutional racism in this country. 

Affirmative Action was a step, but even that's under attack. 
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I was just wondering man, like, how could the people who lost loved ones in the shootings ever go back to believing in God? I mean seriously. How can God allow that to happen to people who went to HIS place of worship? It's mind boggling to me man. And I grew up in the church/Christian.

I don't want to get in a religious debate because Lord knows I'm not as well versed as I should be, or as well versed as the people against religion are but as cliche as it sounds, everything happens for a reason. if you believe in the God that Christians believe in, and you believe that He has all of the power and knowledge that the bible says He does then He's got far more understanding of what's going on in the big picture than we do. Being a christian doesn't make you bullet proof. But yea not trying to tell you what to believe but since you were raised in it and whether you believe it or not if you understand what and who Christians believe God is then you should understand why they still believe in God.
Everything happens for a reason huh? Hard to believe that this scums act is boiled down to something so simple.
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Would like Barack to speak on the flag and do what ever he could to help bring it down.... but I doubt he will.
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For y'all dudes in interracial relationships how does your girl take the news right now? 
She fears me not coming home everyday.
Being that she is Filipino/German, she'has fair complexion but I've heard stories from her mom about how dark skin Filipinos are treated. Even one of my close homeboys back in the Bay has seen his fai share of racism, most people think he is Mexican or of Hispanic descent( which they acknowledge but that's a whole another topic). But she really never faced racism until we met. She's seen how some cops have treated me, heard the comments from both whites and Asians when we are out, so she is woke. I have a ton of books ranging from Malcolm to Assata and she has read them all being that she is on maternity leave. I found her crying one day because she learned about Black Wall Street and Tuskegee. She never knew about this because schools don't teach us anything but slavery. My father in law is German( trust when I say I've had my fair share of run ins with white people that has turned my heart cold towards them) but he is the most loving man I have ever met and he truly worries for my safety. He just doesn't understand the hate. We have had long discussions about it and he didn't know certain things as well.
I truly cut for him, even if I got divorced, he's my guy.
I will teach my daughter about all three of her heritages( I'm even reading on Filipino culture and learning Tagalog) so she can't be out here lost. I need her to be better then me.
I need her to know her history and to question the system so she can change it somehow but white sumpremacy is so deeply root all over the world.
Just makes me sad and angry at the same damn time.
She fears me not coming home everyday.
Being that she is Filipino/German, she'has fair complexion but I've heard stories from her mom about how dark skin Filipinos are treated. Even one of my close homeboys back in the Bay has seen his fai share of racism, most people think he is Mexican or of Hispanic descent( which they acknowledge but that's a whole another topic). But she really never faced racism until we met. She's seen how some cops have treated me, heard the comments from both whites and Asians when we are out, so she is woke. I have a ton of books ranging from Malcolm to Assata and she has read them all being that she is on maternity leave. I found her crying one day because she learned about Black Wall Street and Tuskegee. She never knew about this because schools don't teach us anything but slavery. My father in law is German( trust when I say I've had my fair share of run ins with white people that has turned my heart cold towards them) but he is the most loving man I have ever met and he truly worries for my safety. He just doesn't understand the hate. We have had long discussions about it and he didn't know certain things as well.
I truly cut for him, even if I got divorced, he's my guy.
I will teach my daughter about all three of her heritages( I'm even reading on Filipino culture and learning Tagalog) so she can't be out here lost. I need her to be better then me.
I need her to know her history and to question the system so she can change it somehow but white sumpremacy is so deeply root all over the world.
Just makes me sad and angry at the same damn time.
That's real....

The best thing we can do is learn about history outside of that taught in school. Out of reps right now. 
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Someone school me on Kanye's use of the confederate flag for his Yeezus shirts...
Until the Government denounces white supremacy  and its extending reach on all people of color in this society, then incidents like this will continue unabated. 

There needs to be a governmental acknowledgement of institutional racism in this country. 

Affirmative Action was a step, but even that's under attack. 
politicians want to talk about the need for harsher gun laws, but avoid talking about the racism, which leads people to act out like this

harsher gun laws ain't gonna get rid of the racists making policies against people of color.

and the very thing is that stricter gun laws disproportionately affect black communities, by allowing militarized police even more leeway to raid them and do as they please.
I've said it before & I'll say it again. That flag is a symbol of terrorism & treason. Imagine if there were regions in Germany that flew the nazi flag in celebration of German heritage?

I think I saw a headline saying Bush & Romney were calling for the removal of the flag. Perhaps these terrible deaths will at least be the catalyst for the removal of such a hateful symbol.


Funny how news outlets are now referring to the flag as dixie to make it seem less threatening.

jjs07 jjs07 -
the powers that be will send police into black neighborhoods to sniff out the guns, but not say a damn word to the NRA

makes me so mad
Thanks Kimchi Papi Kimchi Papi

I googled it as well...

“React how you want. Any energy you got is good energy. You know the confederate flag represented slavery in a way -- that's my abstract take on what I know about it. So I made the song ‘New Slaves.’ So I took the Confederate flag and made it my flag. It's my flag now. Now what are you going to do?”

I understand the thought process of reappropriating it in some artistic way, but he swung & missed on that one...

It's like the swastika, it was long a religious sysmbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, & Jainism (gammadion or manage cross) but it's been forever ruined by the nazi affiliation.
Yea Kanye missed huge on that, as did Pastor Troy in his "This Tha City" video and Lil Jon on his album cover

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No black person should have anything to do with a confederate flag no matter how much it's rationalized.
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